Here’s how to insert plants properly. Using the slender pincers ( JBL PROSCAPE TOOLS P SLIM LINE ), push the foreground plants into the soil. Don’t forget to spray the plants with water regularly! This will prevent the plants from drying out. For plants with longer roots it is helpful to push them deeper into the soil and to pull them out again to the right height (base of the leaf). Be radical and cut off all the leaves from many plants, such as the cryptocorynes! Every last leaf! The leaves often die after planting anyway and start to pollute the water. It is better to remove them beforehand. Using curved pincers ( JBL PROSCAPE TOOLS S KIVRIK ) put in plants which have strong and vertical roots, such as cryptocorynes. You can use curved spring scissors ( JBL PROSCAPE TOOLS S YAYLI ) not only for cutting mosses but also for the precise removal of individual plant leaves (here Cryptocoryne beckettii petchii). Here too it is important: it is better to cut off a few extra leaves than to have leaves dying in the aquarium after the plant has been moved. With stem plants, such as the Cabomba caroliniana, use spring scissors ( JBL PROSCAPE TOOLS S YAYLI ) to cut off several centimetres of the lower leaves. This enables you to slide the stem deep enough into the soil, so that the plant won’t slip out again. Don’t push more than 2 stems at once into the soil with the slender pincers ( JBL PROSCAPE TOOLS P SLIM LINE ). The first leaves have to be above the ground.
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