Tatlı su akvaryumları, havuzlar ve musluk / kuyu suyu için akıllı telefon üzerinden analiz ile su testi

  • Akıllı telefon aracılığıyla su analizi ve teşhisi: tatlı su akvaryumlarındaki su değerlerinin kolay ve güvenli izlenmesi. Belirlenmesi: genel sertlik, karbonat sertliği, pH değeri, nitrit, nitrat, klor ve CO2 hesaplaması
  • Yeni nesil su analizi: ProScan uygulamasını ücretsiz indirin, test şeridini suya yerleştirin, analiz için kartela üzerine konum şeridi, renk kartını tarayın, değerler belirlenir
  • Hızlı teşhis - Doğru sonuçlar: Test sonuçları rakamsal değer olarak gösterilir ve ayrıca değerlendirilir (iyi, orta, kötü). İlaveten, tatlı su akvaryumları ve havuzlar için optimizasyon gösterimi
  • iPhone ve iPad uyumludur: iOS 13.0 veya daha yeni yazılıma, Android 10.0 veya üstü versiyona ve otomatik odaklı bir kameraya ihtiyaç vardır.
  • İçindekiler: 24 su analizi şeridi, 1 ProScan renk tablosu, 1 ProScan uygulaması ücretsiz indirilebilir
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Fiyat: 26,67 €
KDV dahil tavsiye edilen satış fiyatı
Bu ürünü uzman satıcınızdan veya çevrim içi satış kanalıyla temin edebilirsiniz
Ürün bilgileri

Akıllı telefonunuzu kullanarak su analizi - yeni nesil

Not: Test şeritlerinin her biri yalnızca bir ölçüm için tasarlanmıştır. Şerit süresiz olarak reaksiyona girdiğinden, şeridin tekrar tekrar taranması farklı değerlere yol açar.

"Akvaryum Tatlı Su" ve "Su" analizleri sırasında sudaki mevcut CO2 içeriği ek bir bonus olarak hesaplanır. “Akvaryum Tatlı Su” ve “Bahçe Göleti” bölümlerindeki analiz sonuçlarına bağlı olarak, hangi JBL ürünlerinin ideal / optimum su değerlerinin ayarlanmasına yardımcı olabileceği konusunda kişiselleştirilmiş öneriler ve ipuçları verilmektedir.

Bu ölçüm yöntemi ne kadar doğrudur?
Akıllı telefonlar otomatik bir beyaz dengesi sağladığından, renk okuması, renkleri gözlerimizle karşılaştırdığımıza göre daha doğrudur! Test doğru yapılırsa, sonuç kesinlikle güvenilirdir. Nitrit sonucuyla, deneyimler, JBL ProScan sonucu 0 GÖSTERMEZSE, ek bir düşme testi ölçümünün (JBL PROAQUATEST NO2 Nitrit ile) iyi bir fikir olduğunu göstermektedir, çünkü bu değer% 100 güvenilir olmalıdır (nitrit, balıklar için ölümcül derecede toksiktir) 0,4 mg / l'den itibaren).

Kullanım sırasında olası hatalar:
Test şeridini sudan çıkarırken, ıslak renkler diğer renk alanlarına geçeceği için dikey olarak sallamayın. YATAY OLARAK ve dikkatlice boşaltılması gerekir. Renk alanlarındaki damlalar, damlamadan ışığı çok güçlü yansıtır ve yanlış sonuçlara yol açar. Test şeridinin renk kartelası üzerinde fotoğraflanması ideal olarak gün ışığında yapılmalıdır. Ancak daha da önemlisi, ışık oranının tekdüze olması ve kısmi gölgeler ve kısmi güneş ışığı göstermemesidir. Durum böyle olsaydı, kartela üzerindeki renkler farklı şekilde aydınlatılırdı.

JBL ProScan uygulaması şu dillerde mevcuttur: de, en, fr, nl, es, it, pt, ru, cs, pl, tr ve ja.



Ürün no:
EAN Kodu:
24 Testler
Paket hacmi:
0.9 l
Brüt ağırlık:
115 g
Net ağırlık:
13 g
Ağırlık faktörü:
Paket ebatları (u/y/g):
50/150/120 mm


