Fertilização de plantas com CO2

The most important food for plants

As soon as your plants receive the right light, the photosynthesis process starts. As a result carbon dioxide (CO2) is combined with water to make nutrition (sugar), releasing oxygen (O2) as a by-product. This way CO2 serves the plants as their main food. Further fertiliser, such as JBL PROFLORA Ferropol or JBL PROFLORA Ferropol 24 can be compared to the vitamins and trace elements humans need to survive, no matter how much fats, carbohydrates and proteins (corresponds to CO2 for the plants) we eat.

CO2 is always present in small amounts in your aquarium water through the exhalation of fish, plants (at night), invertebrates and bacteria.

Where does the natural CO2 content in the water come from?

Can you leave out the CO2?

Admittedly, even without CO2 fertilisation, some aquarists have observed their plants growing. There are several reasons for this, and the needs of aquarium plants can differ as much as those of fish (discus/goldfish). Some plants, such as the Vallisneria, need very little fertiliser, little light and can survive with the CO2 content of untreated water. Any high maintenance plants, such as Rotala macranda, would perish miserably if forced to share an aquarium in these conditions. The Vallisneria, on the other hand, would flourish still further, were it to receive CO2 fertilisation, assuming there is enough fertiliser and light.

CO2 is dissolved in EVERY water, as it diffuses from our air into the water until the CO2 content in the water is equal to the CO2 content in the air (concentration balance). Unfortunately, it’s not enough for most aquarium plants.

How much CO2 does your aquarium water contain?

This table shows you: firstly how much CO2 is dissolved in your aquarium water, and secondly which CO2 content is ideal for your plants. To use the table you need the pH value and the carbonate hardness of your aquarium water. These two values will give you a CO2 content which is easy to read off. For example, if your pH content is 7.4 and the KH is 6 °dKH, you have 7 mg/l CO2 in the water. However most aquatic plants need slightly higher CO2 levels between 14 and 23 mg/l for vigorous and healthy growth. Very sensitive species even need up to 23 – 36 mg/l. With the help of a CO2 fertiliser system you can then increase the CO2 content in the water and thus at the same time provide the perfect pH value for your fish.

When you measure the pH value of your aquarium water you can read in the table shown, how much CO2 is present in your aquarium. The green area in the table indicates what would be the ideal CO2 level for thriving plant growth or the right level for sensitive plants. Now you can see whether the CO2 content of your water is sufficient and if you need to increase it for the perfect plant growth. JBL offers you a practical JBL CO2-pH Teste permanente , which permanently displays the CO2 content of your aquarium water. This way you can easily and quickly read on a scale at any time how much CO2 is available in the water.

To increase of the CO2 concentration, you can find fertiliser systems under Tratamento de plantas PROFLORA CO2 . You have the choice between bio-CO2 systems ( PROFLORA Bio ), which produce CO2 by means of a sugar-yeast fermentation and systems with pressurised gas cylinders, filled with CO2 ( Descartável (u) or Reutilizável (m) ).

In addition, you still have the option of purchasing a CO2 set, which includes everything but a CO2 cylinder ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 PROFESSIONAL SET V ). This is especially interesting if you already own a CO2 cylinder.



Sistema de fertilização de CO2 profissional com controlo automático de CO2/pH, SEM GARRAFA DE CO2 para plantas de aquário bonitas e vigorosas e um valor de pH correto

  • Sistema fertilização CO2 c/ controlo autom. do CO2/pH p/ abastecimento ideal de todas as plantas de aquário em aquários de água doce de 40 até 600 l. Requer a compra de garrafa CO2 (descartável ou reutilizável) e de um elétrodo pH acabado de fabricar
  • Montagem fácil: aparafusar redutor de pressão à garrafa CO2 (não incluída), ligar válvula magnética ao controlador de CO2, o tubo ao contador de bolhas/válvula antirretorno e o reator. Ligar elétrodo pH (não incluído). Ajustar o controlador de CO2/pH
  • A mangueira não derrapa graças às uniões aparafusadas da mangueira, a válvula antirretorno impede a entrada de água na garrafa. Manómetros indicam pressão da garrafa e de serviço. O redutor de pressão adapta-se a garrafas CO2 descartáveis e reutiliz.
  • O controlador CO2/pH mede o valor de pH (em dependência do CO2) através do elétrodo (não está incluído), e regula automaticamente o fornecimento de CO2 através da válvula magnética até atingir o valor de pH ideal com a quantidade de CO2 correta
  • Incluído: redutor de pressão com válvula magnética, computador de CO2/pH, tubo de 3 m, contador de bolhas com válvula de retenção, reator TAIFUN SPIRAL CO2 + kit de extensão
a partir de 499,72 €

This is how a CO2 fertiliser system works

For CO2 fertiliser systems with pressurised gas cylinders you have the choice between disposable cylinders as JBL ProFlora u-System ( Descartável (u) ) and refillable returnable cylinders as JBL ProFlora m-System ( Reutilizável (m) ).

