JBL Acclimol
Water conditioner for freshwater aquariums for the acclimatisation of fish

  • For aquarium water ideally suited to the requirements of the fish: when adding new fish, after working in the aquarium, during fish transport to activate the resistance of freshwater aquarium fish
  • Protection against stress and support of the immune system thanks to multivitamin complex with vitamin C
  • Healthy water, healthy fish: protection of mucous membranes, gills, skin and fins by means of protective colloids
  • Prevention of iodine deficiency symptoms thanks to iodine complex
  • Contents: 1 bottle Acclimol. To use: 10 ml/40 l water. Example: in a 60 l aquarium: 15 ml for setting up a new aquarium, 5 ml for 1/3 water change every 2-3 weeks
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Price: 5,11 €
basic price 102.2 EUR / l
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Price: 7,95 €
basic price 79.5 EUR / l
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Price: 16,67 €
basic price 66.68 EUR / l
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Price: 27,77 €
basic price 55.54 EUR / l
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Price: 97,59 €
basic price 19.52 EUR / l
Recommended retail price incl. VAT
You can find this item in your specialist and online shop
Product information

Nature at Home – Home for Fish and Plants
Fish need to be as comfortable in the aquarium as they are in nature. For the water change, aquarium setup and to strengthen the fish after disease. Relocation causes stress. The transport and insertion into an aquarium is highly stressful for fish. With JBL’s Acclimatisation Protection you can reduce the stress for the fish and ease their adaptation to the environment.

Advantages of the JBL Acclimatisation Protection
Reduces stress, increases their resistance against disease, reduces fish loss, protects the mucous membranes, gills, skin and fins thanks to aloe vera, strengthens the immune system and activates their resistance with vitamin C complex, prevents iodine deficiency symptoms by means of its iodine complex.

Recommendation for acclimatisation
Switch off aquarium lighting, attach the opened transport bag with a clip, add aquarium water in portions into the bag every 1/4 hour, put a dosage of JBL Acclimol into the aquarium before inserting the fish, use a net to move the fish from the bag into the aquarium, let the fish swim out of the net on their own. Pour the transport water down the drain and not into the aquarium. Switch on the aquarium lighting one hour later.


JBL Acclimol 50ml

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
50 ml
60-200 l
Volume packaging:
0.09 l
Gross weight:
63 g
Net weight:
50 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
25/145/25 mm


Animal species: Armored catfish, Arowana, Axolotl, Barbels, Bettas, Bichirs/reedfish, Blowfish, Catfish, Cichlids (South America), Clawed frogs, Clawed shrimps, Crayfish, Crustaceans, Danions, Discus, Dwarf crayfish, Dwarf shrimps, Flowerhorn, Gill maggots, Goldfish, Gouramis, Guppy, Juvenile fish, Killifish, Livebearers, Loaches, Mussels, Newts, Panchaxes, Rainbowfish, Snails, Spiny eels, Tetra, Veiltails, blood parrot cichlids, freshwater butterflyfish
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All aquarium fish
Material: Aloe lingua exe, immunostimulans (based on alginic acid), iodine, vitamin C, purified water
Colour: yellow
Dosage: Always calculate for the complete aquarium content: 10 ml per 40 l water. During transport: 1 ml per 3 l water

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

Technical Data

Height:145 mm
Length:25 mm
Width:25 mm
diameter:25 mm

JBL Acclimol 100 ml

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
100 ml
400 l
Volume packaging:
0.23 l
Gross weight:
124 g
Net weight:
100 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
30/125/60 mm


Animal species: Armored catfish, Arowana, Axolotl, Barbels, Bettas, Bichirs/reedfish, Blowfish, Catfish, Cichlids (South America), Clawed frogs, Clawed shrimps, Crayfish, Crustaceans, Danions, Discus, Dwarf crayfish, Dwarf shrimps, Flowerhorn, Gill maggots, Goldfish, Gouramis, Guppy, Juvenile fish, Killifish, Livebearers, Loaches, Mussels, Newts, Panchaxes, Rainbowfish, Snails, Spiny eels, Tetra, Veiltails, blood parrot cichlids, freshwater butterflyfish
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All aquarium fish
Volume habitat: 400 L
Material: Aloe lingua exe, immunostimulans (based on alginic acid), iodine, vitamin C, purified water
Colour: yellow
Dosage: Always calculate for the complete aquarium content: 10 ml per 40 l water. During transport: 1 ml per 3 l water

