Coconut shells are ideal for decorating your aquarium. They are of natural origin and do not release any harmful substances into the aquarium water to endanger the life of your aquarium fish, invertebrates or aquarium plants. Many aquarium fish, such as long-whiskered catfish, loaches or dwarf cichlids, love coconut shells for sheltering or for spawning (laying eggs). The coconut shells are untreated and contain no artificial preservatives.
It is interesting to note that the coconut shells are not the real shells. These "brown shells" only envelop the white pulp inside the coconut. The entire coconut on the tree is always green and the outer green fibrous shell is first removed ("husked"), before any further processing. The coconut familiar to us is then revealed underneath, but still in a light beige colour. They are roasted over a fire or stored for a long time and only then do they turn brown.