JBL NovoLotl M
Complete food for small Axolotl

There are successor products for this item:
  • Complete nutrition and ideal growth for Axolotl, newts and African dwarf frogs from 8-20 cm with 3 mm food pearls
  • What makes it special: it complements the natural nutrition with fish meat of freshwater fish (which is very special!), amphipods and shrimps
  • The selected ingredients provide better digestion and therefore for less water contamination (= less algae)
  • Axolotl find their food by their sense of smell (olfactory). That’s why the smell of the natural ingredients is crucial
  • Can be stored for 3 years unopened, use within 4 months after opening. 250 ml supply food for a 100 l aquarium for 50 days
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Price: 6,06 €
basic price 40.4 EUR / kg
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
Product information

Axolotl are amphibians, like newts and frogs. Unlike other amphibians they remain in their larval stage with external feathery gills their whole life. Axolotl originally come from a lake in Mexico which is situated high up and has therefore low temperatures at about 20 °C. Nowadays Mexico City has expanded so much that the lake is located within the city and can hardly sustain wildlife due to rubbish tipping and other contamination. As a result axolotl is considered extinct in its original habitat.

Animal welfare is important to us
No processing of cheap fish meal, uses fish meat from fish fillet production with the motto: The large fillet for humans and the small fillet for our aquarium fish!
For years JBL has supported the largest international organisation for the protection of sharks “Shark Project”.

Other good reasons to use JBL fish food:
- The use of pure fish protein without cheap fish meal
– Optimal protein/fat ratio
– Mainly proteins from water animals
– Reduction of algae growth and optimum fish growth thanks to adapted phosphate content
– Impressive acceptance on the part of the water dwellers: research expeditions with animal feeding trials in the wild
– very slight vitamin loss due to airtight sealed packaging

Ahead through research
The results of the JBL research expeditions, combined with the expertise of the JBL research and development team, has resulted in optimal and balanced food mixtures made of high-quality ingredients.

Feeding recommendations
Feed 1 - 2 times a day, as much as can be eaten within a few minutes.

Unopened the food tins can be kept for 3 years, after opening use up within 4 months, since valuable vitamins will deteriorate.

This product is unfortunately no longer available

JBL NovoLotl M 250 ml

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
150 g
250 ml
Volume packaging:
0.43 l
Gross weight:
177.3 g
Net weight:
150 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
60/120/60 mm


Animal species: Axolotl, Clawed frogs, Newts
Animal size: 10 - 25 cm
Animal age group: Medium-sized and large aquarium fish
Volume habitat: For all aquariums
Material: You will find details of the materials used under Details & Composition
Feed type: feed pearls
Colour: brown
Dosage: Feed your animals as much food as can be eaten in about 30 minutes, once or twice a day

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

Technical Data

Height:120 mm
Length:60 mm
Width:60 mm
diameter:60 mm
Analytical components
Vitamins (per 1000 g)
Vitamin A 25000 I. E.
Vitamin D₃ 2000 I. E.
Vitamin C(stable) 400 mg
--- %
E 306 (natural vitamin E extracts)
How long does the food keep after opening?

Please ensure you buy a packaging size suitable for your aquarium/terrarium/pond so that the quantity contained is used up within 4 months. Compare it with a tin of biscuits lying around for several months. When properly stored they are not necessarily soggy, but they are not quite as tasty as when the packet was opened. Therefore it is not advisable to use the food after this time.

The repeated opening and closing of the packaging brings the food into contact with bacteria and humidity over a longer storage period. Thus the quality of the premium food reduces continuously and this influences the vitamin content and the freshness of the food. For the benefit of your animals you always should feed them fresh food.

Blog (opinions & experiences)

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JBL TV #28 Part 1: Aquarium care is so easy! Daily measures

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JBL TV #6: Why do we need so many food types in the aquarium?

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Lack of oxygen in the morning

The fish stay under the water surface in the morning, gasping for air.

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JBL Aquarium Fish Food - Trusted Worldwide

Fish breeders, scientists and public aquariums in many countries of the world place their trust in JBL quality. Looking at its characteristics and properties we are going to explain why our food is top class.

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Inside JBL: videos and exclusive insights into the new food production hall

Take this unique opportunity to accompany us on a tour through our new production area, where up to 35 tons of food is manufactured per day.

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Inside JBL – How does the food get in the tin?

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Treating fish diseases before they arise

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JBL lets you look inside the tins

Who wants to buy a pig in a poke? A lot of aquarium owners like to look inside the food tins at their pet shop before they buy, but the sealing foil under the lid usually makes it impossible.

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JBL NovoLotl wird TV-Star

Knapp an der Oskar-Verleihung vorbei, aber im Fernsehen zusammen mit Norbert Zajac ein Star: JBL NovoLotl – das erste richtige Futter für die beliebten Axolotl!

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The New JBL NovoLotl

The JBL development department has a very special gift for your axolotl, an increasingly popular, docile and sweet amphibian. It’s a completely new food, manufactured on one of the most modern extruders worldwide.

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Reference guide (Themeworld)

Fish nutrition

The right diet for ornamental fish. The right food for every species thanks to the PRONOVO species concept.

Daily care

How much daily or weekly care is involved? What are the basic maintenance measures for your aquarium?

Food sorts

What needs to be considered when feeding ornamental fish? How much and what food?

Fish species

Which fish species suit your aquarium? What demands do the fish species have?

Feeding in absence

Who feeds your fish while you are on holiday? What’s the best way to feed automatically and smartly several times a day?

Biotope (habitat) aquarium types

A real piece of the Amazon or, with the Congo, a piece of the heart of Africa. A habitat (biotope) aquarium is a challenge. Can you emulate nature?

Jungle aquarium type JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium


Most terrarium animals are so low maintenance that holidays are no problem at all. We will give you some tips on how to easily bridge a holiday season.

Rocky reef aquarium type JBL Malawi Rocks®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Goldfish aquarium type JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.

Aquascaping aquarium type JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium


safety instructions

  • safety instructions for food
    • Filename:
Customer reviews


Overall rating: 5.0
1 public review for this product.

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aquarium.meer91 - German

Dieses Axolotlfutter lieben meine Tiere!

Sie fressen es sehr gierig und können davon garnicht genug bekommen.

Sehr gutes Axolotlfutter, klare Kaufempfehlung!

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