Do JBL PROFLORA FERROPOL, JBL PROFLORA FERROPOL 24 or JBL ProScape Fe+ Microelements contain copper, which is harmful to shrimps?
All the ornamental plant fertilisers already mentioned contain copper, which is usual in good trace element fertilisers for aquariums. Copper is an essential trace element for plants and animals.
For shrimps, other decapods and some other animal groups copper is a central atom of the blood pigment haemocyanin, and thus essential for transporting oxygen inside the animal.
The concentration in JBL PROFLORA FERROPOL, JBL PROFLORA FERROPOL 24 und JBL ProScape Fe +Microelements is so designed that all trace elements are available in the required quantities. Not even multiple fertiliser overdosing can harm the shrimps and other decapods.