Clean and healthy water
Plant and food remains and metabolic substances lead to a deterioration in the quality of the water in the aquarium. Good water quality is necessary for healthy fish and plants. This can be achieved with various filters and filter materials. The filters suck in the aquarium water and remove the pollution and waste materials with the filter material from the water.
This set consists of round foam inserts for the JBL CristalProfi e filter baskets, which have a bag of dedicated filter material at their core. This means that the main water flow in the filter goes through the foam on the outside and a slowed, reduced flow of water goes through the central filter bag. The dedicated filter material thus perfectly binds the troublesome substances nitrite, nitrate and phosphate and removes them from the water. Water tests are the easiest way to determine when the set needs to be replaced.
Nitrite (NO2) poisons the blood of aquarium fish and amounts as low as 0.4 mg/l can lead to death.
Nitrate (NO3) is non-toxic, but a mere 20 mg/l can act as a nutrient to promote the growth of all types of algae (except diatoms).
Phosphate (PO4) is also non-toxic, but from 0.3 mg/l it starts to promote the growth of all types of algae (except diatoms)