Hayvanın türü: Aksolotl, Arowana balığı, Balon balıkları, Bataklık kaplumbağaları, Betalar, Bişirler / kaval balıkları, Canlı doğuranlar, Cüce karidesler, Cüce kerevitler, Danioninler, Dikenli yılan balıkları, Diskus balığı, Flowerhorn, Guppy, Guramiler, Gök kuşağı balıkları, Japon balığı, Kabuklu hayvanlar, Karakeçi balıkları, Kaya balıkları, Kedi balıkları, Kelebek balıkları, Killifishler, Komando çöpçü balıkları, Labirentli balıklar, Midyeler, Panchaxlar, Papağan çiklitler, Pençeli Afrika kurbağaları, Salyangozlar, Semenderler, Solungaç kurtçuğu, Su kaplumbağaları, Tatlısu karidesleri, Tetra, Tropikal bataklık kaplumbağası, Tül kuyruklar, Yavru balıklar, Yengeçler, Çiklitler (Güney Amerika), Çopra balıkları, İplik yüzgeçli guramiler
Hayvanın büyüklüğü: Tüm hayvan boyları için
Hayvanın yaş grubu: Tüm akvaryum balıkları
Yaşam alanı hacmi: 24 adet test
Renk: çok renkli
Dozaj: Başlatma düğmesine basın ve analiz çubuğunu 2-3 saniye suya daldırın. Suyun fazlasını yan tarafa doğru silkeleyin. Analiz çubuğunu ColorCard'ın üzerine yerleştirin ve gösterilen süre dolana kadar bekleyin. Şimdi, sonuçlarınızı elde etmek için analiz çubuğunu ColorCard'ın tamamıyla birlikte tarayın

Elektronik etiket / ışık verici

Cıva: Hayır
Kısılabilir: Hayır
A new smartphone: what action’s needed to retain your PROSCAN analyses?

None, is the short answer. As soon as you log into the JBL PROSCAN app on the new smartphone, the measurements saved there are downloaded from your myJBL and are directly available on your new or additional device. Users who have worked without registering cannot save any measurements, and thus cannot lose any.

Repeating measurement - focusing does not start immediately

The focusing of the image and thus the measurement of the test strip on the JBL PROSCAN COLORCARD does not start immediately after the 60 seconds have elapsed, and this gives you time to lift the smartphone and position it horizontally to the COLORCARD with the correct image section. If the measurement were to start immediately after the time expiry, the capture would have you lifting the smartphone slanted in front of your body. These distortions cause erroneous readings. Therefore, since app version 4.0, a 3-second delay has been added to help you achieve correct alignment and always capture correctly.

By tapping the display with your finger, the focusing can also be restarted manually after the 3 seconds. Repeating the measurement or "back" is prevented at this point, as otherwise incorrect measurement values will be obtained. The measurement must be taken within 10 seconds after the 60 seconds have elapsed. Otherwise the test strip is unusable. If this happens the test needs to be started again from the beginning with a new test strip.

How is the test strip correctly aligned on the JBL PROSCAN COLORCARD?

On the empty JBL PROSCAN COLORCARD you will find grey fields as placeholders indicating how the test strip should be placed. The notes Top and Bottom serve as additional orientation. Since app version 4.0, the app catches alignment errors. After the JBL PROSCAN test strip has been placed, no grey from the placeholder should be visible on any of the fields. It must be completely covered with the colour fields on the test strip.
Behind this is the method of colour detection. The sum of all colours on a field is included in the colour detection. Therefore, the grey must be completely covered. Otherwise, erroneous results will occur.

Example: A white field is darkened by the grey field template and produces a different result. Excess water and associated reflections can cause a similar effect. Each field must be damp/dry with no water stains or wet patches. You can avoid this by correct handling with sideways tapping (do not shake) and a sheet of kitchen roll as an underlay (reflections!). If you receive an error message during the measuring process, it is probably because the test strip is lying crooked on the JBL PROSCAN COLORCARD, so that the grey is clearly visible.

Should I activate the flash function of the smartphone camera when using the JBL PROSCAN app?

The flash and torch functions are deactivated within the JBL PROSCAN app. Uniform and shadow-free illumination is essential for the precise performance of the test with exact results. Occasional shadows or over-illumination cause faulty measurement results due to the sensitive "eyes" of the smartphone camera, which aligns the colour dots of the JBL PROSCAN COLORCARD. A daylight-bright room or a measurement under the open sky / at the window always ensure the right light. The COLORCARD takes over the interpretation through the lighting mood and different camera types. Artificial light with strong colouration should be avoided.

Can users with an iOS version below 13.0 continue to use JBL PROSCAN?

Yes, this is possible without any problems. Please uninstall your current app and download the JBL PROSCAN app again from the AppleStore. For all users from version 13.0 onwards, only the new JBL PROSCAN version 4.X is offered. For users of older versions, version 3.X is still available for download. Maintenance and servicing of this version is no longer carried out. The use of the camera requires the current version to ensure the most accurate results.

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Blog (Görüşler ve deneyimler)

The ABC of Pond Maintenance in Autumn / Winter - Part 2

Now is the time to lay the foundations for a healthy ecosystem. We have put together a checklist with all the tips and topics you need to be best prepared for winter and the coming spring.