The CO2 is contained in a storage cylinder which always needs to be kept in an upright position, since CO2 is liquefied under pressure. To keep the gas well dosed while introducing it into the aquarium, screw the pressure reducer onto the storage cylinder. It reduces the cylinder pressure so that you are able to adjust the CO2 supply to an exact quantity of bubbles with the help of the needle valve. The CO2 travels from the pressure reducer, through a CO2 resistant hose to a bubble counter, which has a check valve ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 Count Safe ) fitted. There is water in the bubble count, allowing you to see the CO2 bubbles rise and become visible. Now you can adjust the desired bubble count with the needle valve. The integrated check valve prevents a backflow of water into the pressure reducer and storage cylinder. The CO2 hose transports the carbon dioxide from the pressure reducer into your aquarium where it needs to dissolve as quickly and uniformly as possible in the water. To do so, various diffusers are available, depending on the size of your aquarium. In the diffuser, the CO2 comes into contact with the aquarium water where it dissolves. A permanent test indicates how much CO2 has been dissolved and whether this is the right amount.

Connecting a CO2 system, aerating the aquarium and putting it into operation

What are the advantages of a CO2 plant fertiliser system? How do you connect a CO2 fertiliser system to your aquarium? Why should you aerate your aquarium at night?

Which CO2 system is the right one for you?

CO2, also called carbon dioxide, is the main nutrient for all plants.

JBL Bio-CO2 systems

Bio-CO2 systems produce the plant nutrient carbon dioxide (CO2) through a biological reaction process in which (simply formulated) yeast reacts with sugar. The reaction components can be renewed after about 40 days.

For CO2 fertiliser systems with pressurised gas cylinders you have the choice between disposable cylinders as JBL ProFlora u-System ( Descartável (u) ) and refillable returnable cylinders as JBL ProFlora m-System ( Reutilizável (m) ).


Sistema biológico de fertilização de CO2 para aquários de água doce de 10-40 l

  • Abastece plantas de aquário com o seu principal nutriente CO2 para um crescimento saudável e vigoroso e desse modo previne algas
  • Montagem muito simples: misturar os componentes biológicos com água no frasco de reação, ligar o tubo com a pedra difusora - e, já está
  • Natural: produção de CO2 através de um processo de fermentação biológico. Eficiente: 40 dias de produção de CO2 uniforme graças ao sistema tampão instantâneo e de longo prazo. Podem-se comprar os componentes biológicos individualmente para recarregar
  • Não requer garrafa de gás CO2 comprimido. O sistema funciona, exclusivamente, através de um processo biológico
  • Incluído: sistema biológico de fertilização de CO2 pronto a ligar, incl. frasco de reação, componentes biológicos, 3m de tubo especial de CO2, ventosa, difusor
a partir de 13,85 €


Sistema biológico de fertilização de CO2 para plantas de aquário bonitas e vigorosas em aquários de água doce de 40-80 l

  • Abastece plantas de aquário com o seu principal nutriente CO2 para um crescimento saudável e vigoroso e desse modo previne algas
  • Montagem simples: misturar os componentes biológicos com água no frasco de reação, ligar o tubo com o dispositivo de segurança antirretorno e o difusor de vidro - e, já está
  • Natural: produção de CO2 com um processo de fermentação biológico. Eficiente: 40 dias de produção de CO2 uniforme graças ao sistema tampão instantâneo e de longo prazo. É possível comprar os componentes biológicos individualmente para recarregar
  • Não requer garrafa de gás CO2 comprimido. O sistema funciona, exclusivamente, através de um processo biológico num recipiente de reação transparente de alta qualidade. O difusor de vidro oferece um enriquecimento da água com CO2 quase sem perdas
  • Incluído: sistema biológico de fertilização de CO2 pronto a ligar para aquários de água doce de 40-80 l, incl. recipiente de reação, componentes biológicos, 3m de tubo especial de CO2, ventosa, dispositivo de segurança antirretorno, difusor de vidro
a partir de 38,40 €


