Every dedicated aquarium keeper comes across situations that throw up questions. Some of these are answered quickly, or clarified by the numerous content offerings, but unfortunately not every question. That’s why we’re giving you an opportunity to ask your questions.
Posez-nous votre question technique et avec l’aide de notre équipe d’experts, nous y répondrons dans les commentaires.
Did you know?
You’ll already find plenty of answers and detailed knowledge in the Themeworld Aquarium along with numerous pictures and videos. Have a look here: Aquarium
The respective products pages also provide a lot of additional information about each product’s use. You’ll also find a lot of knowledge packed in FAQ or special blog posts and videos here: Produits & Boutique
Voici la marche à suivre :
- Se connecter / S’inscrire
- Poser la question dans les commentaires
- Attendre la réponse
Note: Please do not ask any questions about a JBL product or order, as these are processed by our Customer Service Center. This series of articles is designed to support your interest in aquaristics.