JBL Expeditions: Water analyses worldwide 2002-2019

For more than 20 years now, we have been conducting expeditions almost every year and have been able to gather valuable knowledge about the waters from which our ornamental fish come. On our expeditions we have carried out numerous tests to gain a more precise understanding of the conditions under which our aquarium fish live in the wild. In this post we have summarised all our measured water values. From one of our first expeditions to Sri Lanka and the Maldives in 2004 to the Japan Expedition in 2019.

JBL Expedition 2002 Sri Lanka and Maldives

Sri Lanka (freshwater biotope)

Attanagalu Oya Puwakpitiya Oya Aberdeen Falls Black River Hatton Oya
Time /temp. (°C) 12:30/28.7 09:00/23 15:00/23
pH 6.05 6.45 7.4 6.05 7.4
GH (°dGH) 3 3
KH (°dKH) 3 2
O2 (mg/l) >10 6
Fe (mg/l) 0.6 0.1 0.75 0.7
EC (μS/cm) 20 75 50

Maya Tila/Maldives (marine water)

Depth 5 m 10 m 15 m 20 m 25 m
Temp. (°C) 28,2 28 28 27.8 28
pH 8,2 8,2 8.5 8.1 8,2
KH (°dKH) 8 8 8 8 8
Ca (mg/l) 380 440 360 480 460
Mg (mg/l) 1220 1060 1240 1320 1160
O2 (mg/l) 7 7 7 7 7

Read more about the expedition here:  Expeditie 2002 Sri Lanka & Maldiven

JBL Expedition 2004 French Guiana & Caribbean

Caribbean (marine water)

Saba Sint Eustatius (Statia)
Temp. (°C) 29.4 28
pH 8,2 8,2
KH (°dKH) 10 9
Ca (mg/l) 460 440
Mg (mg/l) 1240 1360
LW (mS/cm) 53.4

French Guiana (freshwater biotopes)

Crique Gabrielle Crique Bagot Pain de sucre
Temp. (°C) 27 25.5 23.9
pH 6,3 6.5 5.5
GH (°dGH) 1
KH (°dKH) 2 3
Fe (mg/l) 0.6 0.3 0.2
EC (μS/cm) 31 23 22

Read more about the expedition here:  Expeditie 2004 Frans Guyana & Caribisch Gebied

JBL Expedition 2005 Red Sea

Marsa Shagra/Red Sea (marine water)

Inner reef Outer reef Dolphinhouse
Temp. (°C) 25.3 24.8 24.7
pH 8.1 8.17 8.13
KH (°dKH) 8 8 8
Ca (mg/l) 448 467 457
Mg (mg/l) 1360 1281 1277
O2 (mg/l) 8 8 8

Read more about the expedition here: Workshop Rode Zee

JBL Expedition 2007 Philippines

Apo Island/Philippines (marine water)

Depth 0 m 3 m 10 m 20 m 30 m
Temp. (°C) 29 29 26 25 24
pH 8.35/8.2 8.29/8.2 8.30/8.2 8.25/8.2 8.22/8.2
KH (°dKH) 7 7 7 7 7
Ca (mg/l) 400 400 400 410 420
Mg (mg/l) 1500 1500 1500 1700 1800
O2 (mg/l) 5.0/5.0 5.2/6.0 5.2/5.0 5.0/5.0 5.0/4.5
EC (mS/cm) 49.3 49.2 49.5 49.6 49.7

Philippines (fresh water)

Temp. (°C) 25
pH 7.5
GH (°dGH) 4
KH (°dKH) 2
NO3 (mg/l)
PO4 (mg/l)

Read more about the expedition here: Workshop Filippijnen

JBL Expedition 2009 Brazil

Amazonia (freshwater biotopes)

Rio Negro Barcelos Rio Branco Rio Jauaperi Cayman Lake Rio Negro Manaus Rio Negro-Solimoes Solimoes Piranha lake Nobres
Water type Black White Clear Clear Black Mix White Clear
Temp. (°C) 30.3 30 26.3 27.8 28.9 28 27.9 28.9
pH 4.5 6.5 4.5 6.01 5.16 5.5 6.5 7.31
KH (°dKH) 1,5 2 11
O2 (mg/l) 72.4 60 33 49 41
EC (μS/cm) 16 19 8 12 10 83 388

Read more about the expedition here: Expeditie Brazilië

JBL Expedition Tanzania 2010 (Zanzibar, Kigoma/Lake Tanganyika)

Zanzibar (marine water)

Zanzibar Nungwi
Temp. (°C) 29 29.3
pH 8,2 8.3
KH (°dKH) 6 8
Ca (mg/l) 380 420
Mg (mg/l) 1300 1180
EC (mS/cm) 51.7 51.6

Kigoma/Lake Tanganyika (freshwater)

Depth 0 m 10 m 20 m
Temp. (°C) 29.3 29 26
pH 8.9 8.8 >9
GH (°dGH) 10 11 11
KH (°dKH) 18 17 16
O2 (mg/l) 8 8 8
EC (mS/cm) 644 690

Read more about the expedition here: Workshop Tanzania

JBL Expedition 2012 Central America and Galapagos

Caribbean (marine water)