Sistema biológico de fertilização de CO2 para plantas de aquário bonitas e vigorosas em aquários de água doce de 40-110 l

  • Abastece plantas de aquário com o seu principal nutriente CO2 para um crescimento saudável e vigoroso e desse modo previne algas
  • Montagem simples: misturar os componentes biológicos com água no frasco de reação e ligar o tubo com o dispositivo de segurança antirretorno e o reator. Colocar o frasco de reação na proteção térmica - e, já está
  • Natural: produção de CO2 graças a um processo de fermentação biológico. Eficiente: 2x40 dias de produção de CO2 uniforme graças ao sistema tampão instantâneo e de longo prazo. É possível comprar os componentes biológicos individualmente para recarga
  • Não requer garrafa de gás CO2 comprimido. O sistema funciona, exclusivam., através de um processo biológico num recipiente de reação transparente de alta qualidade. O difusor de vidro oferece enriquecimento da água do aquário com CO2 quase sem perdas
  • Incluído: sistema biológico de fertilização de CO2 pronto a ligar, incl. recipiente de reação, proteção térmica, 2x componentes biológicos, 3m de tubo especial de CO2, ventosa, dispositivo de segurança antirretorno, reator ampliável
a partir de 52,15 €
JBL CO2 fertiliser systems with CO2 pressurised gas cylinders for beginners

These systems contain the plant nutrient carbon dioxide (CO2) in a pressurised gas cylinder which you simply replace when it is empty.


Sistema de fertilização de CO2, conjunto completo com garrafa de CO2 descartável de reserva para plantas do aquário fortes e bonitas

  • Sistema de fertilização de CO2 pronto a ligar para o abastecimento ideal de todas as plantas de aquário em aquários de água doce de 40 até 300 l que previne algas
  • Montagem fácil: aparafusar o redutor de pressão na garrafa, ligar o tubo com o contador de bolhas/válvula antirretorno e o difusor. Ajustar o número de bolhas - e, já está
  • Garrafa de CO2 descartável de reserva. A mangueira não derrapa graças às uniões aparafusadas da mangueira, a válvula antirretorno impede a penetração de água na garrafa
  • A concentração correta de CO2 na água do aquário é controlada através da indicação do teste permanente de CO2/pH incluído e reajustada, caso necessário
  • Incluído: garrafa de reserva de CO2 de 500 g descartável, redutor de pressão, tubo 3 m, contador de bolhas com válvula de retenção, difusor de cerâmica, teste permanente com reagentes, 2x fertilizante de plantas 100 ml, 1x fertilizante diário 10 ml
a partir de 148,30 €


Sistema de fertilização de CO2, conjunto completo com garrafa reutilizável para plantas do aquário vigorosas e bonitas

  • Sistema de fertilização de CO2 pronto a ligar para o abastecimento ideal de todas as plantas de aquário em aquários de água doce de 40 até 300 l que previne algas
  • Montagem fácil: aparafusar o redutor de pressão na garrafa, ligar o tubo com o contador de bolhas/válvula antirretorno e o difusor. Ajustar o número de bolhas - e, já está
  • Garrafa de CO2 reutilizável de reserva. A mangueira não derrapa graças às uniões aparafusadas da mangueira, a válvula antirretorno impede a penetração de água na garrafa
  • A concentração correta de CO2 na água do aquário é controlada através da indicação do teste permanente de CO2/pH incluído e reajustada, caso necessário
  • Incluído: garrafa de CO2 500 g reutilizável c/ suporte parede, redutor de pressão, tubo 3m, contador de bolhas - válvula de retenção, difusor de cerâmica, teste permanente c/ reagentes, 2x fertilizante de plantas 100 ml, 1x fertilizante diário 10 ml
a partir de 205,25 €
JBL CO2 fertiliser systems with CO2 pressurised gas cylinders for advanced users

These systems contain the plant nutrient carbon dioxide (CO2) in a pressurised gas cylinder which you can have refilled once empty.


