Healthy fish thanks to an ideal pH value
The acidity defines the pH value of the water. It needs to be constantly checked and adjusted as necessary to maintain the health of the fish and plants.
Technical information
Inc. temperature sensor, modern graphic display with touchpad, sensor check during each calibration, error diagnosis during failed calibration, permanent display: pH actual/set value, sensor voltage, temperature, calibration reminder in days/hours, valve status, precision of measurement, set point adjustment: freely selectable or automatic calculation by means of auto pH, automatic temperature compensation during measuring and calibration, hysteresis freely selectable (upper and lower deviation from switching point), alarm function pH (alarm range), alarm function temperature (range and set point alarm), selectable valve status, language selection: D/BG/F/NL/I/DK/E/P, reset function, universal power unit suitable for all common mains voltages worldwide
Why you need a pH control unit:
If you want to automate the CO2 supply, you can connect this CO2/pH computer (JBL PROFLORA CO2 CONTROL) instead of a timer for the night switch-off. You have to enter the carbonate hardness (KH) of your aquarium water once and then the computer calculates the matching pH value, which is adjusted by adding CO2. Then the computer regulates the solenoid valve and adds as much CO2 as necessary until the pH value calculated or wanted is reached. The solenoid valve is then closed and opened again so that the pH value remains stable. The pH measurement of the water is done via a pH electrode, which is NOT included in the set and needs to be purchased separately.This ensures that you do not receive an old electrode in the set, but always a factory-fresh one! It is also possible to enter a pH value manually instead of automatically, independently of the KH.