Useful technical equipment for your pond

Support for your pond

Our wishes aside, it’s very hard to run a pond as a natural biotope without any technical support! That’s why we have these useful pond devices to simplify or make maintenance possible in the first place.

Filtros de lagos de jardim

A useful investment

There is no question that pond filters help you to keep the pond clean and clear. There are incredible numbers of different pond filters. Their most important criteria: It ought to be large enough! The strongest pump is useless if the filter volume is so small that it is completely soiled every couple of days. Please make sure when you buy a filter that its filter volume and the pump performance suit your pond volume. You can most easily and precisely determine this with the Laboratório/calculadora para lagos .

The UV-C water clarifier

For clear water with few germs

In addition to filtering a UV-C water clarifier ( JBL PROCRISTAL UV-C Compact plus 36 W ) will help you to keep your pond water low on germs and to prevent floating algae (green water) without anti-algae agents. When using a new pond filter or after a full clean a UV-C water clarifier should be installed behind the filter to prevent the bacterial settlement in the filter. Otherwise the installation IN FRONT OF the filter is useful to catch the dead bacteria, fungi, germs and floating algae directly afterwards in the filter and to remove them during the cleaning process from the water circuit. When using a UV-C water clarifier, it is always important to adjust the water flow rate to the strength of the UV-C water clarifier! If the pump output is too high, the water will flow past the germ-killing UV-C radiation too quickly without being sufficiently “sterilised." It is therefore essential that you adhere to the recommended pump outputs for their respective wattages:


Air bubbles against oxygen depletion

Air stones for aeration: The oxygen content decreases in winter and midsummer. Then aeration is not only useful but highly advisable! You will need an air pump, a hose and ideally a floater to prevent the air stone from hanging at a depth where it could mix the water layers. JBL offers this as a complete kit under the name JBL Kit PondOxi .

In winter strong aeration prevents parts of your pond from freezing, especially when the aeration is combined with an ice preventer, made of styrofoam.

Useful decoration

Spluttering and spouting for a good cause

Waterspouts and water fountains are a good thing in principle: They enrich your pond water with oxygen. They often enhance the garden pond area and people like the splashing sounds.

Watercourse and waterfall

Space-consuming, but enormously useful

Watercourse/waterfall: A watercourse with small or larger waterfalls gives you the perfect opportunity to increase the oxygen content of the water and they offer plenty of living space for pollutant-degrading bacteria. The pump output required for this purpose depends on the height and width of the watercourse.

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