Sistema de fertilização de CO2, conjunto completo com 2 manómetros, desligamento noturno e garrafa descartável para plantas do aquário vigorosas e bonitas

  • Sistema de fertilização de CO2 pronto ligar, com válvula magnética para desligamento noturno, para abastecimento ideal de todas as plantas de aquário em aquários de água doce de 40 até 600 l que previne algas
  • Montagem fácil: aparafusar redutor de pressão à válvula magnética montada na garrafa, ligar tubo com contador de bolhas/válvula antirretorno e reator. Encaixar válvula magnética no temporizador (não incluído), ajustar o número de bolhas - e, já está
  • Garrafa de reserva descartável. A mangueira não derrapa graças às uniões aparafusadas da mangueira, a válvula antirretorno impede a penetração de água na garrafa. Manómetros indicam a pressão da garrafa e a pressão de serviço
  • A concentração correta de CO2 na água do aquário é controlada através da indicação do teste permanente de CO2/pH incluído e reajustada, caso necessário
  • Incluído: garrafa de CO2 de 500 g descartável, redutor de pressão com válvula magnética, tubo de 3 m, contador de bolhas com válvula de retenção, reator TAIFUN CO2 + kit de extensão, teste permanente de CO2/pH com reagentes
a partir de 272,62 €


Sistema de fertilização de CO2, conjunto completo com 2 manómetros, desligamento noturno e garrafa reutilizável para plantas do aquário vigorosas e bonitas

  • Sistema de fertilização de CO2 pronto a ligar, com válvula magnética para desligamento noturno, para o abastecimento ideal de todas as plantas de aquário em aquários de água doce de 40 até 600 l que previne algas
  • Montagem fácil: aparafusar redutor de pressão à válvula magnética montada na garrafa, ligar tubo com contador de bolhas/válvula antirretorno e reator. Encaixar válvula magnética no temporizador (não incluído), ajustar o número de bolhas - e, já está
  • Garrafa de reserva reutilizável. A mangueira não derrapa graças às uniões aparafusadas da mangueira, a válvula antirretorno impede a penetração de água na garrafa. Manómetros indicam a pressão da garrafa e a pressão de serviço
  • A concentração correta de CO2 na água do aquário é controlada através da indicação do teste permanente de CO2/pH incluído e reajustada, caso necessário
  • Incl.: Garrafa CO2 500 g reutilizável & suporte, redutor pressão + válv. magn., tubo 3m, conta-olhas/válvula retenção, reator TAIFUN CO2 + kit de extensão, teste perma. CO2/pH c/ reagentes, 2x fertilizante plantas 100 ml, 1x fertilizante diário 10 ml
a partir de 354,44 €
JBL CO2 fertiliser systems with or without CO2 pressurised gas cylinders for experts


Sistema de fertilização de CO2 profissional com controlo automático de CO2 e pH, e com garrafa de CO2 descartável para plantas de aquário bonitas e vigorosas e um valor de pH correto

  • Sistema de fertilização de CO2 com controlo automático do CO2/pH para o abastecimento ideal de todas as plantas de aquário em aquários de água doce de 40 até 600 l que previne algas. Requer a compra de um elétrodo de pH acabado de fabricar
  • Montagem fácil: aparafusar redutor de pressão à garrafa, ligar válvula magnética com o controlador de CO2, e o tubo com o contador de bolhas/válvula antirretorno, e o reator. Ligar elétrodo de pH (não incl.). Ajustar o controlador de CO2/pH - já está
  • Garrafa de reserva descartável. A mangueira não derrapa graças às uniões aparafusadas da mangueira, a válvula antirretorno impede a penetração de água na garrafa. Manómetros indicam a pressão da garrafa e a pressão de serviço
  • O controlador CO2/pH mede o valor de pH (em dependência do CO2) através do elétrodo (não está incluído), e regula automaticamente o fornecimento de CO2 através da válvula magnética até atingir o valor de pH ideal com a quantidade de CO2 correta
  • Incluído: garrafa CO2 500 g descartável, redutor de pressão com válvula magnética, computador CO2/pH, tubo 3m, contador de bolhas com válvula retenção, reator TAIFUN CO2, kit extensão, 2x fertilizante de plantas 100 ml, 1x fertilizante diário 10 ml
a partir de 521,15 €


Sistema de fertilização de CO2 profissional com controlo automático de CO2/pH com garrafa de CO2 reutilizável para plantas de aquário bonitas e vigorosas e um valor de pH correto