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The ABC of Pond Maintenance in Autumn / Winter - Part 1

Now is the time to lay the foundations for a healthy ecosystem. We have put together a checklist with all the tips and topics you need to be best prepared for winter and the coming spring.

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JBL TV #53 How do you carry out water tests correctly and what are the most common mistakes?

Water tests for aquarium water can be very important, especially when there are problems.

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JBL TV #52 What kind of water do my aquarium fish need? What water values are ideal?

We want our aquarium fish to feel comfortable in the water. But what does ideal water mean for fish in the aquarium?

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JBL PROAQUATEST - simple yet laboratory standard - Part I

Aquarium water tests are similar to a blood test at the doctor's. Water tests allow you to take a look at the water composition.

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JBL TV #38: Important for aquarists: pH, KH and CO2 - The correlation between them.

These 3 water values are the most important of all!

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JBL Expedition to the freshwater Artemia in German riparian forests

Not many people know that there is also an Artemia species (brine shrimp) that is native to pure freshwater in Germany! The brine shrimp Eubranchipus grubii lives in riparian forests and forest ponds in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe.

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Measure properly with PROSCAN! Here’s how!

"This is inaccurate" or "this is no good" – you’ll hear comments like this again and again in the aquaristic scene. How come? Let us explain!

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Your filter bacteria need your full support!

Even though a lot of aquarists believe that their aquarium is kept perfectly clean by the filter, this is nothing but a fairy tale. A filter to keep the aquarium floor, the spaces between the decorations and the water clean would have to produce a current strong enough to make the fish all (and very clearly visibly) stick to the glass pane!

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JBL water tests - how to test correctly and reap the benefits

Lots of scientists & experts swear by the JBL water tests, but why?

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Open Beta v 4.0 - New JBL PROSCAN App

We recently launched the exclusive beta phase, and got our influencers to join our team. They’ve had 30 days to put the app through its paces. Now it's your turn.

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JBL TV #28 Part 2: Aquarium care is so easy! Weekly measures

What do you need to do every week? We explain everything that needs to be done once a week.

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The JBL Intern - My Job is My Hobby

Hi guys! I’ve been The JBL Intern for three months now and continuing to really enjoy my work. Being in contact with like-minded people and constantly learning new things from them is also affecting how I go about my hobby.

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The JBL Intern - 10 Things You Didn’t Know About JBL

Hey guys! In the last few weeks, I’ve learned so many new things about JBL that I didn't know before and I don't want you to miss out. That's why I’ve decided to rank them into a top ten.

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Video: JBL ProScan for water analysis of tap, aquarium and pond water using your smartphone

Have you ever tested your aquarium water with your mobile phone? With the free JBL PROSCAN app and the JBL ProScan test strips you can test the 7 most important water values of your aquarium water in just one minute.

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JBL TV #7: Why do fish die in high nitrite levels and what can be done about it?

How does the nitrogen cycle in the aquarium work? Why do nitrite values get too high and how can the value be reduced? Why adding salt is senseless.

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JBL TV #5: What is a pH value and why is it important for the aquarium?

Have you ever asked yourself exactly what makes up the logarithm of a pH value? Why does the pH value in our aquarium matter and how can we influence it?

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Getting rid of diatoms - no problem at all

If a brown coating covers the substrate of your aquarium and looks unattractive, let’s hope it is diatoms! The alternative would be smear algae - and they are not as easy to get rid of as diatoms.

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Misunderstandings – typical beginner mistakes

Based on our own experience in customer service and the many messages and questions we receive, we have put together the typical mistakes beginners may make. The experienced aquarist might well smile, but if they are honest, these are mistakes we all made at the start, aren’t they?

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Lack of oxygen in the morning

The fish stay under the water surface in the morning, gasping for air.

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Time For A Change - Pros And Cons

Think back to your childhood. Your bedroom was a small area for you to let your imagination run free. And unsurprisingly you felt like re-decorating and rearranging it at least every three weeks.

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Pond guide: you ask, we answer!

Ask us your technical question and we’ll answer your question in the comments with our team of experts.

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The Master School of Aquarium Design 2018

“Wow – that’s beautiful“. This how people typically react upon seeing a lovingly created aquarium landscape. Whether an aquascape, biotope or community aquarium - creativity knows no bounds.

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Muddy Water – A Challange for Water Test Experts

During our Venezuela expedition we investigated many rivers and streams and their respective fish diversity. In reply to a question about lakes or ponds the indigenous people lead us to a small puddle on a site which also served as a cow's pasture.

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Why is the KH higher than the GH?

Many aquarium owners think that the general hardness represents the total of all minerals and the carbonate hardness only a part of it. Then how can the carbonate hardness sometimes be higher than the total of minerals?

