CO2 fertiliser system complete set with 2 pressure gauges, night switch-off and refillable cylinder for vigorous and beautiful aquarium plants

  • Ready-to-connect CO2 fertiliser system with solenoid valve for night switch-off. Provides the ideal supply for all aquarium plants in freshwater aquariums from 40 to 600 l while preventing algae
  • Simple assembly: screw the pressure reducer with its mounted solenoid valve onto the cylinder, connect the hose with the bubble counter/check valve and reactor. Plug the solenoid valve into the timer (not included), set the bubble count - done
  • Refillable storage cylinder. No hose slippage thanks to hose screw connections, check valve prevents water from entering the cylinder. Pressure gauges show cylinder and working pressure
  • The correct CO2 concentration in the aquarium water is checked via the display of the CO2/pH permanent test included and can be readjusted if required
  • Contents: 500g refillable CO2 cylinder & holder, pressure reducer + solenoid valve, 3m hose, bubble counter with check valve, TAIFUN CO2 reactor + extension set, CO2/pH permanent test with reagents, 2x plant fertiliser 100ml, 1x daily fertiliser 10ml
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Price: 354,44 €
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
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CO2 cylinder
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Product information

Nutrition for aquarium plants
Plants provide the aquarium with vital oxygen for your aquarium inhabitants, prevent algae growth, remove pollutants, provide hiding places and reduce pathogens. The JBL plant fertiliser system supplies the plants with the main nutrient CO2 through the water. The plants absorb this and convert it into sugar and oxygen in photosynthesis with the help of light.

Easy to install
The system comes completely ready to connect. Screw the pressure reducer onto the CO2 storage cylinder and connect it by hose to the bubble counter (incl. backflow protection) and then to the reactor in the aquarium. CO2 thus enters the aquarium and is dissolved in the water with the help of the reactor. The CO2 supply can be interrupted at night by the interposed solenoid valve (night switch-off). The CO2/pH Permanent Test permanently indicates the amount of CO2 dissolved in the water and can then be readjusted if necessary.

Thanks to the check valve no water can enter the cylinder. The capacity of a CO2 system depends on various factors. The carbonate hardness, the quantity and species of the plants and the strength of the water surface movement are decisive. A 500 g cylinder which is not switched off by a solenoid valve during the night lasts for about 4 months in its default setting. The reusable cylinders can be refilled in specialist shops.

Conversion from disposable to reusable cylinders and vice versa:
All JBL CO2 pressurised gas cylinder systems are compatible with each other. With the reusable system (M system), the union nut of the pressure reducer can simply be unscrewed with an Allen key. The pressure reducer then fits the U system (disposable cylinders).



Art. no.:
EAN Code:
500 g
40-600 l
Volume packaging:
18.62 l
Gross weight:
5943 g
Net weight:
4795 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
158/474/248 mm


Animal species: Arowana, Axolotl, Barbels, Bettas, Bichirs/reedfish, Blowfish, Catfish, Cichlids (South America), Crayfish, Danions, Discus, Dwarf shrimps, Flowerhorn, Goldfish, Gouramis, Guppy, Juvenile fish, Killifish, Livebearers, Loaches, Panchaxes, Rainbowfish, Snails, Spiny eels, Tetra, Veiltails, freshwater butterflyfish
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Volume habitat: 600 L
Material: Plastic (PC), metal (steel), metal (aluminium)
Colour: multicoloured
Transport conditions: Protect from direct sunlight during storage and transport and ensure good ventilation.

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

Technical Data

capacity from - to:40-600l
Height:520 mm
Length:80 mm
Width:140 mm
Do you need a tool to assemble the pressure reducer?

No, a tool is not required and should not be used under any circumstances. The use of a tool can lead to damage. You can mount the pressure reducer on the CO2 cylinder with your hands. Turn only until you feel resistance and then turn about half a turn more. This way the pressure regulator fitting is hand-tight. A short hissing sound will be heard when attaching the fitting to disposable cylinders.

Is it normal that the working pressure fluctuates minimally and decreases towards the end of the cylinder filling?

Yes, this behaviour is normal. The CO2 is liquefied under pressure in the gas cylinder. At 20° C it is 57 bar. If the content decreases slowly and the temperature drops/rises, it may also have an effect on the working pressure. Check the cylinder pressure, as the cylinder is probably almost completely empty.

Is a tool needed to adjust the CO2 quantity?

No, a tool should never be used. The use of a tool can lead to damage. There is a thin spike at the tip of the needle valve. If the needle valve is closed clockwise and turned too tightly or with a tool, it may break off and damage the pressure regulator.

