
The JBL team is always delighted to receive an award or recognition for its product development or for its commitment to nature conservation. The trophies, documents and certificates are exhibited in the JBL reception room.

Animal Challenge 2019, Pond

On 4 July 2019, the bronze trophy in the category Pond Accessories was awarded to JBL on the canal boat "Les Vedettes de Paris" in Paris. The trophy honours the best suppliers of the pet industry on the French market. Voting by department heads from the pet industry took place from February to May 2019 in all animal categories following various criteria.


Holland Koi Show

2019 for the promotion of the koi scene and support of the Koi Show as main sponsor.


Animal Challenge 2019, Fish Food Aquaristics & Pond

On 4 July 2019, the golden trophy in the category Fish Food Aquaristics and Pond was awarded to JBL for the second time in a row on the canal boat "Les Vedettes de Paris" in Paris. The trophy honours the best suppliers of the pet industry on the French market. Voting by department heads from the pet industry took place from February to May 2019 in all animal categories following various criteria.


Animal Challenge 2018, Fish Food Aquaristics & Pond

On 5 July 2018, the golden trophy in the category Fish Food Aquaristics and Pond was awarded to JBL on the canal boat "Les Vedettes de Paris" in Paris. The trophy honours the best suppliers of the pet industry on the French market. Voting by department heads from the pet industry took place from February to May 2018 in all animal categories following various criteria.


Animal Challenge - Food Innovation 2017

The trade sector pet industry (specialist trade, garden centres, food...) in France was asked by the publisher Media & Jardin Groupe J (trade journal Animal Distribution) to award the “Coup de coeur” trophy (most popular new product) for the most innovative product of the year 2017 in the category “Food for fish and reptiles”. JBL received the “Coup de coeur” trophy for the year 2017.


Animal Challenge - Supplier 2017

The trade sector pet industry (specialist trade, garden centres, food...) in France was asked by the publisher Media & Jardin Groupe J (trade journal Animal Distribution) to nominate the best suppliers/brands in the category “Best foods in the aquatics and pond sector”. JBL received the silver trophy.


Animal Challenge - Manufacturer Terraristics 2017

The trade sector pet industry (specialist trade, garden centres) in France was asked by the publisher Media & Jardin Groupe J (trade journal Animal Distribution) to nominate the best manufacturers in the category “terraristic products”. JBL received the bronze trophy.


Goldener Anton for JBL

The largest Austrian Federation for vivaristics and ecology ÖVVÖ is an umbrella association which unites Austrian aquarium and terrarium clubs. On May 20, 2017 the ÖVVÖ honoured JBL as its German partner for our commitment in the field of youth work in Austria and for our research in the fields of aquatics and terraristics.


Aquaristik Brand Star

Aquarists in Germany have voted over Facebook for the third time JBL as the company with the most innovation and the strongest commitment to the promotion of hobby aquatics in particular. The exceptionally positive company communication with aquarists has also often been mentioned.



The city of Pasym in Poland would like to thank JBL for supporting a public aquarium by supplying JBL products and know-how.



The organiser of the koi show in Kalkar would like to honour JBL for its dedication in the pond sector. Among other thinks JBL gave lectures for the visitors about algae control and koi nutrition.



The organisers of BADC (Biotope Aquarium Design Contest) would like to thank JBL for supplying them with JBL products at the Biotope Design Aquarium World Championship and also thank jury member Heiko Blessin, who evaluated the aquariums as part of the international jury.


Biotope Aquatics Russia

Again in 2016 the company Unitex cooperated with JB to organise an international biotope aquarium design competition. JBL received a certificate for its commitment in directing and implementing the competition which was carried out completely online and is now an established feature in the biotope aquaristics scene.


PET Innovations in the category Aquatics/Teraristics/Pond

The trade magazine PET voted JBL ProScan, the water analysis using smartphone, the Innovation of the Year 2015/2016. The jury decided that this innovative multi-water test was the best innovation in the three categories.


Sagaflor Supplier Champion

JBL received this trophy from the purchasing association Sagaflor for its delivery capability, fast delivery, wide product range and its focus on solutions.


Botanic Award Salon Animalerie

The French specialist store chain Botanic voted the JBL product ProScan best product of the year. The water analysis with smartphone simplifies water tests and delivers very precise results.


Aquatics Product of the Year

The JBL automatic feeder AUTOFOOD has been chosen as the best aquatics product of the year by Zoo Zajac, the world’s largest pet shop. The simple operation and some clever detailed solutions were the reasons for this wonderful result.


Aquaristik Brand Star

Once again this award was given to JBL on October 3 during the aqua EXPO days 2015. A survey in the 10,000 member strong Facebook group “Aquarien Deutschland“ and a committee of experts led to this result. The majority also voted this year for JBL’s innovative product innovations and strong commitment to the promotion of hobby aquatics.


Aquaristik Award

Germany‘s aquarium enthusiasts were asked online by Dähne Verlag and in the specialist magazines "aquaristik" and "caridina" to nominate a company which has significantly promoted hobby aquatics and has created innovative products in that area. JBL was honoured to receive this recognition.


Sustainable Management

JBL conducted an analysis to find out where improvements in environmental protection and sustainability could be made. After following through its results and making improvements JBL received the Certificate for Sustainable Management from the metropolitan Rhine-Neckar region.


Gratitude Biotope Aquarium Design Contest

Once again JBL, in cooperation with Unitex in Russia, organised an international biotope aquarium design competition. JBL provided judges, products, biotope photos of the expeditions and set-up materials.


Expo Forum Russia

JBL was honoured for its commitment and promotion of aquatics by the Expo Forum. The handing over of the certificate took place in St. Petersburg.


Aquaristik Brand Star

JBL received the new “Aquaristik Brand Star 2014“ award, created by DPS-Verlag & Messen, for its innovative product innovation and strong commitment to the especial promotion of hobby aquatics. The decision was reached by means of a survey carried out by “Aquarien Deutschland” (the largest Facebook aquatics group in Germany with over 10,000 members) and a three-member body (Tetra-Verlag, Dähne-Verlag and Tropical Deutschland).


PET Innovations in the Categories Aquatics/Teraristics/Pond

The trade magazine PET voted JBL’s food PlanktonPur Innovation of the Year 2013/2014. The jury decided that this innovative food made of pure, natural plankton was the best innovation in the three categories.


Sagaflor Trade Fair Champion

At the end of September the Sagaflor organisation chose JBL’s PlanktonPur as the best product at the trade fair Garten- und Zooevent in Kassel.


Biotope Aquatics Russia

In 2013 the company Unitex organised an international biotope aquarium competition with JBL. JBL received a certificate for its commitment and support in directing and implementing the competition in St. Petersburg.


Terraristics Product of the Year

Zoo Zajac, the world’s largest pet shop awarded this prize to JBL for the best product in the terraristics segment. The Zajac committee voted JBL’s ShiRo, a magnetic terrarium lock without a key, best product.


PET Personality of the Year

The German trade magazine PET handed this trophy over to the JBL team for its commitment to the aquatic field.


Trophée de la Noveauté

JBL received this coveted award for the best product innovation in the field of aquatics at the Salon Paradisio in France


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