Bright sunshine, crystal-clear water and temperatures that never rise above 26 °C! A dream for every aquarist. Summer is a critical time for many aquarium owners, as most of our ornamental fish feel happiest at temperatures between 24 and 26 °C. To make sure they stay that way, you definitely need to take part in this competition! The JBL Summer Competition can ensure you have healthy water, bright lighting and the cooling you need on hot days. Take part in the survey and win a refreshing summer pack for your aquarium worth over €330.
Yarışma ne yazık ki sona erdi. Kısa bir süre içerisinde burada yeni bir yarışma olacak. Tekrar uğrayın!
Thomas Spöttl
How to take part in the competition: Answer our question by 22 Sept 2024 and claim your chance to win the refreshing summer pack incl. JBL LED SOLAR NATUR (Gen 2) 20 W. We wish you every success!
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