  • Sistema de fertilização de CO2 com controlo automático do CO2/pH para o abastecimento ideal de todas as plantas de aquário em aquários de água doce de 40 até 600 l. Requer a compra de um elétrodo de pH acabado de fabricar
  • Montagem fácil: aparafusar redutor de pressão na garrafa, ligar a válvula magnética com o controlador de CO2, o tubo com o contador de bolhas/válvula antirretorno e o reator. Ligar o elétrodo de pH (não está incluído). Ajustar o controlador de CO2/pH
  • A mangueira não derrapa graças às uniões aparafusadas da mangueira, a válvula antirretorno impede a entrada de água na garrafa. Manómetros indicam pressão da garrafa e de serviço. O redutor de pressão adapta-se a garrafas CO2 descartáveis e reutiliz.
  • O controlador CO2/pH mede o valor de pH (em dependência do CO2) através do elétrodo (não está incluído), e regula automaticamente o fornecimento de CO2 através da válvula magnética até atingir o valor de pH ideal com a quantidade de CO2 correta
  • Incluído: garrafa CO2 500 g reutilizável & suporteparede, redutor pressão c/ válvula magnética, computador CO2/pH, tubo 3m, conta-bolhas c/ válvula retenção, reator TAIFUN CO2 + kit exten., 2x fertilizante plantas 100ml, 1x fertilizante diário 10ml
a partir de 587,66 €


Sistema de fertilização de CO2 profissional com controlo automático de CO2/pH, SEM GARRAFA DE CO2 para plantas de aquário bonitas e vigorosas e um valor de pH correto

  • Sistema fertilização CO2 c/ controlo autom. do CO2/pH p/ abastecimento ideal de todas as plantas de aquário em aquários de água doce de 40 até 600 l. Requer a compra de garrafa CO2 (descartável ou reutilizável) e de um elétrodo pH acabado de fabricar
  • Montagem fácil: aparafusar redutor de pressão à garrafa CO2 (não incluída), ligar válvula magnética ao controlador de CO2, o tubo ao contador de bolhas/válvula antirretorno e o reator. Ligar elétrodo pH (não incluído). Ajustar o controlador de CO2/pH
  • A mangueira não derrapa graças às uniões aparafusadas da mangueira, a válvula antirretorno impede a entrada de água na garrafa. Manómetros indicam pressão da garrafa e de serviço. O redutor de pressão adapta-se a garrafas CO2 descartáveis e reutiliz.
  • O controlador CO2/pH mede o valor de pH (em dependência do CO2) através do elétrodo (não está incluído), e regula automaticamente o fornecimento de CO2 através da válvula magnética até atingir o valor de pH ideal com a quantidade de CO2 correta
  • Incluído: redutor de pressão com válvula magnética, computador de CO2/pH, tubo de 3 m, contador de bolhas com válvula de retenção, reator TAIFUN SPIRAL CO2 + kit de extensão
a partir de 499,72 €

The ideal CO2 fertilisation for plants in the aquarium

CO2, also called carbon dioxide, is the main nutrient for all plants.

What is the significance of the individual components of a CO2 system?


The CO2 is available as a gas either in compressed form in disposable ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 CYLINDER 500 U ) or refillable ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 CYLINDER 500 M ) cylinders, or as biogas produced by a sugar-yeast reaction in a reaction vessel ( PROFLORA CO2 BIO ) produziert wird.

Pressure reducer

To reduce the pressure from the compressed gas cylinder, a pressure reducer is screwed on there ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 REGULATOR BASIC , JBL PROFLORA CO2 REGULATOR ADVANCED , JBL PROFLORA CO2 REGULATOR PROFESSIONAL It reduces the 50-60 bar cylinder pressure to a working pressure of approx. 1.2 bar. This 1.2 bar is then dosed by a small handwheel (fine needle valve) so precisely that individual CO2 bubbles can be seen and counted in a bubble counter. The cylinder pressure and the working pressure are indicated on pressure gauges on the pressure reducer (NOT with the JBL PROFLORA CO2 REGULATOR BASIC ).

These displays are not strictly necessary, as - unlike with diving cylinders with compressed air - the cylinder pressure does not slowly drop, and you do not need to be warned when the cylinder is running low. Instead, the pressure remains at its maximum pressure and then drops to zero quite quickly. So, unfortunately, there is hardly any slow decrease in the cylinder filling pressure.