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Testing Water in the Jungle

Our 15 expeditions have taught us something new: In natural waters nitrogens (ammonium/ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) and phosphates are ALWAYS scarce and below the limit of detection. Only when humans have an influence on the natural water, can nitrogens and phosphates be found.

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Commenting Water Tests Under "My Analyses"

Once again we have followed your wishes in the “myJBL” world and you can now add comments to the measurements you have saved from your aquarium, pond, or other waters.

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Water Test ”For Dummies“

While the title of the well-known book series may suggest the opposite, these books are actually full of excellent explanations for complicated facts. And that’s exactly what we also want to try and do, because the subject of water test/water chemistry puts a lot of people off.

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Deleting Erroneous Measurements Using My Analyses

Only in the overall view will you notice that a measurement has been carried out incorrectly or has been subject to strong fluctuations in the measurement range. Now we have made this feature available for you.

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Outline: Fertilisation in the Aquarium

The JBL plant care concept leads to vigorous and healthy growth even with the most demanding aquatic plants. JBL has all the components you need, whether it’s a fertiliser, a bottom substrate or a fully automatic CO2 fertiliser system.

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Carbonate Hardness – The Life Insurance for the Aquarium

The carbonate hardness (not the general hardness!) contains components which stabilize the pH level. They prevent extreme pH levels and ensure the aquarium functions properly.

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Care products - The best solutions for your aquarium

With the right products, aquarium care is not only easy, but can also be a lot of fun! The formulas that make up JBL products are based on intensive research and, especially with care products, their effects are not always immediately visible, yet in the medium and long-term they’ll result in a beautiful aquarium and healthy fish.

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ProScan 3.0 – Always with you, everywhere you go

Imagine you go to your specialist dealer for advice. And then you realise you forgot to determine the current water values.

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The sensitive KH value in the pond

I have talked about KH and pH with a lot of koi dealers, experts and professionals in the past few weeks.

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Testing water and regular monitoring

People often ask me what I think about water testing when I am out on my rounds, because most of my contacts respect my opinion.

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Inaccurate water tests – or did I do something wrong after all?

In the aquarium scene we often hear people talking about “accurate” and “inaccurate” tests. But mostly they mean a rougher or finer scaling of the output values.

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Social Escape – an aquarium slowly and relaxingly takes shape and is the antidote to burn out.

Social stands for online marketing and social media. Escape means a way out of our fast moving digital lives and a way into another world. A balancing haven of peace and relaxation.

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ProScan – my analysed results to compare the water values

A single measurement is good but several measurements are better. Not only the current situation is relevant, any fluctuations and changes in the biological system are also interesting and will help you to recognize problems at an early stage.

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Testing water – here’s how

The water in your aquarium is outstandingly significant because it is a life-giving element for fish and plants.

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Digital water test with your smartphone – tips for the perfect measuring

Using your smartphone testing of water has become very easy and you get an in-depth analysis, too. If you follow the following tips your measuring will remain error-free.

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Keeping an eye on the most important water values

Professional water analysis sounds very expensive. But the professional water testing in your aquarium or pond at home also works on a high level and above all it is simple and inexpensive.

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ProScan Historie – Scanning, Saving, Managing

The JBL ProScan product has now been available in the specialist shops for one year and we have collected your comments and requests. There was in particular a request for an option to compare several measurements and to manage different aquariums and ponds.

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Treating fish diseases before they arise

Even if your fish have fallen ill, it is not too late. Nonetheless we want to save the fish from getting ill. About 90 % of all fish diseases are the result of a weakening of the immune system.

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The all-new JBL app for water testing via smartphone!

There are very few products without competitors. But worldwide there is nothing comparable to JBL PROSCAN!

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JBL Test App Recommended on TV

In the context of setting up aquariums, the popular television programme “hundkatzemaus” on VOX, which has been running for more than 800 episodes with almost 1 million viewers per episode, also dealt with "water tests".

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The Japanese love JBL ProScan

JBL is not officially represented in Japan, but a lot of Japanese Koi breeders work with JBL water tests and JBL koi food. When Kiyoko Fujita, editor-in-chief of Rinko, Japan's largest Koi magazine ...

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Japanese don't like tests - and test 300 times a day

That was the craziest conversation imaginable! Some famous koi breeders in the Ojiya area professed no interest at first when we presented the water test app JBL ProScan. They would recognize the water values by the condition of their Koi - was their first reaction!

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JBL and the € 250,000 koi

The All Japan Koi Show in Tokyo at the beginning of February is considered by the worldwide koi scene to be the professional koi breeder association, the Shinkokai’s, most important prize show. Being a member of the Shinkokai, JBL once again ran a stand at this event and was the only European manufacturer to do so.

