Vienna - Haus des Meeres

As we mentioned in the last blog, our JBL marketing team visited the Haus des Meeres in August 2021 for the filming of the new JBL TV episodes. However, the following post is not about the filming of JBL TV, but is entirely dedicated to the Aqua Terra Zoo " Haus des Meeres".

The zoo building is an old flak tower from the Second World War with a height of about 50m. From the outside it looks pretty unimpressive, but once you have entered the building it’s amazing!

Over 10,000 animals live here on 11 floors and an area of approx. 5,000m². You can see lots of freshwater and marine fish, turtles, sharks, lizards, snakes, crocodiles, monkeys and much more! In the tropical house it’s like you’re moving around in the middle of the jungle, with no glass between the people and the animals and the animals running around freely! Other absolute highlights are the 2-storey shark tank, which holds 300,000 litres, or the impressive "Tunnel Aquarium". Here you can walk through the entire tank and get an 360° view of the underwater world! 

There really is something for everyone! Since pictures say more than words, take a look at the following gallery to get your own impression:

And if you ever spend a few days in Vienna, don't forget to visit the Haus des Meeres. It's worth it!

Last but not least, a big thank you to Mag. Michael Köck (curator for freshwater) and Dr. Mag. Daniel Abed-Navandi (curator for marine aquarium). They were the contact persons for the JBL team, ready to fill us in on every little detail of every aquarium.

© 28.01.2022
Moritz Schrobenhauser
Moritz Schrobenhauser

Online Marketing, E-Commerce

Обо мне: Tauchen, Aquaristik, Handball


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