The many aquariums, terrariums and ponds in the JBL Research Centre immediately show how important practical tests are: Even if the scientists know, say, the protein-fat ratio a fish food should aim for, it is still essential to test it with the animals. Only after feeding can we make claims about the acceptance of the food and about the enhancement of the fish's colours etc.
That is why the JBL Research Centre is divided into the three areas:
- Aquarium
- Terrarium
- Garden Pond
“O nosso objetivo é que os animais nos aquários, terrários e nos lagos de jardim se mantenham tão saudáveis para poderem procriar, para que seja possível continuar a reduzir a recolha desses animais na natureza. Isso, no entanto, requer investigação fundamental e de biótopos.”
Roland Böhme, gerente da JBL
In the garden pond sector, JBL works with renowned koi breeders such as Kaneko and Yamamatsu in Japan as well as koi importers to obtain meaningful information.
For aquaristics, the aquariums in the JBL Research Centre, the cooperation with fish breeders, scientists, show aquariums, zoos and fish importers form the most important basis. A constant exchange of information forms the necessary basis for having the most up-to-date and reliable research information at our disposal. The JBL research expeditions provide invaluable biotope data and observations from the wild which are either not yet available in this form or confirm or often deny existing information. The research results then flow into product development and are implemented in state-of-the-art production facilities. In the case of the food tins, we were able to switch to sustainable mono-material tins, in which the tin itself, and also the sealing foil, the lid and the label are now made of the same PP material. Now they can be recycled together in an environmentally friendly way. This is the only way to guarantee our high JBL quality while maintaining sustainability!