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Terraristik-Tierärzte informieren sich über JBL Wassertests

Auf der 46. Arbeitstagung der DGHT AG ARK (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Amphibien und Reptilienkrankheiten) vom 11.-13.11.2016 in Gera trafen sich 160 Tierärzte, um sich über Themen von Chirurgie bis Magnetresonanztomographie bei Schildkröten auszutauschen.

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Popüler JBL ProScan uygulaması şimdi 11 dilde

Uygulamayı Almanca, İngilizce ve Fransızca'nın yanı sıra şimdi ücretsiz olarak İspanyolca, İtalyanca, Japonca, Felemenkçe, Polonyaca, Portekizce, Rusça ve Türkçe dillerinde de sunuyoruz.

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German retail pet trade has voted JBL ProScan innovation of the year

The pond and koi specialist dealers were so much taken by the water analysis via smartphone that JBL ProScan was voted Innovation of the Year 2015/16 for the trade magazine “pet” in the category aquatics/terraristics and pond.

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Nein - nicht das Handy unter Wasser tauchen!

Aus gegebenem Anlass noch einmal in Kurzform: Mit JBL ProScan kann Ihr Handy Wasserteststreifen analysieren und nicht Wasser testen!

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ProScan 2.0: History for the analysis and management of measurements

A few days ago the long anticipated update with the version number 2.0 came out. Using it, it is now possible to manage several aquariums and ponds with a description, a photo and the relevant measurements.

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ProScan Update optimiert Chlorerfassung

Seit einigen Tagen stehen für Android und iOS erneut Updates bereit. Hierin wurden wieder zahlreiche Bugs für unterschiedliche Gerätetypen behoben.

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Pond Water Analysis via Smartphone

JBL has revolutionized water testing and can turn your smartphone into your personal water test center by means of a free app. Please select for example the water type garden pond on the JBL ProScan app.

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JBL ProScan Smartphone-Wasseranalyse in Frankreich ausgezeichnet worden

Botanic gehört zu den drei größten Ketten Frankreichs mit 65 Filialen, die in ganz Frankreich verteilt sind. Botanic legt sehr großen Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz. Auf der Hausmesse in La Roche sur Foron wurden am 22.01.2015 vier Auszeichnungen verliehen: JBL erhielt ein eindeutiges Votum

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Voten Sie für ProScan - Wir brauchen Ihre Stimme

ProScan ist seit wenigen Tagen auf dem Markt, schon macht es neben anderen großen APPs von Autoscount24, Edeka, Fifa 2015, maxdome bei einem der wichtigsten APP Wettbewerbe mit. Dabei setzen wir auf Ihre Stimme und weitere Stimmen aus der Community!

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The future has begun: water analysis via smartphone

JBL has revolutionized water testing and can turn your smartphone into your personal water test center by means of a free app. Please select your water type on the JBL ProScan app (freshwater for aquarium, garden pond or tap water).

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JBL Film Illustrates Acid Plunge

Since many aquarians and pond owners do not really understand how important the carbonate hardness is and how its puffer action functions on the pH value, JBL has added a video with subtitles to the JBL home page and published it on YouTube.

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Laboratuvarlar ve hesaplayıcılar

Havuz laboratuvarı / hesaplayıcısı

Dünya genelinde benzeri olmayan havuz laboratuvarı havuzunuzdaki yosunlar ve bulanıklık konusunda size hedefe odaklı yardım sağlar.
Kılavuz (Tema dünyası)

Sorunlu su değerlerinin düşürülmesi

Kritik su değerleri nasıl düşürülür


Balık ve omurgasız hastalıklarının tespiti ve tedavisi

Noksanlık belirtileri

Balıklarda ve bitkilerde noksanlık belirtilerini nasıl önlersiniz

Yosunla mücadele

Başarılı ve uzun soluklu alg çözümleri

Suyun test edilmesi

Suyun test edilmesi - Akvaryumunuzu anlamak için atılması gereken en önemli adım. Suyu neden test etmelisiniz?

Su değişimi

En önemli bakım önlemi: Kısmi su değişikliği. Doğru kısmi su değişikliği nasıl yapılır?

Bitki bakımı

Akvaryum bitkilerinizin nasıl bir bakıma ihtiyacı var?

Günlük bakım

Bakımla ilgili günlük veya haftalık yapmanız gerekenler nelerdir? Akvaryumunuzun bakımı için almanız gereken temel önlemler nelerdir?

Akvaryum balıklarının üretilmesi

Balıklarınızın üremesini istiyor musunuz? Üreme konusunda dikkat etmeniz gerekenler nelerdir?

Balık türleri

Akvaryumunuza hangi balık türleri uygundur? Balık türlerinin talepleri nelerdir?

Omurgasız hayvan türleri

Akvaryumunuz için uygun omurgasız hayvanlar hangileridir? Omurgasız hayvanların talepleri nelerdir? Bakımları sırasında nelere dikkat edilmelidir?


