You probably already know that JBL is active in many social media channels. For over 4 years we have been discussing, sharing contributions, supplying tips or answering questions and posting interesting pictures of animals or landscapes from the JBL expeditions. Of course we also draw attention to product innovations. But we want more. We want to make the answers to your questions available to other hobbyists too. Therefore in the future we will be using the JBL blog to answer the questions you send in, give insights into the JBL world and deal with other interesting topics for your aquarium, terrarium and garden pond. You and other community members will be able to interact by adding your own opinions or asking further questions.
We take the opportunity to take you behind the scenes at JBL at regular intervals, and we will focus on individual work areas and processes. This way you not only obtain an insight into the company but also glean valuable background knowledge about the development of JBL products.
Consider us knowledge partners in your hobby and send your questions for the JBL expert team to . From now on the JBL team will be posting, posting, posting. We look forward to your comments.