Playa del Carmen Bartolomé Island
Temp. (°C) 26 27
pH 8.1 7.8/8.5
KH (°dKH) 9 6
Ca (mg/l) 500 360
Mg (mg/l) 1100 1140
EC (mS/cm) 53.5 47.6

Central America (freshwater)

Ponderosa Cenote Grande Cenote Nicaragua Lake Rio Papaturro Chira / Mangroves
Temp. (°C) 25,4 25.5 28 25.8 29.2
pH 6.97 7.4 8.8 6.92 7.8
KH (°dKH) 0-1 17 4 3 7
GH (°dGH) 30 4 4
Fe (mg/l) 0,02 0,02 0,02 1
EC (μS/cm) 8.18 3500 219 127 46.7

Read more about the expedition here: Expeditie Midden Amerika & Galapagos

JBL Expedition Vietnam 2013

Na Thrang (marine water)

Hon Mun West Hon Mun North
Temp. (°C) 28.8 29,6
pH 8,2 8
KH (°dKH) 8 6
Ca (mg/l) 420 440
Mg (mg/l) 1400 1440
EC (mS/cm) 50.8 50.8

Na Thrang (freshwater biotopes)

Hon Ba region Ba Ho river Ba Ho waterfall below Ba Ho waterfall middle Ba Ho waterfall top
Temp. (°C) 28 28-29 28.7 28.5 29.5
pH 6.4 6.6-6.7 7.2 6.8 7.8
KH (°dKH) 1 1 4 7
GH (°dGH) 1 9
Fe 0.03 0.3 0.05 0.05 0.05
EC (μS/cm) 37 53 136 84

Read more about the expedition here: Workshop 2013

JBL Expedition 2015: California, South Pacific & Australia

California, South Seas, Australia (marine water)

Catalina Island Moorea Great Barrier Reef
Temp. (°C) 22 26 27
pH 8 7,6 8.0-8.2
KH (°dKH) 9 7 5
Ca (mg/l) 360 380 400
Mg (mg/l) 1084 1160 1160
Dichtheid 1.0235 1.0235 1.0243

Australia (freshwater biotopes)

Ormiston Gorge Kathleen Springs Babinda Creek
Temp. (°C) 25 24 24
pH 2 >15 2
KH (°dKH) 6 5 2
GH (°dGH) 3 6 2
O2 (mg/l) 6 6 6
EC (μS/cm) 343 539 44

Read more about the expedition here: Preview expeditie Californië, Stille Oceaan & Australië

JBL Expedition Venezuela 2016


Hauna=Lily Camp Riverbank Eco Camp Riverbank Narrow river Riverbank Riverbank Cattle trough
Temp. (°C) 27.8 28 29 27 28,3 28.4 28.6 33
pH 4.5 6 6,2 6 6 7.2
KH (°dKH) 2 1 2 2 2.0 2 8
GH (°dGH) 28 21 1 2 2 0.25 0.25 3
O2 (mg/l) 8 10 6 8-10 10
EC (μS/cm) 67 97 71 75 77 386


Temp. (°C) 28
pH 5
KH (°dKH)
GH (°dGH)
O2 (mg/l) 8
EC (μS/cm) 9

Read more about the expedition here: Expeditie 2016 Venezuela

JBL Expedition Indian Ocean 2018 (Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles)

Marine water

Madagascar Nosy Be Mauritius Seychelles La Digue
Temp. (°C) 30.7 27.7 30
pH 8,2 8,2 8.3
KH (°dKH) 8 8 9
Ca (mg/l) 460 460 380
Mg (mg/l) 1340 1220 1400
EC (mS/cm) 53.1 53.7 53.9

Brackish water

Seychelles La Digue
Temp. (°C) 30
pH 8
KH (°dKH) 6.5
Ca (mg/l) 400
Mg (mg/l) 1400
EC (μS/cm) 38


Madagascar Matsinjo
Temp. (°C) 20
pH 6.5
KH (°dKH)
GH (°dGH)
Fe (mg/l) 0.1
EC (μS/cm) 19

Read more about the expedition here: Expeditie Indische Oceaan

JBL Expedition Japan 2019

Niigata/Ojiya - Koi ponds (freshwater)

Yamamatsu Koi Farm Yamasan Mud Pond Kaneko Indoor Pond
Temp. (°C) 18.1 19.8
pH 7 8,2 7.4
KH (°dKH) 2 1 5
GH (°dGH) 2 1 15
EC (μS/cm) 151 92 922

Iriomote/Ryukyu Islands (freshwater)

Ku-Ra waterfall Modama mini lake Urauchi River
Temp. (°C) 24.3 22.2 23.5
pH 7 8,2 7.8
KH (°dKH) 2 2 1,5
GH (°dGH) 2 2 1,5
EC (μS/cm) 175 156 102

Ryukyu Islands (marine water)

Temp. (°C) 26.6
pH 8,2
KH (°dKH) 5,5
Ca (mg/l) 440
Mg (mg/l) 1360
EC (mS/cm) 50.7

Read more about the expedition here: Expeditie Japan

© 15.01.2023
Heiko Blessin
Heiko Blessin

Tauchen, Fotografie, Aquaristik, Haie, Motorrad


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