The working pressure on the pressure gauge does not change

When you adjust the working pressure, the CO2 addition needs to be running actively, otherwise the change will not be immediately visible in the event of a reduction. An increase is also visible without running CO2, but not immediately. That’s why you need to ensure that CO2 is added during the adjustment process for every reduction or increase.

Is 1.2 bar working pressure sufficient for my CO2 system?

For a long time JBL CO2 pressure reducers had a preset working pressure of 1.5 bar. This has become established in people's minds. With the new JBL PROFLORA CO2 pressure reducers with pressure gauges, the working pressure is set to 0 bar on delivery. You admit CO2 via the large adjustment knob for the working pressure and turn it until the desired working pressure is reached. Approx. 1.2 bar is the maximum setting here. A minimum of 0.6 bar is required for the operation of all JBL non-return valves or backflow protections. This ensures that the check valve opens. A higher working pressure is not necessary, which is why all the accessories also work with the JBL PROFLORA BIO SETs. A lot of CO2 accessories available on the market give very different specifications for the working pressure. To be on the safe side, the standard of 1.5 bar which is common on the market is mentioned. As a rule, the working pressure required is the same as that on which the JBL PROFLORA CO2 accessories are based. Only a few exceptions require a working pressure of over 2 bar and are very special technical components.

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Blog (opinions & experiences)

Perfect aquarium plant growth - very complicated or really simple?

"The fish excretion in the water fertilises the plants!" This is not wrong, but it is only part of the truth!

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JBL TV #49: Saving energy in the aquarium - reducing costs made easy

Yes, we can make energy savings in our aquarium, but not where most people think! In this video we show exactly where and how to save electricity costs.

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How a CO2 fertiliser system works

With the help of a CO2 fertiliser system you can increase the CO2 content in your aquarium water and lower the pH value. You have the choice between a "Bio-CO2" system and a CO2 fertiliser system with a pressurised gas cylinder.

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What factors lead to perfect plant growth?

Vigorous and healthy plant growth in the aquarium is of course never based on just one factor. It is always the interplay of light, heat, fertiliser and the main nutrient carbon dioxide (CO2).

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My very personal opinion on the new JBL CO2 systems

As JBL's head of marketing, I was very curious to see what our development department would come up with to improve the existing CO2 systems.

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Why is CO2 such a good help when combating algae?

Algae are plants, but only very simple Algae are plants, but only very simple ones. CO2 fertilisation promotes the growth of the more complex plants and algae have no chance against them!

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Perfect plant growth in your aquarium with the JBL PROFLORA CO2 System

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main food for your aquarium plants. With the help of a CO2 system you supply your plants with enough CO2 so that they can grow vigorously and healthily.

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CO2, also called carbon dioxide, is the main nutrient for all plants.

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JBL’s new high-tech CO2 pressure reducer & new CO2 line

Sometimes new legislation is a good reason to rethink a concept. In many countries, sending CO2 cylinders is becoming a dangerous goods issue, and so the new JBL CO2 concept will also include a version ...

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Reference guide (Themeworld)


With the guarantee extension JBL GarantiePlus you secure your extra-long extended 4-year guarantee from the date of purchase for your JBL product. Do not miss out on your extended guarantee claim!

Plant growth

Are your aquarium plants growing as well you want? Here’s how to achieve perfect plant growth

Reducing problematic water values

How to lower critical water values.

Deficiency symptoms

Here’s how to prevent deficiency symptoms in fish and plants

Algae control

Here’s how to combat algae successfully and lastingly.

Plant care

What maintenance measures do your aquarium plants need?

Daily care

How much daily or weekly care is involved? What are the basic maintenance measures for your aquarium?


Why is CO2 so important for plant care? What benefits does CO2 fertilisation provide?


Why do aquarium plants need to be fertilised?

Plant species

Which plant species suit your aquarium? What demands do the individual species have?

Installation technical items

How and where in the aquarium do you fix and install technical items? Tips and tricks for the installation of all technical aquarium products


Which aquarium plants are best? What’s the best way to plant them?

CO2 plant fertilisation

How important is CO2 plant fertilisation? Why do your plants need additional CO2? How does a CO2 system work?

The marine aquarium

Holiday at the coral reef - in your own living room! Marine aquariums are the most exciting branch of aquatics

Biotope (habitat) aquarium types

A real piece of the Amazon or, with the Congo, a piece of the heart of Africa. A habitat (biotope) aquarium is a challenge. Can you emulate nature?

Aquascaping aquarium type JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium

Jungle aquarium type JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium

Rocky reef aquarium type JBL Malawi Rocks®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Goldfish aquarium type JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.


Additional product information and downloads

spare parts
Customer reviews


Overall rating: 4.9
8 public review(s) for this product.

