Rio Atabapo - Biotopes. Current. Indigenous peoples.

TROPENFIEBER - the podcast from JBL
Episode: 3
1. Season
Release: 2023-04-03T15:30:00Z
Size: 94088784
Length: approx. 2940 minutes

The Rio Atabapo in Colombia is a typical blackwater river that has several clear water tributaries. With a length of 280 km, it is one of the larger rivers in South America. As a waterway, it connects Colombia with Venezuela and has become known not least because of the military operations against gold panners and the strong drug trade in the border areas. The Rio Atabapo flows into the Orinoco and has a direct connection to the Río Guaviare and Inírida River.


In Episode #03 of TROPENFIEBER - Hobby meets Nature, Dr Jochen Weins reviews his stay during the research expedition Colombia II. We talk to him about the numerous discoveries and experiences that started at a small branch of the Rio Atabapo. For Jochen, it was one of the most interesting places of the entire trip - at least in terms of the diversity of ornamental fish and land-dwelling species.

Just behind the village where the research team set up camp there was a flooded meadow with a raging stream. In this biotope, the team found the only altum angelfish (Pterophyllum altum) on the entire trip.

But just a few kilometres away we found a great contrast of biodiversity. We were able to discover around 100 species of fish on the trip: Flag cichlids, crenicichlas, predatory characins, pike characins, various peaceful characins, shrimps, crayfish, sucker and armored catfish and much more.

Dark water, sharp stones, the unknown in the embankment. The underwater world in blackwater optics here seemed like that of our most beautiful dreams. The picture was complemented by the flooded high-water biotopes and habitats that could only be reached by boat.

But you won’t go short on real insider information and anecdotes in this episode either. From daily body care in the natural bathroom to real "assembly line work" to the realisation that field research is not just leisure and pleasure.

We'll hear about his personal highlights at this location, such as the snorkelling and photography, the morning hike, the evening get-together, the life in the village centre, the social contacts, the culinary delights of the best cook on the trip and that funny moment that gave the group a shock at the time.

Further links

Travel report of the second Colombia expedition: Colombia Expedition II

Linkedin Profile of Jochen:

Jochen’s pictures

More of Matthias’ pictures

Matthias Wiesensee
Matthias Wiesensee
M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik
Head of Digital Marketing


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