Granulated aquarium staple food in size S for guppies & other livebearers from 3-10 cm

  • Prebiotic & sinking aquarium fish food: dedicated dietary fibres in the food supply the beneficial intestinal bacteria with food for healthy digestion
  • Natural raw ingredients without artificial additives for a natural diet and healthy aquarium fish. Tested on JBL research expeditions in the tropics
  • Very high acceptance even with choosy viviparous tooth carp species, thanks to high-quality raw ingredients such as salmon, shrimps and 18 % spirulina
  • With very high-quality natural astaxanthin from krill and spirulina, which ensures perfect colour formation in in guppies and other livebearers
  • Package contents: original sealed, air- and light-tight, recyclable tin with dosing aid in the lid
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Price: 8,15 €
basic price 145.54 EUR / kg
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Price: 14,34 €
basic price 105.44 EUR / kg
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop

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Product information

Live-bearing tooth carps (Poecilidae): guppies, black mollies, platies, Yucatan mollies, gambusias, green swordtails and some others belong to the group of live-bearing tooth carps. They all have in common that they give birth to live young and do not lay eggs like most other fish species. In the wild, live-bearing tooth carps eat insects, insect larvae, algae and anything else that can be eaten - they are not choosy. Depending on the habitat, the algae with the small animals living in them often form the largest part of their food spectrum.

Flakes or granulate?
To be honest, it’s absolutely a matter of opinion! There are only a few arguments for or against the type of food. If you use an automatic feeder like the JBL AutoFood, you MUST choose granulated food, as almost all automatic feeders are only suitable for granulates. If you’re planning to use an automatic feeder for your next holiday, get your fish used to the granulated food from the automatic feeder IN GOOD TIME. Some fish actually find it a little difficult to switch from granulate to flake or vice versa. Imagine you have always eaten soft cornflakes and now you’re given wholemeal muesli for the first time.

Probiotic or prebiotic?
Probiotic foods, such as some types of yoghurt, contain live bacterial cultures to promote health, but only when consumed in large quantities. Such foods, including probiotic fish food, can easily spoil and then have the opposite effect. The positive effect on health is, by the way, quite controversial. Prebiotics are "substrates that are selectively used by host microorganisms and confer health benefits." Scientists are agreed on this that they promote digestion and thus health. With better digestion, less is excreted and the water is thus less polluted, keeping it cleaner and causing fewer algae problems.



Art. no.:
EAN Code:
100 ml
56 g
Volume packaging:
0.161 l
Gross weight:
82.24 g
Net weight:
56 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
44/106/44 mm


Animal species: Guppy, Livebearers
Animal size: 3 - 10 cm
Animal age group: All aquarium fish
Volume habitat: For all aquariums
Material: You will find details of the materials used under Details & Composition
Feed type: granulates
Colour: multicoloured
Dosage: Feed 1 – 2 times a day, as much as can be eaten within a few minutes

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

Technical Data

Height:106 mm
Length:44 mm
Width:44 mm
diameter:44 mm


Art. no.:
EAN Code:
250 ml
136 g
Volume packaging:
0.36 l
Gross weight:
179.79 g
Net weight:
136 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
56/146/56 mm


Animal species: Guppy, Livebearers
Animal size: 3 - 10 cm
Animal age group: All aquarium fish
Volume habitat: For all aquariums
Material: You will find details of the materials used under Details & Composition
Feed type: granulates
Colour: multicoloured
Dosage: Feed 1 – 2 times a day, as much as can be eaten within a few minutes

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

Technical Data

Height:146 mm
Length:56 mm
Width:56 mm
diameter:56 mm
Analytical components
are not added by JBL
Vitamins per kg
Vitamin A 25000 I. E.
Vitamin D₃ 3000 I. E.
Vitamin E 300 mg
Vitamin C 200 mg
How long does the food keep after opening?

Please ensure you buy a packaging size suitable for your aquarium/terrarium/pond so that the quantity contained is used up within 4 months. Compare it with a tin of biscuits lying around for several months. When properly stored they are not necessarily soggy, but they are not quite as tasty as when the packet was opened. Therefore it is not advisable to use the food after this time.

The repeated opening and closing of the packaging brings the food into contact with bacteria and humidity over a longer storage period. Thus the quality of the premium food reduces continuously and this influences the vitamin content and the freshness of the food. For the benefit of your animals you always should feed them fresh food.

Blog (opinions & experiences)

JBL TV #64 Livebearers in the Aquarium I Profile

In this video, Heiko Blessin, the biologist and leader of JBL's research expeditions, explains what we can learn from observing livebearers in the wild for aquarium keeping.

Find out more

Free JBL expedition to Peru? PRONOVO SCAN + WIN gives you the chance!

Have you ever wanted to travel to the countries our ornamental fish come from? Now you have the unique chance to WIN an expedition place on the upcoming JBL expedition to Peru!

Find out more

Which fish and plants fit into a 80 cm aquarium?

Which fish fit into a 80 cm aquarium and which fish are not suitable?

Find out more

JBL TV #56: Which fish and plants fit into a 60 cm aquarium?