Balıkları doğru ve stressiz bir şekilde nasıl yakalayabilirsiniz? Balıklar nasıl taşınmalı ve akvaryuma nasıl yerleştirilmelidir?

Planlama ve balık koyma

Hangi balıklar birbiriyle uyumludur? Seçim yaparken nelere dikkat edilmelidir?

Su testleri

Hangi su testleri mevcuttur? Su testleri nasıl çalışır? Doğru şekilde nasıl test edersiniz?

Su değerleri

Hangi su değerleri önemlidir? En iyi su değerlerini nasıl elde edersiniz?


Akvaryuma en uygun bitkiler hangileridir? Bunları en iyi şekilde nasıl dikersiniz?

Su ekleme

Akvaryumunuza nasıl su eklemelisiniz? Akvaryum düzenini bozmadan su eklemek artık kolay. Bu konuyla ilgili bilgiler ve ipuçları.

Doğru filtre materyali

Ne tür filtre malzemesi seçilmeli? Hangi filtre malzemesi hangi problemleri çözer? Nasıl temizleyebilirsin? Filtrede nereye yerleştirilmesi gerekir?

Biyotop (habitat) akvaryumları

Bir parça Amazon ya da Afrika'nın kalbi Kongo. Bir habitat akvaryumu (biyotop) kurmak zorlu bir iş. Doğayı taklit edebilecek misiniz?

Aquascaping akvaryumu JBL Dreamscape®

Dağlar, vadiler, çayırlar ve balıklar! Dreamscape® akvaryumu ile hayallerinizin ötesinde bir manzara yaratın

JBL Rio Pantanal® orman tipi akvaryum

Oturma odanızda ormanlarda akan bir nehre yer açın! Canlı su altı aksiyonu! JBL Rio Pantanal® ile hiç sorun değil.

Kaya resifi-akvaryum tipi JBL Malawi Rocks®

Malawi gölü balıkları mercan kayalıkları gibi rengarenktir. Bu akvaryum ile tatlı su mercanları evinize gelecek.

Japon balığı akvaryumu JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Göz alıcı Japon balıkları sayesinde oturma odanız canlanacak! Bu Japon balığı akvaryumu ile yeni ev arkadaşları edinmenizin vakti geldi

Suyun test edilmesi

Su kristal berraklığında görünebilir ve yine de arsenik gibi ölümcül bir zehir içerebilir. Ne yazık ki havuz suyunun kalitesini ona bakarak değerlendiremiyoruz.

Mevsime göre bakım

Hangi bakım hangi mevsimde yapılmalıdır? Mevsimlere göre dikkat edilmesi gerekenler nelerdir?

Su testleri - tüm parametreler

Her zaman tüm testleri yapmak zorunda değilsiniz, diziniz ağrıyorsa doktorunuz kulaklarınıza bakacaktır. Aşağıdaki tabloda, bir su testinin nerelere yardımcı olabileceği hakkında kısa bilgiler bulacaksınız.

Yosun türleri

Suyunuzda yeşil renk veya ipliksi yosunlar var mı? Sizi yosun sorunlarını uzun vadeli olarak nasıl çözebileceğiniz konusunda aydınlatmak istiyoruz

Havuz balıklarında görülen hastalıklar

Which diseases affect pond fish and how can you combat them?


Ek ürün bilgileri ve indirmeler

  • JBL ProScan Produkte
  • JBL ProScan-aquarium-welt-net-Erfahrungsbericht
  • JBL ProScan aquascaping-vienna Testbericht
  • JBL ProScan Testbericht aquariumeinrichten
  • JBL ProScan Testbericht-garnelenclick

Güvenlik talimatları

  • Aksesuarlar için güvenlik talimatları
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Customer reviews


Overall rating: 4.7
53 public review(s) for this product.

1 Review


Sehr einfach, das Aquarienwasser zu testen. (:

25 öbür dillerdeki diğer değerlendirmeleri göster

25 Diğer dillerdeki yorumlar

D. Mikalonis - Rusça

Great product. Thank you JBL !

F. Röttgermann - Almanca

Ich frage mich, wie zuverlässig dieser Test ist. Angeblich ist die GH in einem schlechten Wert (>21), heute Morgen aber ok war und mein CO2 ist 15mg, obwohl mein CO2 Dauertest hellgrün anzeigt und auf eine ausreichende Sättigung hinweist. Vor 2Tagen Wasserwechsel gemacht, gestern noch einmal 10 ltr. und nochmals Biotolpol nachgekippt.

