JBL Detoxol
Instant detoxifier for healthy aquarium water

  • Removes toxic substances, such as ammonia (NH3), nitrite (NO2), chloride and chloramine IMMEDIATELY from freshwater and marine water
  • Extremely rapid action: toxic substances are neutralised after only 10 minutes
  • Nitrite and nitrate formation is reduced by the removal of ammonium. Binds heavy metals, such as copper and lead. Stabilises the carbonate hardness (KH). Can be overdosed up to 5 times
  • Add 10 ml Detoxol per 40 l water. Very high binding capacity: 10 ml can bind 30 mg ammonium and 2 mg chlorine
  • Package contents: 1 bottle JBL Detoxol incl. dosing cap for easy and precise dosing
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Price: 7,42 €
basic price 74.2 EUR / l
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Price: 14,40 €
basic price 57.6 EUR / l
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Product information

Ammonia and nitrite are toxic for fish. Biology and your filter should normally be able to keep the values within the problem-free range. This biological balance can be disturbed by medications, overfeeding and/or too many fish and the toxic substances listed can then occur in dangerous concentrations. Immediate action is urgently required to prevent fish loss!
The toxic substances are reliably and quickly neutralised by adding JBL Detoxol and rendered no longer dangerous. In addition you need to find out the reason for the formation of the toxins and how to remedy the problem.

Differences to other products:
Water conditioners, such as JBL Biotopol: water conditioners also neutralise chlorine, chloramine and heavy metals. But they can’t neutralise toxic nitrogen compounds, such as ammonia and nitrite.
Bacterial preparations, such as JBL Denitrol: JBL Denitrol is also able to remove ammonium/ammonia, but biologically, through bacterial degradation. Unfortunately this cannot be done in 10 minutes; it takes hours or even days. For the long-term function of an aquarium the bacterial water conditioner JBL Denitrol is the right product – for an instant emergency aid you need JBL Detoxol.


JBL Detoxol 100 ml

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
100 ml
40-120 l
Volume packaging:
0.23 l
Gross weight:
124 g
Net weight:
100 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
30/125/60 mm


Animal species: Armored catfish, Arowana, Axolotl, Barbels, Bettas, Bichirs/reedfish, Blowfish, Catfish, Cichlids (South America), Clawed frogs, Clawed shrimps, Corals, Crayfish, Crustaceans, Danions, Discus, Dwarf crayfish, Dwarf shrimps, Flowerhorn, Gill maggots, Gobies, Goldfish, Gouramis, Guppy, Juvenile fish, Killifish, Livebearers, Loaches, Mussels, Newts, Panchaxes, Rainbowfish, Snails, Spiny eels, Terrapins, Tetra, Tropical terrapin, Veiltails, Water turtles, blood parrot cichlids, freshwater butterflyfish
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All aquarium fish
Volume habitat: 40-120 L (40-80cm)
Material: Aqueous solution of mineral salts, aloe vera, chelating agents
Dosage: 10 ml per 40 l water for total water volume

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

Technical Data

Height:125 mm
Length:60 mm
Width:30 mm

JBL Detoxol 250 ml

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
250 ml
60-200 l
Volume packaging:
0.43 l
Gross weight:
298.2 g
Net weight:
250 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
33/180/78 mm


Animal species: Armored catfish, Arowana, Axolotl, Barbels, Bettas, Bichirs/reedfish, Blowfish, Catfish, Cichlids (South America), Clawed frogs, Clawed shrimps, Corals, Crayfish, Crustaceans, Danions, Discus, Dwarf crayfish, Dwarf shrimps, Flowerhorn, Gill maggots, Gobies, Goldfish, Gouramis, Guppy, Juvenile fish, Killifish, Livebearers, Loaches, Mussels, Newts, Panchaxes, Rainbowfish, Snails, Spiny eels, Terrapins, Tetra, Tropical terrapin, Veiltails, Water turtles, blood parrot cichlids, freshwater butterflyfish
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All aquarium fish
Volume habitat: 60-200 L ( 60-100cm)
Material: Aqueous solution of mineral salts, aloe vera, chelating agents
Dosage: 10 ml per 40 l water for total water volume

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

Technical Data

Height:180 mm
Length:78 mm
Width:33 mm
What happens when you use Detoxol?

It begins to work as soon as it is added to the water. The flow of the filter usually ensures that the water is evenly distributed throughout the aquarium within 10 minutes. During this process ammonium is bound to form a harmless compound. It is an organic compound and a derivative of NH3 in which two or three hydrogen atoms are replaced or combine to form compounds and are therefore harmless to the fish in the water.

