Second video on ornamental fish nutrition: What’s important when producing food? Why aren’t there any 100 % spirulina foods? What does species-appropriate nutrition mean for characins, barbels, livebearing toothcarps such as guppies and mollies, labyrinth fish and killifish? How do we differentiate the diets of crayfish and shrimps? What do these groups of fish eat in their natural habitats and how can we feed them ideally in the aquarium? This video addresses all these questions.
Find out more about fish nutrition here: Visverzorging en Visverzorging
Find all the JBL PRONOVO products for the community aquarium here: GEZELSCHAPSAQUARIUM
Find all the JBL PRONOVO products for the species aquarium here: GEMENGD AQUARIUM
Find all the PRONOVO natural foods here: NATUURVOEDING