This is an association but it is also the name of what is probably the most important koi show worldwide. The show takes place every year in the Tokyo Ryutsu Center, where 80 professional adjudicators evaluate about 1500 koi. It is here that the Shinkokai Grand Champion is selected.
Exhibiting a koi requires some investment before you can win a prize. Here are a few impressive figures: The Shinkokai hire the pools in which up to three koi of maximum 80-90 cm can swim. These cost €1500 to rent. In addition there is the exhibition fee and, of course, the considerable costs involved in transporting the koi. For this we are talking approx. €1000 per koi. And then the owner of a champion is expected to make a large donation to the association.
You cannot just apply or pay to enter the Shinkokai. You need to be nominated by 3 Japanese members of the Shinkokai and then your nomination is accepted or rejected in a vote by the High Council of the Shinkokai.
This year we will be exhibiting at the Shinkokai the first time. From February 2 to 5, 2017 we will be presenting our new ProPond® / NEO Index® koi food to the entire koi world. We are looking forward to seeing you at our booth.