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

Technical Data

Height:125 mm
Length:60 mm
Width:30 mm

JBL Acclimol 250 ml

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
250 ml
1000 l
Volume packaging:
0.46 l
Gross weight:
300.2 g
Net weight:
252 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
33/180/78 mm


Animal species: Armored catfish, Arowana, Axolotl, Barbels, Bettas, Bichirs/reedfish, Blowfish, Catfish, Cichlids (South America), Clawed frogs, Clawed shrimps, Crayfish, Crustaceans, Danions, Discus, Dwarf crayfish, Dwarf shrimps, Flowerhorn, Gill maggots, Goldfish, Gouramis, Guppy, Juvenile fish, Killifish, Livebearers, Loaches, Mussels, Newts, Panchaxes, Rainbowfish, Snails, Spiny eels, Tetra, Veiltails, blood parrot cichlids, freshwater butterflyfish
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All aquarium fish
Volume habitat: 1,000 L
Material: Aloe lingua exe, immunostimulans (based on alginic acid), iodine, vitamin C, purified water
Colour: yellow
Dosage: Always calculate for the complete aquarium content: 10 ml per 40 l water. During transport: 1 ml per 3 l water

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

Technical Data

Height:180 mm
Length:78 mm
Width:33 mm

JBL Acclimol 500 ml

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
500 ml
2000 l
Volume packaging:
0.85 l
Gross weight:
578.7 g
Net weight:
502 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
40/220/97 mm


Animal species: Armored catfish, Arowana, Axolotl, Barbels, Bettas, Bichirs/reedfish, Blowfish, Catfish, Cichlids (South America), Clawed frogs, Clawed shrimps, Crayfish, Crustaceans, Danions, Discus, Dwarf crayfish, Dwarf shrimps, Flowerhorn, Gill maggots, Goldfish, Gouramis, Guppy, Juvenile fish, Killifish, Livebearers, Loaches, Mussels, Newts, Panchaxes, Rainbowfish, Snails, Spiny eels, Tetra, Veiltails, blood parrot cichlids, freshwater butterflyfish
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All aquarium fish
Volume habitat: 2,000 L
Material: Aloe lingua exe, immunostimulans (based on alginic acid), iodine, vitamin C, purified water
Colour: yellow
Dosage: Always calculate for the complete aquarium content: 10 ml per 40 l water. During transport: 1 ml per 3 l water

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

Technical Data

Height:220 mm
Length:97 mm
Width:40 mm

JBL Acclimol 5 l

Art. no.:
EAN Code:
5000 ml
20000 l
Volume packaging:
6.34 l
Gross weight:
5250 g
Net weight:
5010 g
Weight factor:
Packaging dimensions (l/h/w):
190/230/145 mm


Animal species: Armored catfish, Arowana, Axolotl, Barbels, Bettas, Bichirs/reedfish, Blowfish, Catfish, Cichlids (South America), Clawed frogs, Clawed shrimps, Crayfish, Crustaceans, Danions, Discus, Dwarf crayfish, Dwarf shrimps, Flowerhorn, Gill maggots, Goldfish, Gouramis, Guppy, Juvenile fish, Killifish, Livebearers, Loaches, Mussels, Newts, Panchaxes, Rainbowfish, Snails, Spiny eels, Tetra, Veiltails, blood parrot cichlids, freshwater butterflyfish
Animal size: For all animal sizes
Animal age group: All aquarium fish
Volume habitat: 20,000 L
Material: Aloe lingua exe, immunostimulans (based on alginic acid), iodine, vitamin C, purified water
Colour: yellow
Dosage: Always calculate for the complete aquarium content: 10 ml per 40 l water. During transport: 1 ml per 3 l water

Electronic label / illuminant

Mercury: No
Dimmable: No

Technical Data

Height:230 mm
Length:145 mm
Width:190 mm
What happens if I accidentally overdose Acclimol?

In order for the desired effect to unfold, the recommended dosage on the product must be adhered to. Larger deviations can lead to undesirable side effects. In such a case, please observe your animals, check your water values and carry out a partial water change of 50 % in case of abnormalities, so that the overdose is diluted and reduced to a normal level. When measuring the number of litres, bear in mind that your aquarium is also filled with wood and stones that displace water.

