Expedição 2022 Colômbia I

Expedition 2022 Colombia I - 2022

Expedition 2022 Colombia I - 2022

The Caño Bocon, with the locals, in the middle of the untouched rainforest

Of course, it is always special when you have the chance to come into closer contact with the indigenous peoples. Since they, like us, were fully vaccinated against Corona and often also immune after a bout of Covid, there was nothing to stop our joint activities. In the evening, the tribal elder even sat down with us and told us a story, which one of our participants translated for us.

During the day we all went to the tributaries of the Caño Bocon, where, according to our tour guides, a lot of fish live. However, we only chose waters where the visibility under water was acceptable, because we didn’t just want to catch fish with the net, but also snorkel to observe them.

Boat trips took us to regions where no one had yet been

On the JBL expeditions we go to places no one has ever been before. The small, unknown rivers often become shallower and shallower and are so full of dead wood that they are hardly accessible. But it is precisely these rivers that are the most exciting!

So, for two half days, we roamed a lot of tributaries and found countless species of fish. Particularly interesting was the appropriately named Cano Pescado (stream of fish). The masses of charcins made it an ideal spot for carrying out feeding trials. Our team had brought along food samples of the new JBL PRONOVO food range and we wanted to test the reaction of the fish. The JBL PRONOVO NEON was literally snatched out of our hands. Hundreds, if not thousands of charcins jumped at the previously unfamiliar granulate food after a very short period of accustomization.

Underwater feeding of the JBL PRONOVO NEON prototype

Opening a JBL PRONOVO NEON food tin under water caused hundreds of tetras to come and pounce on the food, which was completely unfamiliar to them. You couldn’t see the food tin for all the fish!

The fish surrounded the food tin until we could no longer see it! The fish even swam into the tin to get to the food. We had to move the tin sharply to keep the fish at bay long enough for us to take the photos. A great experience and some nice proof that the ingredients for the new food have enormous acceptance among wild characins.

Measured values Caño Perscado:

Measurement Values
Location/type biotope Rio Bocon Zufluss: Caño Pescado
GPS data: longitude 03°39'34.5'' N
GPS data: latitude 68°01'36.7'' W
Date: Feb 10, 2022
Time: 11:00
Water temperature (surface) 29.4
Conductance in µS/cm: 9
KH: 1
pH: 4.5
Iron in mg/l: 0.05
Oxygen in mg/l 8
Cloudiness: partly cloudy
Humidade atmosférica relativa em % 55
Temperatura do ar em °C 33.5

The locals also took us fishing at night. They showed us places where freshwater rays swim in a few centimetres of water and they showed us branches on the shore amongst which altum angelfish were quite easy to catch. In addition, almost every upturned branch/tree trunk in the water turned up trumps with sucking catfish!

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