Interzoo 2016 – The new JBL ProTerra® terrarium suns are made of aluminium

At the Interzoo we were also able to present some new products to our terrarium enthusiasts. Our popular L-U-W solar lights (spotlights), a 3in1 complete solution with L(ight), U(V) and W(armth) have been completely reworked and have now even longer durability and sturdiness.

When the glass material of a lamp body is replaced by aluminium, its energy yield and durability increases significantly. This is due to its better heat dissipation (making it 100 °C cooler!). The lower temperature also increases the UV radiation, since less dust is burnt into the front. The new generation of JBL L-U-W spotlights is available in three wattages (35, 50 and 75 W), as well as in two versions with same colour temperature, but different UV intensity: the JBL ReptilJungle L-U-W Light alu (Lámpara especial para reptiles. ¡No es apta para otros fines! No requiere etiqueta de eficiencia energética. Excepción según (UE) 2019/2015 Anexo IV 3. c) Potencia ultravioleta > 2 mW/klm) provides UVB radiation of 40-150 µW/cm2 with an emission angle of 40° at a distance to the animal of 60-30 cm, whereas the JBL ReptilDesert L-U-W Light alu (Lámpara especial para reptiles. ¡No es apta para otros fines! No requiere etiqueta de eficiencia energética. Excepción según (UE) 2019/2015 Anexo IV 3. c) Potencia ultravioleta > 2 mW/klm) version emits a higher UVB quantity of 50-200 µW/cm2 with an emission angle of 25°.

L-U-W solar lights (spotlights) made of aluminium for desert terrariums

The complete solution: supplies L(ight) + U(V) + W(armth) with 25° spot. All-day lighting with 5000 K for 10-12 h daily. Full-spectrum light with colour reproduction index (CRI) of 90. Aluminium lamp body ensures a better heat dissipation and with this more performance, more UV output, no overheating of the burner, as well a better ignition behaviour. A special balast ( JBL TempSet Unit L-U-W ) is needed for each wattage. With E27 socket.

L-U-W wide-beam spotlight for rainforest terrariums

The complete solution: supplies L(ight) + U(V) + W(armth). All-day lighting with 5000 K for 8-10 h daily. Full-spectrum light with colour reproduction index (CRI) of 90. Aluminium lamp body ensures a better heat dissipation and with this to more performance, more UV output, no overheating of the burner, as well for a better ignition behaviour. A special balast ( JBL TempSet Unit L-U-W ) is needed for each wattage. Unlike the JBL ReptilDesert L-U-W Light alu (Lámpara especial para reptiles. ¡No es apta para otros fines! No requiere etiqueta de eficiencia energética. Excepción según (UE) 2019/2015 Anexo IV 3. c) Potencia ultravioleta > 2 mW/klm) the JBL ReptilJungle L-U-W Light alu (Lámpara especial para reptiles. ¡No es apta para otros fines! No requiere etiqueta de eficiencia energética. Excepción según (UE) 2019/2015 Anexo IV 3. c) Potencia ultravioleta > 2 mW/klm) has a 40 ° wide beam spot. With E27 socket.

Installation kit for metal-halide lamps

Pre-assembled for the safe operation of all metal-halide lamps (e.g. JBL ReptilDesert L-U-W Light alu (Lámpara especial para reptiles. ¡No es apta para otros fines! No requiere etiqueta de eficiencia energética. Excepción según (UE) 2019/2015 Anexo IV 3. c) Potencia ultravioleta > 2 mW/klm) y JBL ReptilJungle L-U-W Light alu (Lámpara especial para reptiles. ¡No es apta para otros fines! No requiere etiqueta de eficiencia energética. Excepción según (UE) 2019/2015 Anexo IV 3. c) Potencia ultravioleta > 2 mW/klm) ). Quick release in the ignition cable just needs a 20 mm small hole to be put through. Joint at the lamp socket enables a freely selectable lamp angle till 180°. Guaranteed safety thanks to a quality ballast with automatic shut-off in case of problems. 2m power cable, 1.5 m ignition cable in approved high voltage version (for 5000 V).

© 10.06.2016
Matthias Wiesensee
Matthias Wiesensee
M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik

Social Media, Online Marketing, Homepage, Kundenservice, Problemlöser, Fotografie, Blogger, Tauchen, Inlineskating, Aquaristik, Gartenteich, Reisen, Technik, Elektronische Musik

Quién soy: Seit Teenagerzeiten mit Aquarien in Kontakt. Klassische Fischaquarien, reine Pflanzenaquarien bis hin zum Aquascape. Aber auch ein Gartenteich und Riffaquarien begleiten mich privat im Hobby. Als Wirtschaftsinformatiker, M.Sc. bin ich als Online Marketing Manager bei JBL für die Bereiche Social Media, Webentwicklung und der Kommunikation mit dem Anwender der JBL Produkte zuständig und kenne die JBL Produkte im Detail.


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