It’s no wonder that shrimp enthusiasts are unsure when they read the composition of high-quality aquarium fertilisers. Copper! All the alarm bells are ringing. We would like to clear up the confusion and give you some valuable background knowledge.
As high quality trace element fertilisers, all liquid fertilisers for ornamental plants in the aquarium from JBL contain copper too. Copper is an essential trace element for both plants and animals.
For shrimps and other decapods, and also for other animal groups, copper is essential for the oxygen transport in the animal’s system, as it is the central atom of the blood pigment hemocyanin. Without it the animals would die or not exist in the first place!
So where does the rumour that it is dangerous come from? With too high concentrations copper can have a toxic effect for the organism and result in death. Therefore a good water conditioner needs to be used after each water change. This way your animals are always optimally protected.
The concentration in the JBL fertilisers, such as JBL PROFLORA Ferropol , JBL PROFLORA Ferropol 24 and JBL PROSCAPE Fe +MICROELEMENTS and many more are designed in such a way that they include the required quantities as trace elements.
Even a multiple overdosing of the fertilisers has no negative effects on shrimps and other decapods.
So you can rest assured, even if you heavily fertilise your shrimp tanks, and relish your thriving plant growth.