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8 Reviews in other languages

_mister_krabss_ - German

LadyDiscus - Polish

scapingmania - German

Ich habe die Anlage nun seit mehr als einem Jahr täglich in der Anwendung und muss sagen das ich absolut zufrieden bin. Ich musste mein Flasche einmal füllen also ca. alle 6 Monate bei meinem 200L Becken. Das finde ich wirklich in Ordnung .. Das Nadelventil ist wirklich gut einzustellen und kommt wirklich hochwertig daher. Würde immer wieder Druckminderer von JBl nehmen einfach der Qualität wegen.

E. Reykowski - German

Ich schließe mich den anderen positiven Rezensionen an. Es ist sehr schade, dass der Standfuß für die CO2-Flasche nicht mit geliefert wird und bei Bedarf über 5 € nachgekauft werden muss im Gegensatz zum Vormodell m502. Da frage ich mich warum die Anlage 54 € teurer sein muss.

aquacraft - German

Die Anlage, besonders der Druckregler, macht einen wertigen Eindruck. Die Anlage ist ruck-zuck aufgebaut und funktionsfähig.

Ich habe aber ein paar kleine Kritikpunkte:

1. Ich fände es sehr praktisch, wenn auch ein Standfuß für die CO2 Flasche im Lieferumfang enthalten wäre bzw. wenn es eine Auswahlmöglichkeit zwischen Hängehalterung und Standhalterung gäbe. Dies ist zwar Geschmackssache, aber ich möchte die Flasche auch hinstellen können und nicht bohren müssen. Das mit dem Hängen ist zwar eine nette Idee, aber für mich zB. ungeeignet. Den Standfuß kann man jedenfalls nachkaufen, das ist schonmal sehr gut.

2. Ich kann mich mit dem Spiraldiffusor leider gar nicht nicht anfreunden. Er ist sehr klobig, nimmt viel Platz im Aquarium weg und sieht, für mich, nicht ästhetisch aus. Ein einfacher, kleiner Diffusor wäre hier für mich die absolut bessere Wahl. Ich bin mir auch nicht sicher, ob das Wasser durch diese einzelnen, relativ großen Luftblasen die direkt auf die Oberfläche schwimmen und dort gleich zerplatzen, optimal angereichert wird; im Vergleich zu den Membrandiffusoren. Vor allem im Bereich Aquascaping möchte man jedenfalls auch so wenig Technik wie möglich im Aquarium haben und da ist dieser Spiraldiffusor für mich, rein von der Optik her, ein No-Go - ebenso wie die schwarzen Schläuche.

3. Der Blasenzähler wäre idealerweise am Druckregler angebracht. So hängt er eher unschön irgendwo an der Aquarienscheibe.

Alles in allem hat man sich hier wohl viele Gedanken gemacht, ich befürchte fast, zu viele. Vielleicht hätte man bei dem ein oder anderen System auf das Bewährte setzen sollen - Never change a winning Team. ;-)

Das Highlight für mich ist jedenfalls der Druckregler mit Nachtabschaltung. Das Teil ist wirklich super wertig und der Preis für den Druckregler alleine ist angemessen. Da ich keinen Blasenzähler benötige, ist es für mich auch kein Nachteil, wenn ich den mitgelieferten nicht verwende.

Klare Kaufempfehlung für den Druckregler.

malawiaddiction - German

Anlage läuft nun seit knapp 3 Wochen und die Pflanzen wachsen sehr gut.

Auch der Aufbau der Anlage ist sehr schnell und einfach zu erledigen.

Nachabschaltung und Minderer sind von hoher Qualität und arbeiten sehr genau und zuverlässig.

Wenn man gerade keine Mehrwegflaschen nutzen möchte lassen sich auch Einwegflaschen an die Anlage anschließen super umgesetzt von JBL.

Der_Egger - German

5* was soll man dazu noch sagen?

Gewohnte Perfektion von JBL. Sehr leicht zu installieren. Sehr hochwertig verarbeitet

und vor allem sehr zuverlässig. Der Druckminderer ist prima zu montieren und abzulesen.

Absolute Kaufempfehlung.

Aquarium.by.bddnk - German

Eine super neue Anlage von JBL.

Der Druckminderer ist perfekt vor allem brauch man kein Werkzeug mehr um diesen zu befestigen

JBL PROFLORA CO2 ADVANCED SET M - safety information in accordance with GHS

Signal word: Warning

Hazard symbol

  • GHS04

Risk phrase

H280: Contains gas under pressure; may explode if heated.

safety note

P410+P403: Protect from sunlight. Store in a well-ventilated place.

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