Interzoo 2016 – JBL ProFlora CO2 fertiliser systems now even better

For the last few days we have been telling you about some of the great JBL product innovations seen at the Interzoo 2016, which are of interest for aquarists. ProHaru and ProCristal are the keywords behind the special adhesive solutions, the new UV high-performance water clarifiers and the internal mini filter for crystal-clear water.

The new ProFlora CO2 fertiliser system is the last great innovation we presented at the world's leading trade fair, and it too is even better than its predecessor model. We would like to briefly explain why this is so:

It can now be mounted without tools (thanks to a new knurled nut at the pressure regulator), has an attractive design thanks to its silver safety cage and the new key component is a pH computer, which, along with its modern white design, has a touchpad! The solenoid valve, previously installed in the control unit, has been “cored”, so that an aquarium owner who already has a CO2 system with a solenoid valve still can use it. The environment has also been taken into account. Not only have we reduced the packaging size, which means less packaging material, we have also made the layout and the information on the packaging both clear and comprehensive. That way you know before before the purchase exactly what you are getting.

We have summarised the most important facts, in order to give you an outline of the most important products in this range. This way you’ll be able to recognise the differences and advantages of the individual items at a glance.

The pH-Controller with Touch Display

The JBL PROFLORA pH-Control Touch is a measuring / steering computer to control the CO2 / pH values in the aquarium. It automatically regulates the pH value with the CO2 supply and monitors the temperature in the water. The settings can be checked and adapted easily and quickly with the coloured touch display. The enclosed removable mounting bar is intended for wall mounting. It is possible to measure the pH value with the separately available JBL ProFlora czujnik pH (replace every two years). On the display you can see the set target value and the actual pH value. Using these the monitor automatically calculates the supply of the CO2 required. An additional alarm function protects your aquarium against unwanted problems.

New is now that the pH electrode is also part of the set, along with the calibration solution, the storage solution and the protective cap and is available under the name JBL PROFLORA czujnik pH+Cal .

Bardzo wydajny bezpośredni dyfuzor do CO₂

An invisible CO2 supply in the aquarium? The high-performance direct diffuser JBL PROFLORA Direct is directly integrated inside the hose coming from the external filter, and therefore can’t be seen in the aquarium. This way you achieve an economical and direct plant fertilisation with CO2. The especially effective diaphragm for the CO2 diffusion, made of macromolecular PE material, means you achieve a 20 % saving of CO2 consumption compared to conventional diffusers. The integrated backflow stop provides additional safety. This prevents the water backflow into the CO2 system. The integrated bubble counter enables the fast monitoring and exact adjustment of the bubble count for precise dosing.

As time passes the diaphragm ages, calcifies and thus doesn’t supply the desired bubble formation. Therefore we recommend you change the JBL PROFLORA Direct Membrane 12/16,16/22,19/25 once a year. The set consists of the PE diaphragm and 2 seal rings, which can be replaced in the JBL PROFLORA Direct in only a few simple steps. The diaphragm creates the finest imaginable atomization of CO2 in the diffuser. As centrepiece of the product it needs to work effectively. This ensures the highest demands on the macromolecular PE material are met.

CO2 Plant Fertiliser Systems with Disposable Bottle

The CO2 Plant fertiliser system with a disposable bottle is available in two versions. The difference lies in the night switch-off, which is installed in the JBL PROFLORA u502 . Those who prefer a permanent CO2 system without night switch-off can choose the JBL PROFLORA u501 . Of course the night switch-off JBL PROFLORA v002 can be attached to the system at a later date.

With both kits you achieve the ideal CO2 supply for fast and slow growing plants for aquariums up to 400 l ( JBL PROFLORA u501 ) and up to 600 l ( JBL PROFLORA u502 ). You will see a visible improvement through thriving plant growth, and therefore less algae, within a few weeks. The precise CO2 dosing using a pressure reducer is possible and allows the reading of the residual pressure of the CO2 cylinder at the pressure gauges. You can achieve your ideal CO2 supply with the extendable diffuser Taifun.

The bubble counter with integrated check valve ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 Count Safe ) allows the control of the CO2 amount and prevents the water backflow into the system. The disposable CO2 cylinder ( JBL PROFLORA u500 ) provides 500 g pure CO2. Nuts prevent the hoses from slipping. Attached to the kits are 3 m JBL ProFlora T3 BLACK , the pressure reducer ( JBL PROFLORA v002 ), the diffuser ( JBL PROFLORA Taifun M ), the bubble counter ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 Count Safe ), the CO2 permanent test ( JBL CO2-pH-Permanent Test ), aquatic plant fertiliser JBL PROFLORA Ferropol and JBL PROFLORA Ferropol 24 and with the JBL PROFLORA u502 also the solenoid valve JBL PROFLORA v002 .

