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JBL TV #71 Typical mistakes in aquaristics - You should definitely avoid these


Aquarienprofi und Biologe Heiko Blessin hat die typischsten Fehler aus 50 Jahren Aquaristik zusammengetragen.

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The most beautiful and yet most trusting fish in the wild were the Crenicichla species, or pike cichlids.

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JBL TV #69 Algae in the aquarium - causes and solutions - Part 2


After our first part on algae control, Part 2 is about prevention.

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JBL TV #69 Algae in the aquarium - causes and solutions - Part 1


The first part is about successful algae control in the aquarium.

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JBL TV #68 Running-in phase in the aquarium - bacteria, nitrite peak & the first inhabitants


Starting a new aquarium correctly has a significant influence on how it functions afterwards.

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JBL TV #66 Water changes in the aquarium - tips & tricks and a comparison with nature


Water changes, or more precisely partial water changes, are essential for successful aquarium maintenance.

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JBL TV #65 When aquarium fish get sick - Poisoning, parasites, bacteria & diseases


Sometimes aquarium keepers notice their fish acting strangely, but don't know what’s causing it.

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PRONOVO WORLD TRIP - Species-appropriate upkeep, care and feeding of angelfish


This cichlid’s body shape differs significantly from all other common cichlids in freshwater aquariums. But what’s important when keeping angelfish in an aquarium?

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The habitats of flag cichlids are very diverse. These beautiful cichlids live between wooden roots and branches, as well as between large stones and huge boulders.

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JBL TV #64 Livebearers in the Aquarium I Profile


In this video, Heiko Blessin, the biologist and leader of JBL's research expeditions, explains what we can learn from observing livebearers in the wild for aquarium keeping.

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