In any case we arrived safely around 7 o’clock in the morning and without another re-boot in Dubai. There we went directly to the deserts of the emirate. After the outback we found the air pleasantly cool at a temperature of only 28°C.
There we only found a skink species but the UV measurements were remarkable in comparison to Australia. We will publish all our measured values in a table on our homepage later.
In Dubai itself we admired the gigantic aquarium in Dubai Mall which is one of the largest in the world, with a length of 51 m and a height of 11 m. At 1:50 p.m. we boarded the 777 for the last flight of the expedition. This flight signified the end of our round-the-world trip and in the next few days, back at home, we will start evaluating the masses of data we collected.
We would like to thank all the participants who turned the expedition into a really great research trip: Sophi who tirelessly collected data for the terraristic field, Matthias, who always had the right GPS data ready and never forgot the data logger for air temperature and humidity, which was ready installed everywhere, Andreas + Thijl and Nele, our film crew, who took many beautiful videos, Michael + Didier + Roland who meticulously carried out all the water testing, even when millions of flies tried to prevent it. We also would like to thank Hansi, who with his knowledge of the world of birds was there to contribute so many interesting details. Thanks to Alex we found a lot of the animals and thanks to Maik we could address almost all the crawlers by their names and knew whether or not they were poisonous. And of course thanks to Ludwig, our medical doctor, who took care of our physical well-being.