The working pressure would only be important if it had to be adjusted. But this is normally not necessary. But somehow most people are happier having two pressure gauges giving them readings. JBL also offers a minimalist pressure reducer without a pressure gauge ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 REGULATOR BASIC ). If you would like to equip your pressure reducer with a solenoid valve for night switch-off or pH control, you can buy it complete with the solenoid valve already fitted ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 REGULATOR ADVANCED ). Of course it would also be possible to RETROFIT an existing pressure reducer with a solenoid valve ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 VALVE ). ALL JBL PROFLORA CO2 REGULATOR types are supplied with the adapter from the U to the M system (the adapter must then simply be unscrewed using an Allen key). If you have a Dennerle pressure reducer for Dennerle disposable cylinders, you can make the Dennerle pressure reducer suitable for JBL disposable cylinders with the aid of the adapter JBL PROFLORA CO2 ADAPT U - Dennerle Adapting Dennerle pressure reducesr to fit JBL disposable cylinders.

Redutor de pressão de alta precisão, com fresagem CNC
Pressure reducer type: Pressure gauge Solenoid valve Adapter u-m
As mangueiras podiam ser significativamente encurtadas aqui!

Lay the hose connections so that they are as short as possible. The shorter the CO2-carrying hoses, the faster the whole system will react when you increase or decrease the pressure on the fine needle valve. Even with short hoses, however, your settings will always have a delayed reaction. Do not turn the fine needle valve of the pressure reducer too much. Adjust it slightly and wait a little before the bubble count in the bubble counter ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN COUNT SAFE ) changes. CO2 hoses also harden over time and then need to be replaced. JBL has dedicated CO2 resistant hoses: JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN TUBE in black and transparent.

Bubble counter

Since CO2 gas is not visible, but we want to add it in doses, we have to make it visible. In the JBL CO2 concept there are several options: JBL has the JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN COUNT SAFE , a bubble counter with an integrated check valve. The bubble counter is filled with water through which the CO2 bubbles rise to the top. In this way they can easily be dosed and counted. In all JBL CO2 diffusers Bubble counters ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN GLASS , JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN SPIRAL 5 and JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN INLINE ) the CO2 bubbles can be counted, but in the case of the JBL PROFLORA TAIFUN GLASS only after a little running time (once enough water has collected in the glass body). If the diffusers are not easily visible, it may be advisable to mount a separate bubble counter.

Check valve

To prevent the aquarium water from entering the hose and flowing towards the technical equipment, a check valve ( JBL PROFLORA SafeStop ) needs to be fitted as closely as possible to the aquarium, ideally directly above the water surface. The CO2 gas dissolves so easily in the water that it diffuses out of the hose into the aquarium water when the cylinder is empty or the supply is turned off, and thus migrates in the hose towards the cylinder. If a JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN COUNT SAFE or a JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN INLINE is installed in which check valves are integrated, no further check valve is required.


In the aquarium, the CO2 gas now needs to be dissolved in the water so that it can serve the plants as their staple food. For this purpose there are several options available: In the simplest JBL Bio-CO2 set ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 STARTER BIO SET ), an air stone is used. The CO2 bubbles are of different sizes and a slight loss of CO2 occurs as some bubbles reach the water surface. In the JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN GLASS a connection to the water is made by a ceramic disc. The CO2 is pressed through in tiny bubbles and dissolves in the aquarium water on its way to the water surface. For this reason, CO2 diffusers should always be installed as low as possible below the surface. The only exception is the JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN INLINE , which is integrated into the water-returning hose of the external filter. It also has a ceramic diaphragm through which the CO2 enters the water and dissolves on its way back from the filter into the aquarium.

In the JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN SPIRAL 5 and JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN SPIRAL 10 the CO2 bubbles rise upwards like in a spiral driveway of a multi-storage car park, then dissolve in the parking garage i.e. in the aquarium water. A few bubbles still reach the top, but they hardly contain any CO2. On their way up the bubbles also absorb gases from the aquarium water (O2, N2 etc.), so don't worry about wasting too much CO2! In case you are worried, the bubble remains are collected in a chamber at the top☺. Both diffusers TAIFUN SPIRAL 5 and SPIRAL 10 can be extended with modules ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN SPIRAL EXTEND ), if your aquarium requires more CO2 or if you are changing to a larger aquarium. The length of the CO2 reactors is only limited by the aquarium height.

Soleniod valve/night switch-off

Since plants only need CO2 for photosynthesis during the lighting phase, you can turn off the CO2 supply at night. To save you having to turn the CO2 cylinder or the fine needle valve on and off, there is a solenoid valve ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 VALVE ), which can be controlled by a timer. The timer then switches the light and the CO2 supply on with the solenoid valve in the morning and off again in the evening. Anyone with a good head for figures will soon realise that the solenoid valve quickly recoups its cost price by saving the CO2 by about half. It is always installed between pressure reducer and check valve. If you want to use a CO2/pH computer with an automatic CO2 control, you’ll also need a CO2 solenoid valve. This is then not switched via the timer, but via the CO2/pH control unit ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 CONTROL ). In some CO2 sets the solenoid valve is already included ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 ADVANCED SET M and JBL PROFLORA CO2 PROFESSIONAL SET M ).