Die Handhabung des Test ist gut, dafür gebe ich 3 Sterne. Aber die Zuverlässigkeit stelle ich in Frage

T. Hedenborg - İngilizce

Great! Now I don't have to try to compare very similar colors myself. No guessing. 👍


I love this product because in 60 seconds I will know the exact values measured by this test...:)

LadyDiscus - Lehçe

mega mega mega ! uwielbiam te szybkie testy3

S. Klöcker - Almanca

Für den wöchentlichen Test nutze ich sehr gerne den PROSCAN. Für einen monatlichen genauen Test sollte man sich aber einen Testkoffer zulegen. Bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Produkt.

M. Scheunig - Almanca

Sehr gutes Produkt um schnell die wichtigsten Werte zu messen. Da wir anfangs skeptisch waren, ob die Werte auch so korrekt sind (teils werden nur > oder Werte angezeigt), hatten wir diese mit Tröpfchentests parallel kontrolliert. Der ProScan liefert die gleichen Werte wie die Tröpfchentests und ist in der Handhabung deutlich einfacher und schneller. Bei mehreren Aquarien zahlt sich das aus.

Die Empfehlungen in der App bei abweichenden Norm-Werten sind auch sehr gut.

scapingmania - Almanca

Nochnie war Wasserwerte messen so einfach oder ??

Ich bin ehrlich ich messe nicht jede woche alle meine Werte mit tröpchen... einfach weil die Zeit fehlt.. Diese kleinen super streifen geben mir ein Ergebnis für die wichtigsten werte in 60 Sekunden..

Ich benutze die Streifen sehr oft

alleinig der co2 wert ist für mich nicht ausschlaggebend weil der Streifen 57 sekunden an der luft ist aber dafür habe ich meinen JBL co2 dauertest welchen ich auch empfehlen kann.

LG Scapingmania

F. Cieślak - Lehçe

Szkoda że produkt nie posiada więcej analiz- na przykład fosforany. Ogólnie jest super ale brakuje szerszej analizy wody.

T. Draxler - Almanca

Für Menschen mit rot grün Schwäche eine große Hilfe.

Ich wünschte mir noch mehr Test Möglichkeiten.


T. Draxler - Almanca

Für Menschen mit dir grün Schwäche eine sehr grosse Hilfe. Dankeschön

T. Fischer - Almanca

Ich hätte ehrlich nicht erwartet, dass die Tests so genau sind!

Einen Stern Abzug, weil man Tageslicht benötigt und jee nach Lichteinfall die Werte leicht abweichen! Nutze es jede Woche zur schnellen Kontrolle und hat mich schon so manches Mal gewarnt!

Aquascape.boutique - Flemenkçe

This is so easy to use! You can easily download the app and quite fast determine if problems are present. I’m not sure how accurate it is though. For people like me who have multiple tanks at home, these test strips are ideal to quickly analyze. If you are a beginner, I would highly recommend to buy these test strips instead of bigger test suitcase. Moreover, if you are handy with a smartphone, this is what you need!

Youtubeur - Fransızca

J’adore ce produit tres efficace si on a pas le temps

shrimpscapes_ - Almanca

Der Pflichtbewusste Aquarianer macht in Regelmäßigen Abständen Tests um sicherzugehen dass alle Wasserwerte im Becken passen.

Proscan macht das Kinderleicht.

Die App ist sehr übersichtlich, Wasserwerte zeigt sie ziemlich genau an und man kann sogar Errinerungen für Wassertests veranlassen. Klasse Produkt zum super Preis :)

scapes_and_more - Almanca

Da ich im Urlaub war hab ich meine Mutter gebeten die Tests für mich zu übernehmen. Erst dachte ich das wird schief gehen… Aber Hut ab meine Mutter hat es dank der unkomplizierten Handhabung super gemeistert!

Top Produkt!

Aquamahh - Fransızca

If you are new to the hobby this is the best way to check your water parameters,+++

Aquamahh - Fransızca

If you are new to the hobby this is the best way to check your water parameters ++++

AquaBoxOfficial - Almanca

Hab es mit den Tröpfchen Tests gegenüber gestellt und einige Tests gemacht ist ist schon sehr genau die Abweichungen die man manchmal hat sind eigentlich immer auf Falsches Licht etc. Zurück zu führen.

P. Wielonek - Lehçe

Produkt dostał by 5 gwiazdek gdyby nie konieczność zarejestrowania się w celu zapisania wyniku badania. A co gorsza przy rejestracji wymagane są pełne dane z adresem zamieszkania włącznie.

Malawi-Cichliden-Portal - Almanca

Mit dem Pro Scan ist es ein leichtes Spiel den Test durchzuführen.

Das Scannen der Teststreifen mit der App funktioniert tadellos.

Die Messergebnisse werden von der App so angezeigt als würden man die Teststreifen mit einer Farbskala ablesen. Sollten die Werte mal nicht Übereinstimmen bittet die App auch hier Lösungen an. Alles in einem ein Super Produkt welches ich immer wieder Nutzen werde.

