Insects and myriapods

Although the insect group is huge, only a few species are regularly found in the terrarium. Even amongst the myriapods there are few species that are regularly kept. Both groups of animals are suitable for beginners. Only scolopendra are better left to the expert because of their toxicity!

Myriapods / millipedes

Millipedes live in rainforests on damp soil.

Millipedes live on damp soil in rainforests. There is also a European species (black millipede/Tachypodoiulus niger), which only grows 4 cm long. Many tropical species reach body lengths of about 15 cm. Terrariums should have a floor area of at least 40x40 cm. As substrate a lowermost drainage layer of JBL Manado is suitable, covered with JBL TerraBasis or JBL TerraBark . It is essential to create hiding places with wood, leaves and cork. Millipeds are peaceful creatures, who only release their poisonous secretion in stress situations. Humans can react very differently to this poisonous secretion, as is the case with allergies. You can keep a small group of 3-4 animals in a 40 x 40 cm terrarium. Don’t light too brightly, use JBL ReptilJungle Daylight 24W . Nutrition with fruits, vegetables, leaves, lichens and mushrooms. Avoid cabbage, salad and citrus fruits. A small bowl of water ( JBL ReptilBar SAND ) is useful. Temperature 20-30 °C at a humidity of 70-90%. A heating mat like the JBL TerraTemp HeatMat may be placed under the entire surface of the terrarium. The animals also need water but need to be protected from drowning. Here a water gel ( JBL TerraGel ) in a small water bowl ( JBL ReptilBar GREY ) is most suitable.

Tropical centipedes

Tropical centipedes are aggressive predators with a length up to 25 cm.

Tropical centipedes are aggressive predators with a length up to 25 cm. They are extremely toxic and you need to be very careful when handling them.

They live in tropical rainforests, need temperatures between 25-30 °C and a humidity of 75-95% during the day. At night, the temperature may be reduced to 22-25 °C. Keep individually! The terrarium should have a floor area of at least 40 x 40 cm. As substrate a lowermost drainage layer of JBL Manado , covered with JBL TerraBasis or ( moistened) JBL TerraBark is suitable. It is essential to create hiding places with wood, leaves and cork. A small bowl of water ( JBL ReptilBar GREY ) is useful. Diet: Insects of an appropriate size. Lighting not too bright with JBL ReptilJungle Daylight 24W . The animals also need water but need to be protected from drowning. Here a water gel ( JBL TerraGel ) in a small bowl of water ( JBL ReptilBar GREY ) is most suitable.

Praying mantises

Praying mantises are fascinating creatures with an incredible variety of forms and species (2300 species).

They live predatorily in rainforests and prey on insects by ambushing them with a lightning-fast movement of their raptorial legs. One species lives in the Mediterranean region. Males and juveniles can be maintained in groups, adult females only individually in terrariums from 30x30 cm floor area. During the day the air temperature should be between 25 and 30, at night around 22 °C. Keep the humidity at 70-90% by spraying (also as drinking water). Diet exclusively with live insects. As substrate a lowermost drainage layer of JBL Manado , covered with JBL TerraBasis or ( moistened) JBL TerraBark is suitable. Don’t forget to create climbing opportunities with branches. Depending on the animal species, good planting is advised. Lighting with UV light is not necessary. The lighting is more for the plants to grow. Here a lot of lamp types are suitable: JBL ReptilJungle Daylight 24W , JBL SOLAR REPTIL JUNGLE T8 , JBL ReptilDay Halogen , JBL LED SOLAR NATUR , JBL Reptil LED Daylight 12 W

Leaf insects and stick insects

With over 2500 species, these bizarre insects are widespread.

They often propagate through asexual reproduction (parthenogenesis). Depending on the species, stick insects can grow up to 20 cm long. Depending on the species, good planting in a terrarium of at least 40 x 30 x 40 cm is advisable. Lighting with UV light is not necessary. The lighting is more for the plants to grow. Thus many lamp types are suitable: JBL ReptilJungle Daylight 24W , JBL SOLAR REPTIL JUNGLE T8 , JBL ReptilDay Halogen , JBL LED SOLAR NATUR , JBL Reptil LED Daylight 12 W substrate with JBL TerraCoco or JBL TerraBasis . If the lighting does not produce heat, use a heating mat during the day ( JBL TerraTemp HeatMat ). Stick insects and leaf insects eat a solely vegetarian diet consisting of the leaves of strawberries, blackberries, oak, roses and others.

Since individual species may differ greatly in their care requirements, please check their exact demands with your specialist dealer.

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