A CO2 solenoid valve can be retrofitted to any CO2 fertiliser system (except Bio-CO2) at any time. It is simply inserted into the hose directly behind the pressure reducer. Cut the hose, insert the solenoid valve - done.

Redutor de pressão com válvula magnética montada
CO2/pH control

If you want to automate the CO2 supply, you can connect a pH computer ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 CONTROL ) instead of a timer for the night switch-off. You have to enter the carbonate hardness (KH) of your aquarium water once (test with JBL PROAQUATEST KH Dureza carbonatada and then the computer calculates the matching pH value, which is adjusted by adding CO2 (some of the CO2 reacts in the water to form carbonic acid, which then lowers the pH value). At this "suitable" pH value, the optimal CO2 content of about 30 mg/l for perfect plant growth is always ensured. The computer then controls the solenoid valve and adds as much CO2 until the calculated or desired pH value is reached. The solenoid valve is then closed and opened again so that the pH value remains stably adjusted. Since the pH value drops automatically at night, the computer also stops adding CO2 at night through the solenoid valve. The pH measurement of the water is done via a pH electrode, which is NOT included in the set and needs to be purchased separately. This ensures that you do not receive an old electrode in the set, but always a factory-fresh one!

pH electrode

Every pH control or measuring device, including the JBL CO2/pH control unit ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 CONTROL ) requires a pH electrode ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 pH SENSOR SET ) to measure the pH value of the water. pH electrodes age with time and must be replaced about every 2 years. Every 30-45 days the pH electrode needs to be calibrated so that it continues to show accurate values. During calibration, the functionality of the electrode is also checked so that you know when a new electrode is needed.

CO2 permanent test

If you add CO2 to your aquarium, the amount of CO2 in the aquarium water also needs to be controlled, as too little CO2 will not help your plants and too much CO2 can be dangerous for fish and invertebrates. The correct amount can be permanently displayed to you with the help of a permanent test ( JBL PROAQUATEST CO2-pH Permanent ), which is placed in the aquarium. In addition to the CO2 content, the test can also show you the pH value of your water, provided you have not added any other pH-lowering agents such as pH-Minus apart from CO2. Please note that this test displays correctly with a delay! The CO2 gas must first react from the aquarium water through a small air bell in the test vessel with the reagent liquid contained. So do not change the amount of CO2 and expect an immediate colour change of the reagent in the test! This test is elementary when using CO2 systems (except for Bio-CO2 systems), because only via this test an overdosage is indicated. When using a CO2/pH control unit, the test is not necessary, as the computer prevents overdosing.

Calibration liquids

To calibrate pH electrodes you need liquids with a fixed pH value. The JBL set ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 CALIBRATION SET ) contains all the liquids you need: For a routine calibration, during the calibration process displayed in the pH control unit, dip the electrode first into the JBL Solução tampão pH 7,0 and then into the JBL Solução tampão pH 4,0 . Rinse briefly with distilled water (e.g. JBL Dest ) in between and at the end - done.

CO2 cylinder types, which CO2 cylinder is the right one for you?

There are 2 different cylinder types: disposable cylinders that are disposed of and recycled after emptying and reusable cylinders that can be refilled again and again. Many pet shops and gas companies can carry out the refilling. If you, for example, live in a region where refilling is a problem, the disposable cylinder would be an alternative. Should the refilling situation improve, you can always convert the pressure reducer of the disposable cylinder into a reusable one in 2 minutes by unscrewing the adapter ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 ADAPT U - M ). Aquarists who live on islands, for instance, are sometimes not allowed to transport filled reusable cylinders on the ferry or plane. JBL CO2 disposable cylinders are then sometimes allowed!

The size of the cylinder often depends on the cabinet in which the CO2 storage cylinder is to be placed: A 500 g disposable cylinder is only 31 cm high (plus pressure reducer = 37 cm), a 500 g reusable cylinder with stand is already 43 cm high and a 2000 g bottle 45.5 cm high. Basically, of course, a larger cylinder is an advantage, because it needs to be replaced or refilled less frequently.

