The popular CO2 kit with disposable cylinders, JBL ProFlora u201 , which has been discontinued for several years, was previously only operatable using the JBL PROFLORA u95 disposable cylinders JBL ProFlora u95 (95 g CO2). From now on, you can install the adapter JBL PROFLORA Adapt u201-u500 , and quickly and easily also use the large disposable 500 g cylinders ( JBL PROFLORA u500 ) and thus also supply larger aquariums with the CO2 kit for months.
Voici la marche à suivre :
- Unscrew old 95 g cylinder from pressure reducer
- Connect adapter to the pressure reducer of the JBL ProFlora u201 kit
- Screw on JBL ProFlora u500 CO2 cylinder
- That’s it!
This makes both a larger reach and a convenient removal of not quite empty CO2 cylinders possible. The large cylinders automatically seal then but can therefore only be used for one holiday or a long period of absence.