CO2 Plant Fertiliser Systems with Refillable Cylinder

The CO2 plant fertiliser systems with refillable cylinder are available in four versions for aquariums from 20 – 1000 l. They are, like the other kits, always complete kits which allow an immediate start in just a few steps. CO2 fertiliser systems are an important component for the ideal feed of plants in freshwater aquariums. Thus even delicate plants attain thriving growth and the red plants show rich colours. You will see a visible improvement in thriving plant growth, and therefore less algae, within a few weeks.

The assembly of the CO2 system is simple. A separate water pump is not required. All pressure cylinders are TÜV tested and equipped with an overpressure relief. An additional stand ensures a stable position for the 500 g cylinder. Hose screw connections prevent the hoses from slipping. To each kit a bubble counter with integrated backflow stop ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 Count Safe ) and a JBL CO2-pH-Permanent Test is attached. The CO2 diffusers ( JBL PROFLORA Taifun M ) can be extended and thus be adapted in accordance with the aquarium height. The residual pressure can be read on the pressure gauges at the enclosed JBL PROFLORA m001 . Attached in addition to each kit are 3m JBL PROFLORA T3 and the aquatic plant fertiliser JBL PROFLORA Ferropol and JBL PROFLORA Ferropol 24 .

We have summarized the features of each kit for you:

JBL PROFLORA m501 : complete kit CO2 refillable plant fertiliser system incl. refillable 500 g cylinder. Effective CO2 distribution through extendable diffuser (190 mm starting height). For aquariums up to 400 l.

JBL PROFLORA m502 : CO2 plant fertiliser system (refillable) with night switch-off incl. refillable 500 g cylinder. Effective CO2 distribution through extendable diffuser (270 mm starting height). For aquariums up to 600 l.

JBL PROFLORA m503 : CO2 plant fertiliser system (refillable) with pH computer incl. refillable 500 g cylinder. The optimal feed of plants is achieved thanks to pH control. Effective CO2 distribution through extendable diffuser (270 mm starting height). For aquariums up to 600 l.

JBL PROFLORA m2003 : CO2 plant fertiliser system (refillable) with pH computer incl. refillable 2000 g cylinder. An ideal plant feeding is achieved thanks to pH control. Effective CO2 distribution through extendable diffuser (430 mm starting height). For aquariums up to 1000 l.

Bio-CO2 Plant Fertiliser Systems

The perfect entry into the world of CO2 fertilisation. You will see a visible improvement in thriving plant growth, and therefore less algae, within a few weeks. Even sensitive plants grow visibly better. The installation is child’s play and completed within a few minutes. The system supplies an aquarium of 30 – 160 l with the plant basis nutrient carbon dioxide (CO2) for about 40 days. It depends on the carbonate hardness of the aquarium water which aquariums can be adequately supplied with the ProFlora bio-CO2. The following table gives you an indication:

KH 2 4 6 8 10
JBL ProFlora® Bio 80 eco 80 l 60 l 50 l 40 l 30 L
JBL ProFlora® Bio 80 80 l 60 l 50 l 40 l 30 L
JBL ProFlora® Bio 160 160 l 130 l 110 l 80 l 50 l

The bio-components ( JBL PROFLORA BioRefill ) can be purchased individually and activate the system for a further 40 days.

We have summarized the features of each kit for you:

JBL PROFLORA Bio80 eco : reasonably priced bio-Co2 kit for aquariums from 30-80 l

JBL PROFLORA Bio80 : bio-CO2 kit with professional mini diffuser ( JBL PROFLORA Taifun P ) for loss-free CO2 enrichment of the water in aquariums from 30-80 l

JBL PROFLORA Bio160 : professional bio-CO2 kit with extendable diffuser ( JBL PROFLORA Taifun S ) and thermal jacket for the reaction vessel for a fast and loss-free CO2 enrichment of the water in aquariums from 50-160 l.

The ProFlora bio-CO2 kits contain: A reaction vessel ( JBL PROFLORA Bio160 with thermal jacket), the bio-components JBL PROFLORA BioRefill for the activation, a CO2 diffuser , 2 m CO2 hose and a backflow stop (not included in JBL PROFLORA Bio80 eco ).

You can find more accessories for the new JBL ProFlora CO2 product range, such as the CO2 diffuser Taifun, special CO2 hoses, the bubble counters and check valves, CO2 cylinders and other components here: PROFLORA CO2-Pielęgnacja roślin

© 15.06.2016
Matthias Wiesensee
Matthias Wiesensee
M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik

Social Media, Online Marketing, Homepage, Kundenservice, Problemlöser, Fotografie, Blogger, Tauchen, Inlineskating, Aquaristik, Gartenteich, Reisen, Technik, Elektronische Musik

O mnie: Seit Teenagerzeiten mit Aquarien in Kontakt. Klassische Fischaquarien, reine Pflanzenaquarien bis hin zum Aquascape. Aber auch ein Gartenteich und Riffaquarien begleiten mich privat im Hobby. Als Wirtschaftsinformatiker, M.Sc. bin ich als Online Marketing Manager bei JBL für die Bereiche Social Media, Webentwicklung und der Kommunikation mit dem Anwender der JBL Produkte zuständig und kenne die JBL Produkte im Detail.


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