How often can you redose?

The product contains many organic components which need to be broken down and absorbed. Therefore an additional dosing is only useful after 7-10 days. Otherwise we recommend you apply the product directly to the affected areas after a disease treatment or after adding new fish stock.

Can JBL Clynol, JBL Acclimol and JBL pH-Minus be used in a shrimp tank ?

Basically, all 3 of the water conditioners mentioned can be used in a shrimp tank.

However, when JBL pH-Minus is used, it’s important that it is only used in relation to the carbonate hardness. It is best to add JBL pH-Minus to the water intended for the water change and to then measure the carbonate hardness, which should not be less than 3-4. JBL Acclimol is suitable for shrimps, but is better suited for fish. JBL Clynol is beneficial for shrimps but you also need to add JBL Biotopol C, a water conditioner especially developed for shrimps.

Blog (opinions & experiences)

JBL TV #68 Running-in phase in the aquarium - bacteria, nitrite peak & the first inhabitants

Starting a new aquarium correctly has a significant influence on how it functions afterwards.

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JBL TV #65 When aquarium fish get sick - Poisoning, parasites, bacteria & diseases

Sometimes aquarium keepers notice their fish acting strangely, but don't know what’s causing it.

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The water change is the lifeblood of your aquarium. Not only do we have the right tools for this, we also have a #jbldeal for you that will benefit you and your fish.

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JBL AquaMyths #5

The AquaMyths are back and today they are looking at the following two myths: “Water changes are not necessary” and “Small aquariums make it easier to get into the hobby”?

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Multivitamin complex activates resistance to disease - prevention of deficiency symptoms in ornamental fish

When fish are caught and transferred, it stresses them. Even if we do everything calmly and correctly.

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JBL TV #36: Home moving with an aquarium - How to move smoothly from A to B

If a home move with the aquarium is well prepared, it will not cause any problems.

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JBL TV #30: Which fish suit my aquarium?

Fish communities in the aquarium: Which aquarium fish do NOT go together and why?

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Automatic water change - No drips and spills!

Today let’s talk about making the water change less messy, to save the living room carpet from getting ruined.

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JBL TV #22: Correctly adding, transporting and relocating fish without losses

What should you NEVER do and why not? We explain and show you the best, problem-avoiding way to introduce and acclimatise ornamental fish in your aquarium.

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JBL TV #17: Water Treatment - Recording of the Livestream

Water treatment is explained in detail with examples and small experiments. The biologist Heiko Blessin shows how a water conditioner works in terms understandable to non-chemists.

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Complete protection for fish during transfer, after transport, or post disease

How can you protect your fish from new infections after catching, buying, moving or even after them recovering from disease?

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JBL TV #9: Why do aquarium fish fall sick and how can we treat them?

Why do aquarium fish fall sick? What factors influence fish health? What influence does fish food have on the susceptibility to disease? How do you protect the fish’s mucous membrane?

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Moving With Your Aquarium – The Checklist

But wait, how do I transport my aquarium(s) from A to B? What ’s important here? We have put together a checklist-like post that explains the process, so you won’t forget anything.

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Misunderstandings – typical beginner mistakes

Based on our own experience in customer service and the many messages and questions we receive, we have put together the typical mistakes beginners may make. The experienced aquarist might well smile, but if they are honest, these are mistakes we all made at the start, aren’t they?

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Lack of oxygen in the morning

The fish stay under the water surface in the morning, gasping for air.

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Time For A Change - Pros And Cons

Think back to your childhood. Your bedroom was a small area for you to let your imagination run free. And unsurprisingly you felt like re-decorating and rearranging it at least every three weeks.

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MSAD Team 1: Mirror For A Pond

Garvin, der bekanntermaßen gern Effekte mit Spiegeln, LED-Beleuchtungen und Höhlen erzeugt, hat mit seinen Schülerinnen eine Wasserfläche unter Wasser vorgeschlagen. Eine der beiden Schülerinnnen hatte die Idee, damit einen Flusslauf mit hineinragenden Bäumen an seinem Ufer zu gestalten.

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Outline: Fertilisation in the Aquarium

The JBL plant care concept leads to vigorous and healthy growth even with the most demanding aquatic plants. JBL has all the components you need, whether it’s a fertiliser, a bottom substrate or a fully automatic CO2 fertiliser system.

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Care products - The best solutions for your aquarium

With the right products, aquarium care is not only easy, but can also be a lot of fun! The formulas that make up JBL products are based on intensive research and, especially with care products, their effects are not always immediately visible, yet in the medium and long-term they’ll result in a beautiful aquarium and healthy fish.

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Treating fish diseases before they arise

Even if your fish have fallen ill, it is not too late. Nonetheless we want to save the fish from getting ill. About 90 % of all fish diseases are the result of a weakening of the immune system.

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Fish Health TO GO With JBL Acclimol 50 ml Ampoule

The new 50 ml ampoule JBL Acclimol means that every aquarium owner can now have fish health at home quickly, easily and comfortably!

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Laboratories and calculators

Online Hospital

Do you have ill fish and you don’t know what disease it is and how to treat it? Here you can diagnose diseases using photos or identification keys and you can find out where they come from and how to treat them. By showing you over 500 photos to identify and cure fish diseases, we enable you to find a diagnosis and solution.

Water Analysis Online Laboratory

Enter your water parameters and get an in-depth analysis of your values in a matter of seconds. You enter your water values – and we analyse! Here you have the opportunity to enter the measured water values directly into the JBL Online Laboratory. This will analyse your values and explain and submit corrective measures.
Reference guide (Themeworld)


Recognising and treating fish and invertebrate diseases

Deficiency symptoms

Here’s how to prevent deficiency symptoms in fish and plants

Daily care

How much daily or weekly care is involved? What are the basic maintenance measures for your aquarium?

Marine animals

Which animals are suitable for your marine aquarium?


How to catch fish properly without causing them stress? How to transport and add fish?

Invertebrate species

What invertebrate animals are suitable for your aquarium? What demands do invertebrates have? What do you need to consider for their care?

Planning and stock

Which fish are compatible? What do you need to consider when selecting fish?

Biotope (habitat) aquarium types

A real piece of the Amazon or, with the Congo, a piece of the heart of Africa. A habitat (biotope) aquarium is a challenge. Can you emulate nature?

Jungle aquarium type JBL Rio Pantanal®

A bit of jungle river in your living room. Lively underwater action! No problem with the JBL Rio Pantanal® aquarium

Rocky reef aquarium type JBL Malawi Rocks®

The fish of Lake Malawi are as colourful as the fish in the coral reefs. This aquarium brings a bit of freshwater reef into your living room

Goldfish aquarium type JBL Goldfish Paradise®

Lively goldfish in the aquarium enhance any room perfectly! Invite some new flatmates into your home with this goldfish aquarium.

Aquascaping aquarium type JBL Dreamscape®

Mountains, valleys, meadows and fish! Create your dreamlike landscape under water with the Dreamscape® aquarium


Customer reviews


Overall rating: 4.9
56 public review(s) for this product.

2 Reviews


I was a bit scared when I saw the colour of water :) but after few minutes it just disappeared and all fish looked so happy and calm. Since I am using this product, no fish has died in my tank. Perfect ! so happy with that


I think that it is a really good product that reduces fish loss! From the time that i started using it i had no losses and my fish got nice - healthy colors!

25 more reviews in other languages

25 Reviews in other languages

LadyDiscus - Polish

LadyDiscus - Polish

LadyDiscus - Polish

LadyDiscus - Polish

K. Rusch - German

Ich nutze es,wenn ich Fische in ein anderes Aquarium umsetze sehr gern.

Es reduziert Stress & stärkt die Abwehrkräfte. 👌

c. sirianni - Italian

Dopo aver inserito i nuovi pesci, utilizzo sempre questo prodotto nelle quantità consigliate per garantire ai miei ospiti una corretta acclimatazione.

H. Metin - German

Ich verwende es immer, wenn ich dem Aquarium neue Fische hinzufüge, Habe seit dem JBL ACCLİMOL keine verluste gehabt!

LadyDiscus - Polish

LadyDiscus - Polish

S. Klöcker - German

Wenn ich neue Fische einsetze gehört Acclimol immer dazu. Ich hatte noch keine Ausfälle. Alle Fische bleiben entspannt.

K. Maessen - Dutch

Gezond water en gezonde voeding draagt bij aan gezonde vissen, dat is logisch.

Ik gebruik Acclimol om dat extra tikkeltje zorg te geven voor gezonde vissen.


K. Buchgeister - German

Super Produkt!

Setze ich immer vor dem Einsatz neuer Fische ein.

- Habe seit langem keine Verluste mehr erlitten.

- Der Altbestand wirkt sichtlich ruhiger/entspannter.

- Stärkt das Immunsystem.

M. Rystau - German

Stärkt Abwehrkräfte.

Nach ein Neubesatz oder Medikamenten Behandlung,

ist das Immunsystem der Tiere geschwächt, damit können wir es stärken,

helfen das den Tieren gut geht.

C. Kischnick - German

Ein sehr guter Wasseraufbereiter, mit wohlfühl Garantie bei denn fischen

A. Gillet - French

Bonjour bon produit plus aucune perte du vivant

Le produit colore un peu l'eau mais aucune inquiétude ça disparaît très vite et l'eau devient clair et appréciable pour les poissons je recommande vivement

S. Kübler - German

Ein sehr gutes Produkt bei Neubesatz oder wenn man viel im Becken hantiert hat. Kann ich wirklich weiter empfehlen.

elacuariodelnorte - Spanish

Lo he usado para introducir peces nuevos a un acuario, de momento 0 problemas

P. Hergenröther - German

Gerade bei der Aufstockung des Besatzes sehr zu empfehlen. Neue Tiere bekommen dann direkt das was sie nach einem Transport brauchen um es für die neuen Schützlinge ein wenig stressfreier zu machen. Bei kleineren Becken empfiehlt sich eine verschließbare Flasche zu holen.

H. PEKTAŞ - Turkish

Sari renginden dolayı Resmen akvaryuma altın ekliyormuşum gibi hissettim (:

Balıklarım artık daha stressiz ve sakin

Çünkü onları daha sık görüyorum.

Teşekkürler JBL.

S. Tejera Galindo - Spanish

Cuando toca remodelar el acuario o cambiar a los peces de lugar, siempre lo uso para evitar el estrés

Unterwasserwelt_Bautzen - German

War sehr Hilfreich als ich schnell ein neues Becken für meine Welszuchten aufbauen musste. Deshalb auch sehr zu empfehlen.

LadyDiscus - Polish

Uwielbiam ten produkt ! Moje ryby czuja się świetnie po dodaniu do zbiornika 🔥

aqua_mtc - German

Gibt mir ein sehr gutes Gefühl bei Ein- und Umsetzen von Fischen.

Habe keine Ausfälle, selbst bei empfindlichen Arten.

Aquascape.boutique - Dutch

Honestly, I was skeptical about the packaging. If I would have seen this product in the store I probably would not have bought it. To me the packaging looked like it could easily leak with the fragile topping. However once I opened it, it was to my surprise how well it worked. Since these products are not cheap for aquarium keepers in general, I believe a solid and safe looking packaging(like a bottle) is something that is probably more popular. In addition, my gourami tank was doing well with the acclimol that I added. Safe to say the product is beneficial!

F. Delhaye - French

Idéal pour améliorer la santé des poissons...

Malgré sa couleur jaune quand ont le verse l'eau ne se teinte pas...

Idéal en prévention

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PUSH messages from JBL

What are PUSH messages? As part of the W3C standard, web notifications define an API for end-user notifications that are sent to the user's desktop and/or mobile devices via the browser. Notifications appear on the end devices as they are familiar to the end user from apps installed on the device (e.g. emails). Notifications appear on the end user’s device, just like an app (e.g. for emails) installed on the device.

These notifications enable a website operator to contact its users whenever they have a browser open - it doesn’t matter whether the user is currently visiting the website or not.

To be able to send web push notifications, all you need is a website with a web push code installed. This allows brands without apps to take advantage of many of the benefits of push notifications (personalised real-time communications at just the right moment).

Web notifications are part of the W3C standard and define an API for end user notifications. A notification makes it possible to inform the user about an event, such as a new blog post, outside the context of a website.

JBL GmbH & Co. KG provides this service free of charge, and it is easy to activate or deactivate.