Caters to the needs of reptiles and other terrarium animals
In their natural habitats, reptiles, amphibians and other animals that we care for in terrariums absorb their vital vitamins, minerals and trace elements through their food. While we try to achieve a natural diet in our terrarium care, we don't quite manage it. For example, when we feed feeder animals such as crickets or grasshoppers, these feeder animals do NOT come from the natural biotope of our terrarium animals and therefore do not provide their normal food! Often, for reasons of price, feeder animals receive no or only inferior food in contrast to nature. Therefore a food enrichment with JBL PROTERRA REPTILE FLUID is very helpful to give our pets the right vitamin dosage.
A good, well-known example are poison dart frogs, which lose their toxicity in captivity because certain ants are no longer available to them as food. This does not bother the frogs and we can even breed them safely in the terrarium, but they have simply lost the toxicity which came from their nutrition.