Cena 57,10 €
Doporučená prodejní cena vč. DPH
Tento produkt můžete najít ve vašem obchodě nebo na eshopu
Cena 90,91 €
Doporučená prodejní cena vč. DPH
Tento produkt můžete najít ve vašem obchodě nebo na eshopu
Cena 113,12 €
Doporučená prodejní cena vč. DPH
Tento produkt můžete najít ve vašem obchodě nebo na eshopu
Cena 182,49 €
Doporučená prodejní cena vč. DPH
Tento produkt můžete najít ve vašem obchodě nebo na eshopu


č. výr.:
EAN kod:
438 mm
549 mm
0.25 l
Hrubá hmotnost:
243 g
Čistá hmotnost:
213 g
Faktor hmotnosti:
Rozměry balení (d / v / š):
100/50/50 mm


Elektronická etiketa / svítidlo

Rtuť: Ne
Stmívatelný: Ne


č. výr.:
EAN kod:
742 mm
849 mm
0.25 l
Hrubá hmotnost:
432 g
Čistá hmotnost:
332 g
Faktor hmotnosti:
Rozměry balení (d / v / š):
100/50/50 mm


Elektronická etiketa / svítidlo

Rtuť: Ne
Stmívatelný: Ne


č. výr.:
EAN kod:
1047 mm
1149 mm
0.25 l
Hrubá hmotnost:
405 g
Čistá hmotnost:
375 g
Faktor hmotnosti:
Rozměry balení (d / v / š):
100/50/50 mm


Elektronická etiketa / svítidlo

Rtuť: Ne
Stmívatelný: Ne

JBL LED SOLAR ovladač 120 W

č. výr.:
EAN kod:
1449 mm
1500 mm
0.75 l
Hrubá hmotnost:
405 g
Čistá hmotnost:
375 g
Faktor hmotnosti:
Rozměry balení (d / v / š):
180/70/60 mm


Elektronická etiketa / svítidlo

Rtuť: Ne
Stmívatelný: Ne
Why are there several T5 adapters in the package?

While you may have thought that all 24 W T5 tubes have the same length, there are in fact many different lengths with the same wattage on the market.That's why we've included two different adapters to facilitate a safe and easy installation. In case of an unsuccessful installation attempt, please try an alternative adapter from the box.

What happens if my LED light falls into the water?

The IP67 (IP68 for Gen 2) protection class ensures that you can even use the LED with closed covers and high humidity without damaging the luminaire. However, it must never be operated directly under water. Its protection class states that the luminaire is dustproof and protected during a temporary submersion. However, this does not mean that the LED may be operated submerged! You will also find a note on this in the manual. Should the LED accidentally fall into the water and be submerged, the IP67 (IP68 for Gen 2) protection class will serve as a protection for your personal safety against electrical accidents. In such cases, please unplug all the mains plugs first - do not reach for the LED immediately - and only then remove the device.
As long as the LED light is on, there is no problem with moisture under water. The resulting heat provides additional protection. If the lighting is switched off and cooled down, condensation can still form on the inside, as if glasses were fogging up. Please therefore install the LED light at a distance of at least 15mm from the highest water level. After an accidental submersion, you will need to have your LED inspected by the JBL Customer Service Team at the factory.

Can I combine two LED SOLAR EFFECT units with one LED SOLAR NATUR?

Unfortunately this is not possible. The LED SOLAR EFFECT is connected to the driver (power supply) of the LED SOLAR NATUR via the included cable switch. Thus, all the slots are already occupied. You’ll need another driver for this. You can connect one NATURE and one EFFECT to one driver. Two LED SOLAR EFFECT units on one driver are not possible due to the connectors and the maximum power consumption of the power supply.

Can I operate several LED SOLAR units with one remote control?

You can operate several IR receivers with one remote control. In doing so, the IR receiver needs to be mounted near or at the aquarium cabinet so that it can be reached unimpeded by the IR signals of the remote control. All remote controls work with the same wavelength. This enables you to operate all the receivers with just one remote control unit.

Why can you find two sets of wattage data on the packaging?

Decisive for you is the overall performance of a system. This determines the "power consumption" on your household bill. All manufacturers are obliged to state this amount on their packaging. This is the sum of the entire electrical consumption of a product. With the JBL LED SOLAR you have the LED and the driver (power supply) consuming electricity. Due to the reactive power and transformation processes every individual power supply consumes small amounts of power. For you as an aquarist the LED performance is crucial for your aquarium and the plants, which is why we do not want to deprive you of this information with the surprisingly low overall values.

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Blog (názory a zkušenosti)

JBL TV #49: Saving energy in the aquarium - reducing costs made easy

Yes, we can make energy savings in our aquarium, but not where most people think! In this video we show exactly where and how to save electricity costs.


JBL TV #39: Lighting for fish and plants in the aquarium

LED, T5, HQI & Co - David vs. Goliath. There are so many lighting options - we' ll explain the differences.


DIY themed aquarium v2 - LED SOLAR CONTROL in expert mode

As you have probably already noticed, we have launched a completely new and stand-alone version 2 of the app.


DIY themed aquarium - LED SOLAR CONTROL in expert mode

Having consulted the developer concerned, we have put together in one article all the help and data you’ll need to recreate and adapt our popular JBL themed aquariums.


Manual mode for unlimited freedom – JBL LED SOLAR CONTROL

There are hundreds and thousands of biotopes on earth, so it’s not surprising if your aquariums need a little more individuality than you can find in five biotope-compatible automatic programmes. No problem with the JBL SOLAR CONTROL.


LED control unit for the automatic regulation of the aquarium lighting

Tired of switching your aquarium lights on in the morning and off in the evening? A simple timer can help - so why change anything? Let's turn the question around!


PAR measurements in the aquarium - The strength of the JBL LED SOLAR

The PAR value: During their evolution plants have adapted to the spectral components of sunlight and now use a range between 380 and 780 nm (blue to red) for photosynthesis. These are the wavelengths that chlorophyll and other pigments use to supply the plant with energy.


Video: JBL LED SOLAR aquarium lamps with ideal light for plants

Are you looking for the perfect, energy-saving LED lighting for your aquarium? With the JBL LED SOLAR NATUR you get modern LED lighting, which can be adjusted to 3 different colour temperatures by remote control (included).


Misunderstandings – typical beginner mistakes

Based on our own experience in customer service and the many messages and questions we receive, we have put together the typical mistakes beginners may make. The experienced aquarist might well smile, but if they are honest, these are mistakes we all made at the start, aren’t they?


Changeover To JBL LED - Conversion Table

You can see from the following table which LED light fits in your cover or can be used to replace your current T5 or T8 fluorescent tubes. In the first line you can also see the wattage each JBL LED light consumes and you can calculate the electricity savings compared to the wattage of your previous fluorescent lamp.



Everyone’s thrilled with JBL LEDs

At 8 am on August 3, 2018 the first JBL LED lights left the JBL factory in Neuhofen and by August 5 the first pet shop shelves had them on display. For the first time aquarium enthusiasts were delaying their purchase to wait for a JBL product to be in stock.

Rádce (tematický svět)

Typ akvária džungle JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium

Typ akvária skalnatých útesů JBL Malawi Rock®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Typ akvária s karasi stříbřitými JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.

Typ akvária na aquascaping JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium

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