High nitrite value - addition of bacteria and effects

When JBL Detoxol is used free ammonium is bound in the water, which provides immediate relief for the fish. This removal of ammonium also prevents any further nitrate from forming. Any nitrite already present is not bound. If you have high nitrite values, carry out a water change beforehand. A subsequent addition of bacteria will help you maintain a sustainable and biological removal of ammonium and nitrite.

Blog (opinions & experiences)

JBL TV #65 Kranke Fische im Aquarium - Vergiftungen, Parasiten, Bakterien & Krankheiten

Manchmal beobachtet der Aquarienfreund ein eigenartiges Verhalten bei seinen Fischen, weiß aber nicht, was die Ursachen sind.

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Detox for your aquarium - Immediate neutralisation of toxins in your water

The level of ammonia and nitrite in freshwater or marine aquariums can increase until it is toxic. Both of these substances are toxic for animals, so immediate action MUST be taken.

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Misunderstandings – typical beginner mistakes

Based on our own experience in customer service and the many messages and questions we receive, we have put together the typical mistakes beginners may make. The experienced aquarist might well smile, but if they are honest, these are mistakes we all made at the start, aren’t they?

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Time For A Change - Pros And Cons

Think back to your childhood. Your bedroom was a small area for you to let your imagination run free. And unsurprisingly you felt like re-decorating and rearranging it at least every three weeks.

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Interzoo 2018 With JBL - Impressions & Emotions

The Interzoo 2018 is over. A lot of regular customers and an audience full of enthusiastic experts visited us at the large JBL booth to get information about our new products. You will find an outline with pictures and links here.

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New JBL Products At The Interzoo 2018 - Part 2

In today’s post we would like to introduce to you a product which can help immediately in dangerous situations.

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JBL Detoxifies In 10 Minutes

A lot of aquarium enthusiasts unfortunately experience problems with toxic nitrogen compounds in the water: ammonia and nitrite are present in toxic concentrations!

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Reference guide (Themeworld)

Daily care

How much daily or weekly care is involved? What are the basic maintenance measures for your aquarium?

Planning and stock

Which fish are compatible? What do you need to consider when selecting fish?

Water values

Which water tests are important? How can you achieve perfect water values?

Water treatment

What does water treatment mean? How do you make tropical water using tap water?

Run-in phase

What do you need to consider during the initial phase (run-in phase) of your aquarium? When can you add fish?

The marine aquarium

Holiday at the coral reef - in your own living room! Marine aquariums are the most exciting branch of aquatics

Biotope (habitat) aquarium types

A real piece of the Amazon or, with the Congo, a piece of the heart of Africa. A habitat (biotope) aquarium is a challenge. Can you emulate nature?

Aquascaping aquarium type JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium

Jungle aquarium type JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium

Rocky reef aquarium type JBL Malawi Rocks®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Goldfish aquarium type JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.


safety instructions

  • safety instruction for water conditioners
    • Filename:
Customer reviews


Overall rating: 5.0
5 public review(s) for this product.

0 Reviews

5 more reviews in other languages

5 Reviews in other languages

H. Metin - German

Ich kann es auf jeden Fall denjenigen empfehlen, die Nitritprobleme in ihren Aquarien haben und zu viel Futter verwenden... JBL DETOXOL wirkt sehr schnell….

LadyDiscus - Polish

M. Rystau - German

Wenn man Nitrit in Becken hat, vielleicht durch zu viel Füttern oder Einlaufhase Nitrit bekommt oder gekaufte Tiere hat, wo schon den Nitrit in Beutel ist, kann ich das empfehlen um schnell Nitrit runder zu bekommen, um die Tiere zu reden.

Ich hab es mal wissen wollen und mit Jbl Tropfchen Test bei Knall roten Nitrit Wasser das rein gemacht. Es ging echt schnell runder bis durchsichtig.

Das wäre wichtig in jeden Aquarium Haushalt zu haben.

Empfehlenswert zu kaufen.

aquascaping.tv - German

To preparat dla wszystkich niecierpliwych. Wszystko co pisa w ulotce to prawda,polecam.

malawiaddiction - German

Wer schon mal Fische Importiert oder Bestellt hat da er sie nicht im Fachhandel um die Ecke bekommen hat wird dieses Produkt immer auf Vorrat haben müssen.

Durch die längeren Transportwege bei denen die Tiere in Tüten abgepackt sind, steigt natürlich gerne mal der Nitrit oder Ammoniak wert im Wasser.

Detoxol ist dort eine schnelle Lösung um die Tiere nach dem erhalten zu entgiften und sie im Anschluss dann an ihre neuen Wasserwerte anzugleichen, ohne Angst zu haben das die Tiere an einer durch den Transport entstandenen Nitrit oder Ammoniak Vergiftung leiden.

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