TÜV inspection of CO2 cylinders

All reusable CO2 cylinders must be inspected regularly, every 10 years, by the TÜV (at least in Germany). On the cylinder you will always find - sometimes badly legibly - the date of the last TÜV inspection and sometimes the year of the next inspection.

What is hysteresis in a pH control unit?

The term hysteresis refers to the delayed switching of the solenoid valve for the desired pH value. For example, if you have set a pH value of 6.0 (your desired pH value), the unit still needs to know when to add CO2 to reach the pH value and when to switch off when it has been reached. As a rule, the hysteresis is 0.5 pH units. For example, if the pH value is 6.5, the CO2 addition is switched on until the pH value reaches 5.5 due to the added CO2. Then the CO2 addition is switched off. With the JBL PROFLORA CO2 CONTROL , you can also increase or decrease the hysteresis by 0.1 increments if you wish. In our example, the unit then switches the CO2 supply on at 6.1 pH and off again at 5.9. A hysteresis of 0 would make no sense, as the solenoid valve would then switch on and off permanently. After all, the added CO2 also needs a certain amount of time to influence the pH value.

Which diffuser is the right one?

Since CO2 is a gas, you can simply use an airstone to add this gas to the water (as in the JBL PROFLORA CO2 STARTER BIO SET ). However, there is of course some loss of CO2, as the larger CO2 bubbles do not dissolve completely in the water on their way to the surface.

So it makes sense to reduce the size of the bubbles in order to make them dissolve better. This is achieved with a diffuser that has a ceramic plate through which the CO2 is forced. The very small CO2 bubbles dissolve more quickly in the water and the CO2 loss is minimised considerably. If the carbonate hardness of the water is not too high, such a diffuser ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN GLASS ) can be used for aquarium contents of up to 300 litres. If the ideal CO2 content indicated by the CO2 permanent test can not be reached, either the CO2 consumption by the aquarium plants is extremely high or the water hardness (KH) is so high that the amount of CO2 added is not sufficient.

The JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN SPIRAL 5 or JBL PROFLORA CO2 TAIFUN SPIRAL 10 is suitable for any size of aquarium assuming the height fits. In addition, it has the advantage that it can be extended in length, and thus in its performance, by adding further modules.

How does the CO2 get into the water?

The main plant nutrient CO2 is a gas that can be dissolved in water with the help of CO2 diffusers or CO2 reactors.

Are there adapters to convert disposable cylinders to reusable cylinders or other brand products?

Yes, almost all combinations are possible! The pressure reducer JBL PROFLORA CO2 REGULATOR BASIC , JBL PROFLORA CO2 REGULATOR ADVANCED and JBL PROFLORA CO2 REGULATOR PROFESSIONAL for the JBL reusable cylinders ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 CYLINDER 500 M / JBL PROFLORA CO2 CYLINDER 2000 M ) can be adapted for JBL disposable cylinders by unscrewing the union nut with an Allen key. The reverse is also possible, of course. The union nut ( JBL ProFlora Adapt u-m ) can be used to convert a pressure reducer from use on disposable cylinders ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 CYLINDER 500 U / JBL PROFLORA CO2 CYLINDER 1200 U ) for reusable cylinders in a matter of seconds. The adapter JBL PROFLORA ADAPT u- descartável para Dennerle makes it possible for owners of Dennerle disposable cylinder pressure reducers to use JBL reusable cylinders ( JBL PROFLORA CO2 CYLINDER 500 U ).

CO2 pressure reducers for aquariums: which one fits which cylinder?

CO2 fertiliser systems for aquariums - which pressure reducer fits which cylinder, which adapters are available and what should be avoided?

Refilling the storage cylinders

A lot of pet shops, in emergencies also fire brigades or gas retailers, can refill your CO2 reusable cylinders. The pressure gauge shows you if the pressure has decreased. Sometimes an instant refill is just not possible, but there’s an easy solution for that too. If you have a disposable 500g cylinder ( JBL PROFLORA u500 ) as spare cylinder in stock, you can integrate it within a few seconds. Even if you have a refillable JBL m system you can adapt your pressure reducer to the disposable cylinder with one simple movement using an Allen key.

JBL PROFLORA CO2 Premium Service Partner

In the dealer search below, you can find out which specialist dealer in your area carries the JBL PROFLORA CO2 concept and can help you fill or exchange the JBL PROFLORA CO2 cylinders by entering your postal code.

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