Which fish fit into a 60 cm aquarium and which fish are not suitable?

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PRONOVO - Your holiday stand in

We have your holiday stand in, both as a feeder or a holiday food. There’s no need to ask your neighbours anymore.

Find out more

JBL TV #51: Fish nutrition in the aquarium Part 2 - Characins, barbels, invertebrates & Co

What’s important when producing food? Why aren’t there any 100 % spirulina foods?

Find out more


The JBL food advisor is available for everyone 365 days a year

What does a neon tetra or a gourami eat? Do kissing gouramis only eat plankton? It’s hard to find a question about ornamental fish nutrition that goes unanswered in JBL's online food advisor.

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JBL fish nutrition brochure

(Almost) everyone knows how basic and yet how complicated issues about the human diet can be and it’s no different for fish!

Find out more


JBL PRONOVO - 65 new food varieties

JBL's slogan "Ahead through research" is no coincidence: Observations and scientific investigations on JBL expeditions and in the JBL research laboratory have produced so many new findings over the years that a new food line was born: JBL PRONOVO!

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Reference guide (Themeworld)

Fish nutrition

The right diet for ornamental fish. The right food for every species thanks to the PRONOVO species concept.

Daily care

How much daily or weekly care is involved? What are the basic maintenance measures for your aquarium?

Fish species

Which fish species suit your aquarium? What demands do the fish species have?

Feeding in absence

Who feeds your fish while you are on holiday? What’s the best way to feed automatically and smartly several times a day?

Biotope (habitat) aquarium types

A real piece of the Amazon or, with the Congo, a piece of the heart of Africa. A habitat (biotope) aquarium is a challenge. Can you emulate nature?

Aquascaping aquarium type JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium

Jungle aquarium type JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium

Rocky reef aquarium type JBL Malawi Rocks®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Goldfish aquarium type JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.


Be part of the team on our expedition to Peru 2025.


safety instructions

  • safety instructions for food
    • Filename:
Customer reviews


Overall rating: 4.9
16 public review(s) for this product.

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16 Reviews in other languages

R. Pech - German

Der Dosierdeckel ist einfach göttlich, das Futter fressen bei mir nicht nur Guppys sondern alle🤣🤗. Einfach perfekt 💪.

H. Metin - German

Dosierdeckel und Qualität des Futter ist echt Toll… Nehmen meine alle Fische gerne.

H. Metin - German

Meine Guppys auch mollys Platys lieben dieses Futter ✔️✔️🧐

LadyDiscus - Polish

S. Tejera Galindo - Spanish

Me gusta mucho el tamaño que tiene este alimento, no ensucia el agua y el dispensador que tiene hace que sea muy cómodo su uso

AquaBoxOfficial - German

Die neuen Dosierungshilfe sind für mich echt mit die beste Verbesserung das Futter wird wie immer sehr gut angenommenen.

A.Q.U.A.R.I.S.T.I.Komet - German

Wir haben in unserer Community nach der Meinung nach diesen Futter gefragt, ihre Antworten waren alle positiv. Für sie stimmen die Punkte Preis Leistung, als auch das sie das spirulina sehr interessant als Futterinhaltsstoff enthalten ist.

https://www.tiktok.com/@acuariomania - Spanish

Para los que nos dedicamos a la cría de guppies han creado una comida pensada solamente para ellos, se nota que les vuelve locos y no dejan caer los granos ni al suelo. Si tienes guppies y quieres verlos con su mejor color y forma, te lo recomiendo.

M. Kaufmann - German

Nicht nur meine Guppys sondern auch meine Kafis lieben es. 😍 Auch zum Dosieren ist ein absolutes Highlight für mich persönlich. Echt zum weiterempfehlen!

T. Krietsch - German

Also meine Guppybande geht voll drauf ab. Klare Kaufempfehlung schon wegen dem Dosierdeckel und der Qualität des Futters.

LG Torte

A.Q.U.A.R.I.S.T.I.Komet - German

Uns hat keine Beschwerde der Fische erreicht, das unseren Bewohnern das Futter nicht schmeckt.

Es ist schön fein und super zu dosieren mit dem neuen Klick Deckel die auf den Dosen zu finden sind.

Einiges fällt direkt ab, anderes bleibt einen Moment länger weiter oben.

Wir sagen, es ist ein gutes Fischfutter für Ihre Guppys oder auch Platys

R. Hausner - German

Hallo. Das Novo Guppy Futter ist an sich zu empfehlen. Sind am Anfang immer am suchen, weils gleich zu Boden fällt. Aber wenn sie es gefunden haben, dann sind sie ganz verrückt danach.😊

b. caparros - Spanish

GEPP - French

Pronovo guppys grano S sont des granulés spécialement conçus pour eux. Sont bouchon "clik" est très bien adapté pour le dosage précis en fonction du nombre de vos poissons

aquarium.meer91 - German

Dieses Futtergranulat lieben unsere Guppys. Sie nehmen es sehr girig auf.

G.E.P.P. - French

Mes guppy sont habitué avec les aliments flottant mais ils ont pris l'habitude avec ces granulés. Ils adorent

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