Expedições, Workshops e relatos de viagens

JBL undertakes yearly expeditions to the native habitats of ornamental fish and terrarium animals, collects data of habitats and makes observations about their way of life based on first-hand experience. Anyone who is interested in nature can accompany the JBL research team on the JBL expeditions. Next to good physical fitness a keen interest in nature is required, because the expeditions are not wellness holidays but nature tours sometimes in quite rough conditions. Anyone who wants to join us, needs to attach a photo to the application form and send it to JBL. The application form can be found in the terms and conditions of participation for the coming JBL expedition.

Previsão da Expedição JBL 2025 ao Peru

Join the JBL research team at the Andes and lowland rainforests for underwater observations of discus, angelfish and other fish species. Experience undisturbed nature amongst indigenous people with us, and sleep in indigenous camps.

JBL Expedição Pacífico Sul I e II

If there is a superlative for an intact underwater world, then that superlative is TUAMOTU-ARCHIPELAGO in the South Pacific! We have travelled to almost every ocean on the JBL expeditions, but the amount of fish in the South Pacific is mind-blowing. 150 sharks in one photo, thousands of perch covering the entire seabed and so on...

JBL Expedition Colombia II - 2022

Everything was different from the February expedition: streams became wide rivers and the jungle was 6 m under water. Now regions were accessible that no human had ever entered before. All you had to do was snorkel between the trees! We also went to the most colourful river in the world, the Caño Cristales.

Expedition 2022 Colombia I - 2022

There have rarely been so many surprising results! Cardinal tetra, but never in a real shoal. Flag cichlids in shoals and altum angelfish between rocks like in Lake Malawi. These are not fairy tales, but observations we recorded in photographs and videos! Read for yourself what our 34-member team experienced…

JBL Expedition Japan 2019

What does a pet shop in Tokyo look like? What are the secrets of the koi breeders in Niigata? Which rare animals live on the subtropical Ryukyu Islands and why do sea snakes keep crawling into our equipment? Our 32 participants experienced a few surprises during their 16-day expedition!

JBL Expedição Oceano Índico 2018

Every single destination of this expedition would have been worth a trip of its own, but it was the sum of the destinations one after another that made it so special. Whale sharks, day geckos & chameleons, Mauritius anyway and the dream islands of the Seychelles. For us aquarium and terrarium friends, these are very special destinations....

JBL Workshop de tubarões Bahamas 2018

An intensive and unique shark experience: dive, snorkel and interact with sharks during the day and in the evening enjoy a lecture by the shark researcher Dr. Erich Ritter. Shark research can’t get better than this!

JBL Expedition 2016 Venezuela

The JBL research team flew to the fascinating South American country of Venezuela. Under scientific supervision 50 participants explored the habitats of our aquarium fish and terrarium animals in the gorges of the table-top mountains and the Orinoco Delta, the second largest river in South America.

7ª Expedição JBL 2015: Califórnia, Mar do Sul & Austrália

Apenas 18 dias foram suficientes para observar inúmeros animais, realizar medições e viver grandes experiências. Com seus 14 membros, a equipa de pesquisa da JBL visitou durante um dia a Ilha Catalina na costa de Los Angeles na Califórnia, durante 2 dias a Ilha Moorea no Mar do Sul e durante 12 dias várias regiões da Austrália. A viagem foi encerrada com uma visita ao deserto nos arredores de Dubai.

JBL Workshop Vietnam 2013

In May 70 participants travelled to the Nha Trang region about 400 km north of Ho-Chi-Minh City. There were many snakes, amazing formations of stony corals and clear mountain rivers to thrill everyone. The only problems we encountered were official ones concerning the jungle camp.

JBL Expedition in 2012 to Central America and Galapagos

From 4 to 20 February 2012, the 6th JBL Expedition led to Central America and to the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific. The team was made up of 16 participants, 12 of whom had been drawn by lot from 60 applicants.

JBL Workshop Tanzania 2010

The JBL Tanzania workshop, which turned into the Africa expedition

JBL Expedition Brazil

The 5th JBL Expedition was pretty tough: 14 days of the Amazon and the northern Pantanal as well as two days at the southernmost limit of distribution of tropical marine fauna in the Atlantic!

JBL Workshop 2007 Philippines

The 80 participants researched for one week south of the Negros Island near Dumaguete on behalf of the aquatic and herpetology fields. Under the guidance of renowned scientists the participants were initiated into marine biology, behavioural research, water analysis and general research methods.

JBL Expedition 2006 - South Africa and Lake Malawi

From 7.09.06 until 23.09.06 the JBL Research team traveled to Africa with interested specialists from Germany, Holland, South Africa and Switzerland. The program focused on aquaristic research and the shark school from SharkProject and Dr. Erich Ritter. After an 11-hour flight from Frankfurt to Johannesburg with South African Airways, the journey...

JBL Workshop 2005 Red Sea

81 persons from 8 nations took part in the 1st JBL workshop at the Red Sea. The workshop took place at the Marsa Shagra Ecolodge, directly on the coast at a gap in the reef. Divers and snorkellers were therefore able to cross sand to enter the water, without damaging the reef encircling the coast. One week was devoted to research activities. Under the guidance...

JBL Expedition 2004 Französisch Guyana & Karibik

In September 2004 The JBL research team travelled to the Amazon rainforest of French Guayana and afterwards to the Caribbean waters of the Lesser Antilles.

JBL Expedition 2002 Sri Lanka and the Maldives

After 20 years of civil war in Sri Lanka, the members of the JBL research team were the first to be allowed into the north of the country, which was occupied by the rebel Tamils. The destination was its untouched rainforests, rivers and streams. There are no natural lakes on Sri Lanka, but there are huge reservoirs which have developed into natural paradises....

JBL Expedition 2001 Manado / Sulawesi

Do you want to see as many different species in as short a time as possible? Would you like to see rare species and fish that are smaller than three centimeters? Then you must go to Manado on Sulawesi. You´ll be in one of the areas with the widest variety of species in the world, or rather the sea. You can see more fish species in one single dive at Manado than...

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