Uniform enrichment
The JBL diffuser supplies aquarium water with the main plant nutrient carbon dioxide in uniform bubbles.
Easy installation
Pull off the lower end cap of the JBL Taifun, remove the hose and insert the extension modules in between. Push the hose through, attach to the lower end cap and push the end cap back onto the extension modules. Now your diffuser has been extended by the extension modules.
The right amount of CO2 is different for each aquarium and depends on the volume, water movement and planting of the aquarium. The CO2 content can be checked by means of a CO2 test.
How exactly does CO2 enrichment work?
In the JBL PROFLORA TAIFUN S5 and M the CO2 bubbles rise upwards as in a round parking garage driveway and dissolve in the parking garage i.e. in the aquarium water. A residual of bubbles still reaches the top, but it hardly contains any CO2. On its way up the bubble has also absorbed gases from the aquarium water (O2 etc.). So don't worry about wasting too much CO2! For the very concerned, the bubble remains are collected in a chamber at the top. Both diffusers TAIFUN S5 and M can be extended with modules (JBL PROFLORA TAIFUN Extend) if your aquarium requires more CO2 or if you are changing to a larger aquarium. Their length is only limited by the aquarium height.