The JBL philosophy is based on the 17 basic ideas of the UN, of which, in addition to global goals, the following goals are at the top of the agenda in the JBL company:

  • Top quality & innovations
  • Integrating research results
  • Climate protection measures
  • Gender equality & tolerance
  • Sustainability in products, raw materials and production
  • Company growth yes, but not at the expense of employees
  • Marine conservation projects
  • Support for environmental protection projects

"Conduct your daily business in a way that lets you sleep peacefully at night"  

Joachim Böhme, founder of the company JBL

To zdanie Założyciela Firmy i ojca obecnego Dyrektora Zarządzającego Rolanda Böhme jest także dziś aktywnie wcielane w życie przez Zarząd. JBL ręczy za jakość produktów gwarantuje każdemu, że spełniają to, co jest zapowiadane. W razie niezadowolenia zapewnia się wymianę i analizuje to niezadowolenie, czy ewentualnie istnieje potrzeba poprawy.

„Naszym celem jest produkcja najlepszego na świecie pokarmu dla ryb“

mówi Roland Böhme odnośnie budowy nowego budynku produkcji pokarmów dla ryb 2016.

Integrating research results

The annual research expeditions complement the knowledge gained in the laboratory. Time and again, the practical tests in the rainforest, in the coral reefs or in the desert ensure that JBL develops new products or enhances existing ones. The research findings are passed on to the interested public in specialist journals and at congresses.

Climate protection measures

Sustainability is more than just a nice buzz word for us. We permanently and actively live it! A few examples of this: every free square metre of the roofs of JBL production, storage and office buildings has been fitted with photovoltaic elements. This means that JBL can produce most of the electricity it needs itself.

For company cars, low-emission diesel cars with mild hybrids were purchased. Purely electric vehicles with their lithium depletion issues currently remain a cause for concern.

Gender equality & tolerance

In our company we have recruited employees from many different nations. Gender is not taken into account. Qualifications come first - never gender!  

Sustainability in products, raw materials and production

JBL cares for nature and doesn’t process whole fish, which have been especially farmed for this purpose or which have been taken from the wild. Instead JBL food manufacturing uses margin pieces of fish fillet, leftover from food intended for human consumption. This pure fish protein is supplemented by minerals to provide balanced nutrition for the varying fish species. And this enables JBL to fine tune the protein/fat ratio of every food as required.

JBL was the first company in the industry to introduce resource-saving refill packaging for food, water conditioners and plant fertilisers. With the food tins of the JBL PRONOVO range, too, a major step towards recyclability was achieved by using a mono-material for the tin, sealing foil, label and lid. 

Company growth not at the expense of employees

Company growth is a primary goal in today's economy in order to survive in the market. But care is always taken to ensure that when turnover grows, the number of employees is also adjusted. More turnover also means more work. In addition, work is constantly being done to simplify our processes through optimised IT. This saves time and reduces pressure for our employees. There is no fixed holiday period, so that the employees can adjust their holiday times to their private needs. 

Marine conservation projects

With their influence on aquaristics, the world’s aquatic ecosystems are particularly close to JBL's heart. Reef protection projects in the Caribbean are supported as well as shark protection. Because without the top predators, the marine ecosystem would collapse. 

We give financial support to small local projects in the North Sea, such as collecting ghost nets. We continue to support the contacts made with local nature conservation projects on our JBL research expeditions, even after our return. One example of this is at the Rio Claro Nature Reserve in Colombia.

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Wiadomości PUSH od JBL

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Powiadomienia te umożliwiają operatorowi witryny kontaktowanie się z jego użytkownikami tak długo, jak długo mają oni otwartą przeglądarkę - niezależnie od tego, czy użytkownik aktualnie odwiedza stronę internetową, czy nie.

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Usługa ta jest udostępniona bezpłatnie przez firmę JBL GmbH & Co. KG, i można ją równie łatwo aktywować jak i dezaktywować.