Ba Ho Waterfalls – stunning diversity of species

This day, too, promised lots of water, but not salty water from the ocean. Instead, the water from the Ba Ho waterfalls which drop into three pools and one river. An overwhelming sight! The water is very clear in many of the pools here. But we also found a few cloudy waters. We were able to find many species of fish while snorkelling. Many of these I haven’t even been able to find in the literature. Might they really be new species, which we have discovered?

First, we snorkelled in the pools and river under the waterfalls and explored the surrounding terrain. Later, we packed our belongings and set off for the top of the waterfalls. We had to climb a lot to reach the different levels. Narrow crevasses in the cliffs and large rocks proved to be difficult obstacles on the way up. We were able to cross the water by swimming. Walking along the edge of a deep gorge without any protection is definitely beyond exciting!

Unfortunately, we had to be back at the agreed meeting point late afternoon, as the busses were supposed to bring all the participants back to our accommodation. We wouldn’t have minded taking in the amazing views and impressions for a while longer. On the other hand, finding your way through the jungle in the dark is impossible without appropriate gear. in the evening, we are going to have a presentation on humic substances and their effect, and on the aquatic environment of Vietnam. First, though, we will get to fill our empty stomachs. Hai, who helped organise the workshop and manages an excellent restaurant in Germany, is a terrific cook. We are being treated royally here and served very many fantastic dishes. Nobody would have expected that. Hai has managed to hijack the hotel’s kitchen and has been cooking all the meals himself! So we even have our very own cook along.

© 08.05.2013 JBL GmbH & Co. KG

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