The new episode of JBL TV shows what’s important for the care of water turtles and terrapins. Qualified biologist Heiko Blessin asks Uwe Wünstel, the manager of the Reptilium, everything aquatic turtle and terrapin friends need to know. He talks about the size of the terrarium, the setup, suitable substrates, the division into water and land sections, the right lighting with and without UV light, the correct use of heating mats and how to heat the water section.
You can find more information about keeping turtles here: Tartarughe
You can read more about setup and lighting here: Il terrario per le tartarughe di palude e d'acqua
A huge thank you to Uwe Wünstel for his hospitality and for allowing us to film in his beautiful reptile zoo.
Click here to visit the Reptilium Landau: