Expedition Colombia - Research. Measurement data. Findings.

TROPENFIEBER - the podcast from JBL
Episode: 7
1. Season
Release: 2023-08-28T04:15:00Z
Size: 143901968
Length: approx. 4496 minutes

Deep in the Colombian jungle, the JBL team searched for species and observed the habitats of ornamental fish and reptiles.

The trip covered five very different areas and led to the sighting of well over 100 species with the full spectrum of Colombia's flora and fauna. Rainforest, rivers, streams, abandoned ponds and ornamental fish breeding centres hidden in the rainforest were the destination. The expedition was full of surprises.

Most places were only accessible on foot, by aeroplane or boat. Some regions had been newly transformed into habitats due to extreme water masses and the JBL team were the first to see them.


In this episode #07, expedition leader biologist Heiko Blessin and presenter Matthias Wiesensee summarise the observations, highlights and scientific findings with facts & figures that were collected on the JBL Expedition Colombia. Heiko is always able to draw comparisons between the dry and wet seasons and explain the differences in behaviour, water values and eating habits.

Whether in stagnant water or strong currents, whether clear visibility in bright sunshine or dark blackwater at night - the team scrutinised the habitats in detail. This sometimes involved lying quietly in ponds. You will find out what equipment was needed and whether the myth about the night-time temperature drop is really true.

Look forward to insights into the locations of Puerto Inirida (trading and port city and centre of ornamental fish), the Rio Atabapo (a border river to Venezuela with gold panners), Santa Rosa (an indigenous village), Mavicure (weeping mountains with biotopes) and the Caño Cristales (the most colourful river in the world).

The absolute highlight was getting to describe habitats under water that no one had ever seen before.

Listen to the last episode of the Colombia expedition and join us on one last journey into a fascinating world.

Further links

• Outline of the JBL expeditions: Expeditions

• Travel report of the first Colombia expedition February 2022: Expedition 2022 Colombia I

• Travelogue of the second expedition Colombia:  Colombia Expedition II

• Heiko Blessin on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/heiko.blessin.7/?locale=de_DE

Puerto Inirida: Harbour town and centre for ornamental fish

Rio Atabapo - Floods and biodiversity

Santa Rosa: The indigenous village

Mavicure: Dreamlike biotopes and three mountains

Caño Cristales - The most colourful river in the world

Matthias Wiesensee
Matthias Wiesensee
M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik
Head of Digital Marketing


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