Insights from the JBL Expedition Colombia 2022 with Patrick Suiver

We’ve had the widest mix of people on the JBL expeditions: famous scientists like Dr. Stephan Koblmüller, with whom we rediscovered an extinct Haplochromis species; Dr. Erich Ritter, who taught us to communicate with sharks; actor and mime Rainer König, who got his barbels to spawn at home after observing the current in Vietnam, and many moreThis time we had Patrick Suiver from Oldenburg with us in Colombia. He is an up-and-coming influencer who gets people excited about fish and was himself inspired by the unique natural environments of South America.

We grabbed him for a little interview to find out a bit more about him and his channel!

Since when have you been active with your video channel?

I've been really active on my channel since March 2022. Some videos have already been published in advance, but the expedition was my main motivation to launch it. I thought: I'm sure many people will be interested in what we see there. For a lot of people, a trip like this is a dream.

So who is your target group?

My target group are aquarists and anyone interested in becoming an aquarist.  

What do you want to achieve with your channel?

With my channel I want to inspire people and show that our hobby, aquaristics is interesting and not too complicated if you just remember a couple of basic points.

What was your most impressive experience on the JBL Expedition in Colombia?

It's difficult to keep it short because there were so many beautiful moments. The first altums I saw (at Cano Bonito, part 1 of the videos) really impressed me.

Which destination would interest you?

Actually, all areas of aquaristic interest. The expedition managed to reawaken my "old love" for South American cichlids and inspire me again. Asia, (West & East) Africa, the other South American countries and the oceans contain very interesting biotopes & animals. If I could spontaneously choose one: Borneo/Sumatra

Patrick has recorded his insights from the Colombia expedition on his YouTube channel. Take a look! It's worth it!

Part 1 Cano Bonito:

Part 2 Atabapo:

Part 3 Santa Rosa/Cano Bocon:

Part 4 Atabapo main river:

Part 5 Hunting altums at night with local fish catchers

Interview with Heiko Blessin:

Interview with Daniel Konn-Vetterlein:

More videos of the expedition will appear - as long as they last - every Sunday on Patrick's YouTube channel. The next topic will be: The Ray Creek at Mavicure

© 26.04.2022
Heiko Blessin
Heiko Blessin

Tauchen, Fotografie, Aquaristik, Haie, Motorrad


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