Sehr zu Empfehlen.


aquariumaquaristik - Almanca

Ein klasse Set für kinderleichte Analyse.

Ich war erst skeptisch, ob das wirklich funktioniert und zuverlässige Werte ermittelt.

Passt alles, gibt nur minimale Abweichungen zum Tröpfchen-Test.

Die App ist klasse aufgebaut, ich kann alle Werte einsehen und bekomme Hilfe, wenn was nicht passt.


R. Bergmann - Almanca

Einfache Handhabung. Gute übersichtliche App.

Interessant die Messwerte Historie.

Im grossen und ganzen ein gutes Produkt netten Adons.

raphas_aquaristik - Almanca

Hallo liebe Leute,

Ich gehöre zu einem der beta-Testern und damit an der Entwicklung zum App auch zum Teil auch beteiligt gewesen.

Da ich 2 Aquarien besitze hatte ich schon einmal auch eine gute Vorrausetzung. Ich möchte Ergebnisse so gut wie möglich validiert haben und habe deswegen angefangen eine Stelle einzurichten, bei der die Lichteinstrahlung immer gleich ist und gestreut, sodass die beiliegende Farbkarte, auf die man das Teststäbchen legt, während man 60 Sekunden wartet. Diese Zeit wird benötigt damit die Reagenzien auf den Stäbchen vernünftig mit dem zu testenden reagieren können und ein gutes Ergebnis zu erzielen.

So fing ich an zu teste, hielt mich immer exakt an die Bedingungen und hatte absolut nichts zu beanstanden, außer einen Vorschlag, der aber mit guter Begründung auch abgelehnt wurde. Man merkt das JBL sich hier, im Vergleich zu des vorherigen Pro Scans deutlich verbessert hat.

Ok manchmal gab es Probleme und das Nitrit lag immer bei in einem Bereich, als ob welcher vorhanden wäre. Das war der einzige Mangel. Die Restwerte werden, wenn man sich auch die wenigstens an die Regeln hält, wie z.b das gleiche Lichtverhältnis das diffus sein sollte.

Nach den 60 Sekunden lag dann das Ergebnis vor, nachdem man es einmal mit der beiliegenden kostenlosen App, abzufotografieren ist.

Da ich meistens zu 90% eigentlich Tropfentests von JBL finde, konnte ich die beiden Ergebnisse gut vergleichen. Ich muss wirklich sagen, dass sonst alle Ergebnisse zu mindestens 90% übereinstimmen mit den Ergebnissen der Tropfentest. Also maximal. 10% Abweichung.

Der Vorteil und gute Grund diese Streifen zu besitzen ist der Chlortest, den es flüssig nicht gibt.

Alles insgesamt ein super Paket für eine schnelle Analyse einer der wichtigsten Aquarienwasserwerte.

Das großartige auch noch. Wer einen Account bei JBL.de hat, kann dort unter meine Analysen, die mit der App gespeicherten Messwerte einsehen. Diese werden automatisch synchronisiert. Auch die Einstellmöglichkeiten wie eigene Becken, ob Krankwasser etc. haben sich gut verbessert. Die App wirkt übersichtlicher und flüssiger und damit allgemein komfortabler.

Ich danke JBL hiermit vielmals das ich am Beta Test des neuen Pro Scans teilhaben durfte.

P. Hanisch - Almanca

Ein Klasse Produkt was euch die Arbeit erleichtert Stäbchen ins Wasser und in 60 Sekunden Wasserwerte, die über einen langen Zeitraum gespeichert werden können und man sie auch in Tabellarischen Form wieder findet um ein Aquarium einzufahren und ein laufendes Aquarium zu kontrollieren.

Sollten Werte nicht den Normen entsprechen bietet die App direkt adequate Lösungen an um gegen zu wirken.

Mein Fazit: Klare Kaufempfehlung vom Anfänger bis zum Profi.

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Size tam bir işlevsellik ve bir çok hizmet sunabilmek için JBL’nin ana sayfasında da birçok çerezden yararlanılmaktadır. Bu ana sayfayı ziyaret ettiğinizde başarılı sonuçlar elde edilebilmesi için teknik ve işlevsel çerezlere kesinlikle ihtiyacımız bulunuyor. Çerezleri ayrıca pazarlama amaçlı olarak da kullanmaktayız. Hangi çerezlere izin vereceğinize, hangilerini engelleyeceğinize istediğiniz zaman -daha sonraki bir zamanda da- karar verebilirsiniz (bununla ilgili daha fazla bilgi için bakınız "Ayarları değiştir" menüsü).

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Etkinleştirilmesi ve devre dışı bırakılması son derece kolay olan bu hizmet JBL GmbH & Co. KG tarafından ücretsiz olarak sağlanmaktadır.